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Nancy Trautmann

Selecting Sites for Renewable Energy Projects - 0 views

    "In this activity, undergraduate students use Google Earth to investigate a variety of renewable energy sources and select sites within the United States that would be appropriate for projects based on those sources. These sources include solar energy, bioenergy, hydroelectricity, tidal power, wind energy, wave energy, and geothermal energy."
Nancy Trautmann

Location Scouting: How to choose clean-energy sites | Conservation Magazine - 0 views

    Deciding where to install wind turbines and solar panels seems straightforward: Pick gusty and sunny spots. But researchers say the problem is a bit more complicated. To get the most emissions reductions and health benefits, the United States may need to focus its clean energy efforts on some unlikely regions.
Courtney Wilson

Energy-Water Nexus - 0 views

    "Energy-Water Nexus: Many Uncertainties Remain about National and Regional Effects of Increased Biofuel Production on Water Resources"
Courtney Wilson

A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables: Scientific American - 0 views

    "Wind, water and solar technologies can provide 100 percent of the world's energy, eliminating all fossil fuels. Here's how"
Courtney Wilson

Powering a Green Planet: Sustainable Energy, Made Interactive: Scientific American - 0 views

    The Web-only article below is a special rich-media presentation of the feature, "A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030", which appears in the November 2009 issue of Scientific American. It was created by Use the arrow in the lower corner to navigate"
Nancy Trautmann

Energy Consumption Rates across the USA and the World - 0 views

    "In this activity, undergraduate students learn to use satellite and aerial imagery, maps, graphs, spreadsheets, descriptive information, and statistics to compare energy and oil consumption rates between states in the United States and among various countries. They also use this information to explain these differences, as well as differences in categories of consumption, such as domestic, transportation, industrial, and commercial use. They are also asked for opinions regarding what measures countries should take toward reducing oil consumption. "
Nancy Trautmann

Welcome to the Wind ENergy Data and Information (WENDI) Gateway | WENDI - 0 views

    "virtual data repository", providing a gateway to information from a variety of data centers and web sites, including those of federal and state governments, academia, private industry, and wind energy-related trade associations. The tools and interfaces on this site have been designed to facilitate the discovery, visualization, subsetting, and downloading of this information.
Courtney Wilson

Siting a Wind Farm in Colorado - 0 views

    "In this 50-question activity, you will determine the best locations to site a wind energy farm in Colorado. You will use GIS as your primary investigative tool and use spatial analysis techniques to consider the best site. You will consider highways, wind speed, cities, size of polygon, contiguity, elevation, federal land, and will perform a number of geoprocessing functions including dissolve, intersect, erase, join, and more to arrive at your conclusion. "
Courtney Wilson

Stabilization Wedge Game - Solving the Emissions Problem - 1 views

    "This lesson, developed by the Carbon Mitigation Program, contains background information and an interactive, hands-on game that allows players to define strategies for reducing CO2 emissions and find solutions for the world's greenhouse gas problem. This game is based on peer-reviewed, current research and is a wonderful introduction to carbon policy and energy solutions. "
Courtney Wilson


    Improvements to Federal Water Use Data Would Increase Understanding of Trends in Power Plant Water Use
Courtney Wilson

U.S. Energy Information Administration - 0 views

    Stats, data, and more...
Courtney Wilson

eRedux Energy: Sustainable Geoscial Products and Services Network - 0 views

    "Sustainable Information and Resources Network Fostering pervasive geosocial environmental networking "
Nancy Trautmann

WindWise Education - 0 views

    inquiry-based curriculum resources about wind energy, including potential impacts on wildlife
Michael Batek - Amazon basin shows signs of stress - 0 views

    UC SANTA BARBARA (US) - Human land-use activity has begun to change the regional water and energy cycles of parts of the Amazon basin. A new study published in the journal Nature also shows ongoing interactions of deforestation, fire, and climate change have the potential to alter carbon storage, rainfall patterns, and river discharge on an even larger scale.
Jim MaKinster

Wind and Solar Lessons: IAGT - 0 views

    This is a set of GIS lessons from IAGT.
Nancy Trautmann

Understanding Sustainability - 0 views

    "Understanding Sustainability is a flexible, self-contained two-week curriculum unit aligned with national science standards for middle school educators to teach sustainability issues. The curriculum unit features hands-on activities that explore sustainability issues, such as energy, consumption, water scarcity, transportation choices, and potential solutions. "
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