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Corliss Online Financial Mag: Is corporate Singapore being too naive on fraud? - 1 views

    Singaporean corporations are more naive in their approach to anti-fraud and corruption practices in comparison to the Asia-Pacific average, a survey from global accountancy firm Ernst & Young has found. According to the "Building a more ethical business environment survey," only 17 percent of Singaporean respondents acknowledged that planned investments in new markets will expose the company to new risks, compared to an average of around 35 percent for the Asia-Pacific region. "Companies in Singapore don't necessarily lag behind in terms of anti-fraud and corruption practices; what we found is a disconnect between policies that companies already have in place and the enforcement of those policies," said John Tudorovic, fraud investigation and dispute services partner at Ernst & Young. More Economic News:

Corliss Online Financial Mag: Varoitus poliittisista levottomuuksista - 1 views

started by Eros Hawkins on 04 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

Economist: U.S. market recovery is a fraud, Corliss Online Financial Mag - 1 views

    Economist: U.S. labor market recovery is a fraud University of Central Florida economist Sean Snaith has this to say about the current labor market recovery: It's a fraud. That's because there's more to assessing economic recovery than just monthly payroll job gains and a declining unemployment rate, he said. "You need to look at the number of jobs being created in the context of the potential number of workers in the U.S. economy," Snaith said. "The gap between payroll employment and the Congressional Budget Office estimates of the potential number of workers in the U.S. economy is pretty darn scary right now." If payroll job growth were to persist at the average level of the past three jobs reports and increase at just 148,000 jobs per month, it would take until December 2021 for employment to reach its CBO estimated potential, he added. In his 2013 third-quarter U.S. forecast, Snaith explains that by just focusing on the unemployment rate, many analysts erroneously are predicting a fast recovery that's simply not there yet. That's why it's not surprising that consumers are holding back on spending, which in the past has brought the economy out of the doldrums, he said. Snaith was only one of four national economists to predict that the federal Reserve Bank would continue to funnel billions of dollars into the market on a daily basis as a way to help stimulate the economy and not begin tapering that process until 2014. "Will the Federal Reserve's exit be more like Ginger Rogers gliding across the dance floor or Miley Cyrus awkwardly twerking remains to be seen," Snaith said. "But given the phony labor-market recovery it could be some time before the Fed hits the dance floor." More Related Article:

Corliss Online Financial Mag, Unilever frågor vinst varning över kollapsande ... - 1 views

    Unilever, Magnum glass till Dove tvål jätte, utfärdade en vinst varning i natt, skyller de kollapsande valutorna i så kallade "framväxande marknader" som Brasilien och Indien. Samtidigt trots varma ord från västerländska politiska ledare på att förbättra ekonomiska data, sa det utvecklade marknaderna förblev "platt ner". Som ett resultat, varnade det för en €500m (£417m) brist i försäljning detta kvartal. Framväxande marknaden valutor har rasat under de senaste månaderna i väntan på Federal Reserve avsmalnande av dess kvantitativa lättnader program. De med stor budget och bytesbalansen underskott har drabbats värst. Unilever sa det nu förväntas det aktuella kvartalet underliggande försäljningstillväxten för att komma in på 3 till 3,5 procent. Investerare hade tidigare förväntade tillväxt på 5 procent. Valutorna i Brasilien och Indien, som ha krossat särskilt illa av oro för deras ekonomier, har ont Unilever särskilt dåligt som de är två av sina största globala marknader. Indonesien är en annan stor ekonomi som har uppträtt dåligt för företaget. Unilever har lidit av utländsk valuta flyttar till stor del eftersom dess framväxande marknader regioner köpa råvaror i dollar med sina lokala valutor. Unilever förutser att den framväxande marknadsekonomier BNP-tillväxt, en omvandlad till årsplanet 9 procent under första halvan av året, nu har sjunkit till 6 procent. Även om Unilever är först i sin bransch av snabbrörliga konsumentvaror att varna på dess tillväxttakt, grupp sport Adidas knackade ut en liknande alert i mitten av September, med hänvisning till av samma skäl. Marknader är chockade av tillkännagivandet, till stor del eftersom det inte har utfärdats tills efter aktiemarknaden hade stängt för kvällen. Siffrorna hade bara kommit till ljuset från sammanställa alla septembers månatliga Försäljningsstatistik från dess olika divisioner, sade källor på företaget. På den positiva s

