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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Claude Almansi

Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 2 - 0 views

  • Serving different masters : the communication doctorate in the knowledge society
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Le radici forti di un sistema fragile : Radiografia del Corriere della Sera e del Sole 24 Ore in occasione della campagna elettorale del 2006
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Teaching networks how to learn : reinforcement learning for data dissemination in wireless sensor networks
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice for the thesis, but very accurate copyright acknowledgment for sources
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Asymmetric information, disclosure, and liquidity : The Swiss evidence
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Un'analisi empirica delle determinanti del partenariato pubblico-privato nei governi locali in Svizzera
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Of change and software
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • An empirical study of crude oil marke
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Imprecise probabilistic graphical models : Equivalent representations, inference algorithms and applications
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Organizational antecedents of population-level organizational diversity : Exploring the micro-foundations of resource partitioning theory : a simulation approach
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Improving the long-run survival of family firms : Knowledge-management and resource-shedding processes
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 3 - 0 views

  • Tv senza frontiere : La storia di "Un'ora per voi" : 25 anni di televisione per i lavoratori italiani in Svizzera
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Dinamiche della comunicazione tra insegnanti ed alunni alla scuola media : studio comparativo tra lezioni di matematica ed italiano
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Machine super intelligence /
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Multicoordinated agreement protocols and the log service
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Adaptive routing in ad hoc wireless multi-hop networks
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Effects of performance appraisal decisions in the public sector : an evidence-based framework
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Wage differential of a trans–border labor market, a quantitative analysis
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Occupational gender segregation and gender wage gap in Switzerland
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 4 - 0 views

  • Learning under prior ignorance
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Gesundheitskompetenz bezüglich Ernährung, Bewegung und Gewicht
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Gli ombudsman dei giornali come strumento di gestione della qualità giornalistica
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Corporate eLearning acceptance : the role of context and communication
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Motivating customers to develop and maintain a relationship with pharmacists : an application of a Stages of Change Model
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Narrative activity within an institutional framework : how a rehabilitation team constructs problems that can be solved
    • Claude Almansi
      strict copyright
  • Il sistema delle Imprese, della P.A. e del Non Profit : analisi e modelli di competenze professionali per la gestione ed il governo delle interrelazioni
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Principio economico e sovranità aziendale
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Integrating knowledge through communication : an analysis of expert-decision making interactions
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Web usability : enhancing effectiveness of methodologies and improving their communication features / Tri
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice - though he recommends proper copyright info
Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 5 - 0 views

  • The relational perspective on museum context
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice - though she is aware of copyright's existence
  • Cost efficiency and regulation of Slovenian water distribution utilities : an application of stochastic frontier methods
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Immagini in movimento e nuove tecnologie : lo sviluppo dell’industria cinematografica tra radio, televisione e scenari digitali
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice though aware of © issues
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Mastering the semiotics of information-intensive web interfaces
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice though aware of copyright's existence
  • On liquidity around large-block trades : Upstairs trading mechanisms, price impacts and common factors
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • TRAMA : a traceability analysis method for (interactive) applications
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Measuring and modelling realized volatility : from tick-by-tick to long memory
    • Claude Almansi
      strict copyright notice
  • Fattori rilevanti nei progetti di eLearning in università : il caso dei programmi nazionali di Svizzera, Olanda e Svezia
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice though she discusses copyright issues
  • When innovation doesn't rhyme with agglomeration : the case of peripheral Swiss regions
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Inequality of income and wealth in Nepal
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 6 - 0 views

  • A scenario generation algorithm for multistage stochastic programming : application for asset allocation models with derivatives
    • Claude Almansi
      strict copyright notice
  • Health care expenditure and decentralization : a national and international empirical analysis for OECD countries
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Televisione e digitale : analisi dei mutamenti delle strategie di programmazione televisiva dall'analogico al digitale
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • L'evoluzione dei generi televisivi nei principali paesi europei ed extraeuropei
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • A robust bayesian approach to portfolio selection
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • The weather derivatives market : modelling and pricing temperature
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Valuing quality improvements in environmental goods : a case study for the Ticino river
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Constrained nonparametric dependence with application in finance
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Nuove prospettive di marketing urbano : costruire strategie in rete
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Reading literacy texts in hypermedial applications : a semiotic-hermeneutic approach to new media for literary studies
    • Claude Almansi
      strict copyright notice
Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 7 - 0 views

  • Hedging and risk measurement for option portfolios
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • L’umorismo in pubblicità : Una valutazione dell’impatto dell’umorismo nella pubblicità a scopo sociale
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Mastering the requirements analysis for communication-intensive websites
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Interaction and communication among autonomous agents in multiagent systems
    • Claude Almansi
      strict copyright notice
  • E2ML : Educational Environment Modeling Language
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice though aware of copyright's existence
  • Bayesian analysis for mixtures of autoregressive components with application to financial market volatility
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • New media in education : analisi di una successione di esperienze didattiche nel corso degli anni 1990-2002
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • An option pricing formula for the GARCH diffusion model
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Using information visualisation to facilitate instructors in web-based distance learning
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice though aware of copyright's existence
  • Modelizzazione e analisi empirica della domanda di servizi logistici e di trasporto da parte delle imprese
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
Claude Almansi

bibliothèque numérique RERO DOC: Thèses USI 8 - 0 views

  • The market for partial corporate control in Europe : the evidence about corporate raiders
    • Claude Almansi
      strict copyright notice
  • Structural simulation in international trad
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
  • Robust statistical procedures for location and scale dynamic models with applications to risk management
    • Claude Almansi
      no copyright notice
Claude Almansi

