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"An unfailing sign that someone is more showman than shaman is that his ideas are fundamentally conservative but tied to the trending and topical."
Aesthetic experience-- senses operating at their peak; divergent thinking is an essential capacity for creativity -- ability to see lots of possible, multiple answers. Beak Point and Beyond -- book
"People are finding coaching where they need it, community where they want it, and lectures and demonstrations for those days when they have the time. "
How can knowledge be ‘mine’ if it exists in the connections between different ideas?
A colleague of mine habitually allows students to choose the grades they are going to get based on the amount of work they are willing to cover and the depth to which they are willing to cover it. This, combined the the idea of a PLE/N did a great deal to reduce the stress levels of my students
that sees learning less as a product (filling a learner with knowledge) and more of a process of continually staying current and connected (learning as a process of exploration, dialogue, and interaction).
As these learners enter higher education, they may not be content to sit and click through a series of online content pages with periodic contributions to a discussion forum.
"A variety of informal, socially-based tools comprise this space:
(a) blogs,
(b) wikis,
(c) social bookmarking sites,
(d) social networking sites (may be pure networking, or directed around an activity, 43 Things or flickr are examples),
(e) content aggregation through RSS or Atom,
(f) integrated tools, like elgg.net,
(g) podcast and video cast tools,
(h) search engines,
(i) email, and
(j) Voice over IP."
Students 'getting their reflections in' can expect a passing grade by simply maintaining their week from week one, but getting a higher grade will require their reflections to 'stand on their own'.