Corliss Online Financial Mag ,U.S. lägger 166,000 jobb i September mitt i "up... - 1 views

    Amerikanska företag lagt 166,000 nya arbetstillfällen i September, enligt den jätte lön fast ADP, som varnade som jobb återhämtning "uppmjukning". Siffrorna kommit som Labor Department bekräftade det inte skulle släppa regeringens officiella månatliga jobb tally på fredagen på grund av regeringen stängningen. Enligt ADP: s senaste månatliga undersökning ledde servicesektorn återigen antalet jobb tillväxt, bidra 149.000 arbetstillfällen under månaden. Tillväxtområdena var handel och transport, som lagt till 54.000 inlägg, professionell och företagstjänster, som lagt till 27.000 arbetstillfällen, och konstruktion, som lagt till 16.000 inlägg. Ungefär 4 000 arbetstillfällen gick förlorade i finansiell verksamhet. Augustis ADP jobb tillväxt nummer reviderades till 159,000 från 176.000. Mark Zandi, chefsekonom på Moody's Analytics, ADP: s partner på betänkandet, sade: "arbetsmarknaden verkar har mjuknat under de senaste månaderna. Finanspolitiska åtstramningar har börjat ta en vägtull på skapande av arbetstillfällen. Upptakten av räntorna kan också göra några skador på jobb inom finansiella tjänster. Medan jobb har mattats, återstår det en allmän motståndskraft på marknaden. Sysselsättningen fortsätter att överensstämma med en långsamt sjunkande arbetslöshet." Avstängningen har lett Labor Department att skrinlägga sina jobb betänkande denna vecka. Ekonomer hade väntat USA för att lägga till 175.000 till 185.000 jobb till sina nonfarm löner figur i September. Förra månaden USA lagt 169,000 nya jobb och arbetslösheten doppade till 7,3%. ADP: s siffror har spårat den Labor Departments under de senaste månaderna men omfattar inte statliga jobb. Federala och lokala regeringar fortsätter att kasta arbetstagare. ADP sade att småföretag ledde återhämtning. Företag med 49 eller färre anställda lagt till 74.000 jobb i September, medan sysselsättningen bland små och medelstora företag med 50-499 a

Corliss Online Financial Mag on What's changing, what's not, in a shutdown - 1 views

    WASHINGTON (AP) - October 1, 2013 (WPVI) -- Campers in national parks are to pull up stakes and leave, some veterans waiting to have disability benefits approved will have to cool their heels even longer, many routine food inspections will be suspended and panda-cams will go dark at the shuttered National Zoo. Those are among the immediate effects when parts of the government shut down Tuesday because of the budget impasse in Congress. A look at what is bound to happen, and what probably won't: ___ THIS: Possible delays in processing new disability applications. BUT NOT THIS: Social Security and Medicare benefits still keep coming. ___ THIS: Washington's paralysis will be felt early on in distant lands as well as in the capital - namely, at national parks. All park services will close. Campers have 48 hours to leave their sites. Many parks, such as Yellowstone, will close to traffic, and some will become completely inaccessible. Smithsonian museums in Washington will close and so will the zoo, where panda cams record every twitch and cuddle of the panda cub born Aug. 23 but are to be turned off in the first day of a shutdown. The Statue of Liberty in New York, the loop road at Acadia National Park in Maine, Skyline Drive in Virginia, and Philadelphia's Independence National Historical Park, home of Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, will be off limits. At Grand Canyon National Park, people will be turned back from entrance gates and overlooks will be cordoned off along a state road inside the park that will remain open. "People who waited a year to get a reservation to go to the bottom of the Grand Canyon all of a sudden will find themselves without an opportunity to take that trip," said Mike Litterst, a spokesman for the National Park Service. More Financial News:

The Corliss Group on Adidas profit - 1 views

    Adidas profit warning hits shares, puts 2015 goals under scrutiny Shares in German sports apparel maker Adidas dropped sharply on Friday and its 2015 targets came under scrutiny on Friday after the group issued an unexpected profit warning. Adidas, which has mostly exceeded sales and profit goals in the last couple of years, said late Thursday that weakening currencies in Russia, Japan, Brazil, Argentina and Turkey, a distribution problem in Russia and poor trading at its golf business meant targets were no longer attainable. Its shares, which hit an all-time high of 88.50 euros at the start of August, dropped almost 6 percent in early trading to a three-month low and were down 4.4 percent at 78.95 euros at 0825 GMT.

