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Cris Crissman

Teaching ate me alive - - 0 views

    a reality check
Cris Crissman

elliot eisner, connoisseurship, criticism and the art of education - 0 views

    connoisseurship and criticism play a role in creative teaching
Cris Crissman

curator - 0 views

    George's slide show on curative teaching
Cris Crissman

Book review: Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Educat... - 0 views

    Sounds like PLENK is on the right track
Cris Crissman

User:Davecormier/Books/Educational Technology and the Adult Learner - WikiEducator - 0 views

Cris Crissman

Rita Kop - 0 views

  • He would like people to be able to call on the teacher or peers of their choice, teach if they feel they have something meaningful to say and call meetings to share resources whenever possible (1971).
Cris Crissman

Visualize your network connections #CCK11 - TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION - 0 views

    LinkedIn's experimental network mapping tool
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