Science Commons » Science Commons - no date - 0 views

    "Science Commons designs strategies and tools for faster, more efficient Web-enabled scientific research - Primary Focus: o Making scientific research "re-useful" - We develop and promote policy and tools to help people and organizations open and mark their research and data sets for reuse. As part of this work, we released an "open data" protocol to enable the global scientific community to pool and use data created under different legal regimes. o Enabling "one-click" access to research tools - We offer a suite of standardized contracts to bring the efficiencies and economies of scale from e-commerce to the world of scientific tools, so researchers can easily replicate, verify, and extend research. o Integrating fragmented information sources - We help researchers find, analyze, and use data from disparate sources by marking and integrating the information with a common, computer-readable language."
Claude Almansi

WebCite It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right - Nov 5th, 2009 - 0 views

    It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right - Nov 5th, 2009 In this talk, Lawrence Lessig will review the progress of the "open access" movement in education. He will make a call for educators to finally resolve this issue in a way that enables the potential of technology for education.
Claude Almansi

It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    "It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right Session Type: General Session Thursday Nov 5th, 2009 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Wells Fargo Theater 4967 reads In this talk, Lawrence Lessig will review the progress of the "open access" movement in education. He will make a call for educators to finally resolve this issue in a way that enables the potential of technology for education."
Claude Almansi

About - ccLearn - no date - 0 views

    "Our Goals * Minimize legal, technical, and social barriers to the creation and reuse of OER. * Bring new communities and groups into the world of open learning. * Change the culture of education so that teachers have greater control over their pedagogy, greater freedom to experiment, and a larger community for support. * Empower participation and expertise in education from around the world."
Claude Almansi

WebCite: Science Commons > Science Commons - 0 views

    - Primary Focus: o Making scientific research "re-useful" - We develop and promote policy and tools to help people and organizations open and mark their research and data sets for reuse. As part of this work, we released an "open data" protocol to enable the global scientific community to pool and use data created under different legal regimes. o Enabling "one-click" access to research tools - We offer a suite of standardized contracts to bring the efficiencies and economies of scale from e-commerce to the world of scientific tools, so researchers can easily replicate, verify, and extend research. o Integrating fragmented information sources - We help researchers find, analyze, and use data from disparate sources by marking and integrating the information with a common, computer-readable language.
Claude Almansi

History - Creative Commons no date ca 2009 - 0 views

    "2001 * Creative Commons founded. 2002 * Version 1.0 licenses released. 2003 * Approximately 1 million licenses in use. 2004 * Estimated 4.7 million licensed works by the end of the year. * Version 2.0 released. * Licenses ported to 12 international jurisdictions. 2005 * Estimated 20 million works. * Version 2.5 released. * Licenses ported to a further 13 jurisdictions. * Science Commons launches. 2006 * Estimated 50 million licensed works. * Licenses ported to a further 9 jurisdictions. 2007 * Estimated 90 million licensed works. * Version 3.0 released. * 5th birthday of CC licenses. Event featured performance by Gilberto Gil. * Licenses ported to a further 8 jurisdictions. * ccLearn launches. 2008 * Estimated 130 million CC licensed works. * Licenses ported to a further 8 jurisdictions. * Lawrence Lessig steps down as CEO, replaced by Joi Ito. * New Nine Inch Nails album released under CC. * CC launches fundraising campaign with support from Jesse Dylan and Jonathan Coulton. 2009 * CC0 launched. * Esther Wojcicki becomes board chair."
Claude Almansi

Licenses - Creative Commons - no date - 0 views

    "The following describes each of the six main licenses offered when you choose to publish your work with a Creative Commons license. We have listed them starting with the most accommodating license type you can choose and ending with the most restrictive license type you can choose."
Claude Almansi

WebCite: Lawrence Lessig's Educause 2009 Talk (transcript) - 0 views

    On November 5, 2009, Lawrence Lessig gave a talk entitled It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right at the Educause 2009 Congress. The talk is available * as an audio recording: (Running time: 60:23 minutes 27.64 MB) * as a video: * for download as a .flv video file (200 Mb) from Michael Paskevicius' Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right blog post (Nov. 12, 2009)
Claude Almansi

Lessig: "It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right" Educause 09 (tra... - 0 views

    "So, let me make one final plea, to bring you into this battle. You all know, we are in the middle of a war. I don't mean - actually, we are in the middle of many wars - I mean actually one war here, the copyright war. War that the late Jack Valenti, my friend - extraodinary man - used to refer to as his own "terrorist war"? - where apparently , the terrorists in this war are our children. (audience laughs). So we organize and wage war against these terrorists. We talk about this as a war that needs to be waged against these pirates. And the thing that we need to recognize as educators, as scientists, as parents, as people who understand the potential and uses of this technology, is: we can't kill this technology, we can only criminalize it. We're not going to stop our kids from creating the way they create, ways that we couldn't even begin to imagine creating, at least when I was growing up. We can only drive that creativity underground. We can't make our kids passive, the way that, again, I was passive growing up, the way Souza feared. We can only make them "pirates". And the question we, as a culture, need to ask is: Is that any good? Our kids live in this age of prohibitions, in all sorts of contexts of their life. They live life against the law. We tell them they live life against the law and they recognize their behavior is against the law. That recognition is extraordinarily corrosive, extraordinarily corruptive of the rule of law in a democracy. 3571.076838 3590.998233 You, each of you, all of us, have let this insanity happen. You, each of you, all of us, could, if we actually stood up and did something about it, make it stop. Thank you very much."
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