Corliss Online Financial Mag, Japan advarer mot "consequences" i USA gjeld kamp - 1 views

    Japans økonomi minister og mest sentrale banker fredag oppfordret Washington å løse sine politiske gridlock, advarsel gjeld standard kan føre til grim "consequences" for den globale økonomien. TOKYO: Japans økonomi minister og mest sentrale banker fredag oppfordret Washington å løse sine politiske gridlock, advarsel gjeld standard kan føre til grim "consequences" for den globale økonomien. Nåværende uføret, hvor avslag av en høyreekstrem bakdel av det republikanske partiet å passere et budsjettforlik har resultert i en regjeringen nedleggelse, påvirker allerede valutamarkedene, finansminister Taro Aso sa advarsel det kunne forverres. Jeg tror dette kunne sannsynligvis føre til en situasjon hvor dollaren vil bli solgt og yen skal kjøpes,"fortalte Aso reportere. Yen har allerede steget til flere måneder diskant mot dollar, som handelsfolk flytter fra greenback og til trygg havn av den japanske valutaen. Fallende dollar er dårlige nyheter for Japans eksportører, en sentral pådriver for vekst i verdens tredje største økonomi, fordi svekker deres repatriated fortjeneste. Japanske enheten ble skiftet hender på 97.08 til dollar i slutten asiatisk handel. Men "min følelse er... gjeld grensen vil ha et internasjonalt betydelig innvirkning, sa Aso refererer til en truende 17 oktober frist som den amerikanske regjeringen trenger lovgivere å heve taket på hvor mye penger det kan låne. "Med mindre det er løst raskt, vil vi se ulike konsekvenser." Japan er store innehaver av amerikanske statsgjeld. Bank of Japan guvernør Haruhiko Kuroda ekko Aso bekymringer, men sa hvis følelsesmessig ladet standoff kunne løses raskt, det ikke må spore fledgeling U.S. økonomisk utvinning. Usikkerhet Kuroda, en tidligere leder av asiatiske utviklingsbanken, sa var kjernen fordi usikkerhet ville sette en belastning på global vekst. "Hvis en slik situasjon blir det kanskje har en alvorlig innvirkning på den amerikanske økonomien og verdensøkonomien

Kuolema Tokio ja moderni Japani: todellisuutta tai harhaa? - 1 views

started by Silvia Ricci on 09 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

About Corliss Online Financial Mag - 0 views

    Corliss Group Online Financial Mag is a stock-market education website designed to teach beginners how to trade shares. Corliss Group Online Financial Mag does this in a manner easy to understand and uses only relevant and essential information required to trade shares on the stock market. Corliss Group Online Financial Mag was formed because of the lack of stock-market-related websites that impart the steps required to begin trading safely; thus, our step-by-step guide to buying shares.

China money market rates soar to 4-month high - 1 views

    October 30, Wednesday, China's money market rates pointed on to a four-month high, a day following the country's central bank instill funds into the market to relieve worries that it was preparing to considerably constrict credit situation. The seven-day report rate, observed as a key measure of confidence to lend in the interbank markets, rose to around 5.59 percent - up about 64 basis points from the prior day. Analysts said that the jump in rates was seasonal in nature and at this stage were not too concerned about a repeat of events in June when a surge in money market rates fueled fears of a credit crunch in the world's number two economy. They further mentioned that liquidity infused into the market this week had not been huge enough to shove overnight lending rates considerably lower. On Tuesday via an open market operation, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) infused 13 billion yuan ($2.13 billion) into money markets. "Liquidity remains tight and the repo operation yesterday was small," said Nizam Idris, managing director, head of strategy, fixed income and currencies atMacquarie Bank. "China is still in the process of fine-tuning rates." Chris Weston, chief market strategist at trading firm IG, added: "Month end is coming up and of course tax implications are being blamed for higher rates." No fear With the benchmark Shanghai Composite stock index up 0.75 percent in afternoon Asia trade, Chinese markets became visible to take the spike in money market rates in stride. Analysts put this down to assumptions that the PBOC would approach into the market with better injections of cash to alleviate any doubts that it was geting ready to constrict monetary conditions in a big way. On Tuesday and Thursday, the PBOC usually carry out reverse-repurchase operations, an opportunity for it to inject liquidity into Chinese money markets. "They [PBOC policymakers] will probably provide liquidity on Thursday - at this point they don't wa

