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The Accomplished Librarian: A Web Information Organizing Tool - 0 views

    The Accomplished Librarian is a web-information organizing tool for educators; used to embed a large, organized quantity of information into lessons, school websites and education-related, web-based resources.

35+ Free online Image and Photo Editing Tools @ Techie Blogger - 23 views

    In recent years , Websites which provides tools to edit photos in web browsers have come a long way. Instead of buying costly image editing software and installing them on your hard Drive , you can simply edit your images online without much trouble. With this online image editing tools , you can easily create all the special effects you want in your image. Even few websites provides templates for novice designers to create special effects in their photos.

90 tools in 90 minutes - revamped, revised and relevant90 tools in 90 minutes - revampe... - 34 views

    Really interesting collection of Web 2.0 tools

5 Reasons Why You Should Use LiveBinders - 16 views

    LiveBinders is a web 2.0 tool which provides the ability to save and organize materials for your science or math class. The great thing about this free tool is that you can update the resources instantly to ensure your lessons include the latest ideas, tips, and resources in science and math.

Ping - At First, Funny Videos. Now, a Reference Tool. - - 0 views

  • The explosion of all types of video content on YouTube and other sites is quickly transforming online video from a medium strictly for entertainment and news into one that is also a reference tool. As a result, video search, on YouTube and across other sites, is rapidly morphing into a new entry point into the Web, one that could rival mainstream search for many types of queries.
  • And now YouTube, conceived as a video hosting and sharing site, has become a bona fide search tool. Searches on it in the United States recently edged out those on Yahoo, which had long been the No. 2 search engine, behind Google. (Google, incidentally, owns YouTube.) In November, Americans conducted nearly 2.8 billion searches on YouTube, about 200 million more than on Yahoo, according to comScore.
  • “Is YouTube the next Google?”
    The explosion of all types of video content on YouTube and other sites is quickly transforming online video from a medium strictly for entertainment and news into one that is also a reference tool. As a result, video search, on YouTube and across other sites, is rapidly morphing into a new entry point into the Web, one that could rival mainstream search for many types of queries.

Creative Web Tools For and By Kids / FrontPage - 0 views

    Creative Web Tools For and By Kids is a project designed for students, ages 9 to 14, to use emerging technologies for engaging, thinking, learning, collaborating, creating, and innovating. The focus is on the use of free, open-source, or minimal cost tools, so the project can be replicated. An underlying goal is to demonstrate how advanced technological applications for enhancing learning can be implemented with only a computer and Internet access.

A-Z Web tools: F - 24 views

    A lot of cool tools I have not heard of before!

Web 2.0 Background Generators - 0 views

  • Everyone wants to have a unique design for their blogs or websites, but all of us won’t have skills necessary to make a unique design. Thankfully there are many resources on the web to help you in tweaking your design. In this post i will list tools available for generating background images for your blog design.
    Everyone wants to have a unique design for their blogs or websites, but all of us won't have skills necessary to make a unique design. Thankfully there are many resources on the web to help you in tweaking your design. In this post i will list tools available for generating background images for your blog design.

BLOG USING GR8 WEB 2.0 TOOLS AND APPS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION by Lucian http://xeeme.c... - 8 views

    #curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research in #education20 this year . I invite you to subscribe free to our monthly newstelller . This post was made after 1 year research in #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project . If you are agree that #curation is #socialmedia king leave a comment and share with #PLN . Also I invite to read every week on this blog about  gr8 tools . Also all my blog post are now on scoopit

Off Course-On Target: Cool Tools: LiveScribe Pulse Digital Pen and Paper - 12 views

    "This week's Cool Tool, the new Pulse digital pen from LiveScribe, is still undergoing my evaluation since I've only had it about a month now, but it has already lived up to its predecessor, the now discontinued io2 digital pen from Logitech, which I nominated as a previous Cool Tool. I can see that this new Pulse pen has much more to offer, so I thought it worthy of bringing to your attention. "

Top 10 #pln tools in 2011 used in #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project voted on @c4lpt - 5 views

    I invite you also to comment and add your favorite tools in 2011  on our page :  on facebook and google plus .                                                                               I invite you to join and collaborate in this free global  #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project 

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week ( Oct 6 - Oct 13, 2012) - 9 views

    TOOLS Sploder Make your own educational games online. Remember the Milk Manage activities and tasks. Dabbleboard A virtual white board to create, collaborate and share presentations, homework assignments or study sessions.
1More - 13 views

    "It's what's cool on the Web; all in one place and made by YOU. Montage is a flexible web-based service that makes it fun and easy to create and share a visual album of the web on the topics you care about. You can design your Montage around any topic you can imagine by adding content that pulls information from a variety of sources, including RSS feeds, Twitter, Bing News, and YouTube. Montage is an expression of you. "

BLOGGING 2.0 IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION: I wish you a Christmas with peace my friends and... - 1 views

    I wish you a Christmas with peace my friends and my #edtech20 PLN ; the Birth of Son of God , the reason for Christmas . I invite you to join #edtech20 facebook page has a new look . Do you like ? If you like please post useful information for teachers related to integrating eSafety of new technologies web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0 . Using #edtech20 hastag All the posts will appear on the main page . Let's collaborate and share knowledge toghether also when you join eSafety in #edtech20 PLN

TokBox - Free Video Chat and Video Messaging - 17 views

    great web-conferencing tool
    Great tool

#curation #edtech20 #edtools of the day #bundlr awesome for #education20 - 7 views

    #Bundlr new and free tool for online #curation: clipping, aggregation and sharing web content easily More!/web20education

web 2 in education | Glogster - 0 views

    This is a Glog I produced to give a presentation to a group of educators. The intention was to give the presentation entirely using free web 2 tools to show them the potential. I think it succeeds but I would value any comments

The SeaMonkey Project - 0 views

    The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite (see below). Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers and corporate users. Under the hood, SeaMonkey uses much of the same Mozilla source code which powers such successful siblings as Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino, Sunbird and Miro. Legal backing is provided by the Mozilla Foundation.

Technology Review: Putting the Web in a Spreadsheet - 19 views

    Vast quantities of data are freely available on the Web, and it can be a potential treasure trove for many businesses--providing they can figure out how to use it effectively. IBM hopes that a new tool, called BigSheets, will help users analyze Web data more easily. The company has developed a test version of the software for the British Library.
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