When to Hire a Bookkeeper or Accountant - 1 views

    A serial entrepreneur Aaron Sylvan who lives in New York, contrasts the circumstances to requiring to hire both a carpenter and an architect when building a house. An accountant can analyze the big picture of your financial situation and offer strategic advice as he/she produces key financial documents, like profit-and-loss statement, if needed, and files a company's taxes. An accountant can also act as an outsourced chief financial officer, advising an entrepreneur on financial strategies, like whether to secure a line of credit against receivables when introducing new products after tax season is over On the contrary, a bookkeeper's jobs are the day-to-day hands-on tasks: making sure new employees file all the right paperwork for the company's payroll, submitting invoices (promptly) and following up on them, and paying the bills. The bookkeeper also tracks company expenses or company financial statements and can assure that every cost has been entered - and recorded correctly - into software like QuickBooks so that the business is ready for tax time along with filing any other reporting to, say, creditors or investors. "I don't keep receipts; they're a pain," says Sylvan, who runs Sylvan Social Technology, an ecommerce-services company. "Every month I get a bank statement with a gazillion transactions," such as taxi rides, meals, conferences and other expenses he has placed on his company's debit card. He said his bookkeeper spends a few hours a week sorting it all out. Consequently, Sylvan has a better idea about how his expenditures stack up in opposition to his budget. He is certain he won't bill clients wrongly or miss important payments. "Knowledge is power," even when it comes to the small details, Sylvan says. "If you don't have a bookkeeper, you're probably not being as strategic as you could be in how you spend your money." When to Bring in a Bookkeeper Sylvan has typically hired a bookkeeper for a few hour

Etihad tegn Air Baltic Codeshare og fordobler Jakarta flyrejser - 1 views

started by Alice Wright on 11 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

Yksityisyyden nousee pienyritysten turvallisuuden ohjelmaan - 2 views

    Jos tänä kesänä NSA valvonta skandaali laskeuma on opettanut meille mitään on, että yksityisyys ei ole vain niille jotain salattavaa. Jokainen yritys koosta riippumatta tehtäväksi on suojautua yrityksen tai asiakkaan luottamuksellisia tietoja. Tiedot täydellisestä yksityisyydestä on jotain, että asiakkailla on oikeus odottaa. Turvallisuus-iskujen uhka on maailmanlaajuinen, ja mahdollisia seurauksia kaikille pienille yrityksille syyllisiksi tietojen puutteen vuoksi voi olla vakava, erityisesti jos, jos riippumaton rahoituspalvelujen neuvonantaja tai pieni lääketieteen käytännössä, ne ovat osa säänneltyjen teollisuuden. 2013 Tietoa turvallisuuden rikkomiseen tutkimuksen jäseneltä Business innovaatiotaitojen parantamiseksi osasto 87 prosenttia pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten (pk) Isossa-Britanniassa kokenut tietoturvaloukkauksesta viime vuonna. Lisäksi vaikuttaa yritysten kokenut noin 50 % enemmän rikkomuksia keskimäärin kuin vuosi sitten. Ja jos tämä ei ole jo tarpeeksi globaali nousu tietoverkkorikollisuutta valppaampia sääntely-ympäristön vaatimuksiin. Aiheeseen liittyen:
    Kiitoksia arpa ajaksi jakaminen objektimuoto päivityksen. Toivottavasti et kyllästy siihen viestejä yhtä informatiivinen kuin tämä.
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