thanks to conversation between Derrall G and Kristin Hokanson; reminded me of easy to use, exceptional resources for teachers; most are free, one at very low cost
A gaggle of ALTEC/Star/4Teahcers educational online tools that can help you and your students with a variety of needs; from rubrics, to PBL resources, to Web presentations and so many more; puts other online quiz, study, assignment software to shame; IMHO;D
Visualization software from Microsoft; free; helps your computer simulate a telescope; is a mashup of various telescopes around the world; recommended by colleague Jenny Luca
Wow! educational software for organizing your classroom seating with information about relationships; other software also; free - take donations for future software creation
mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend to many teachers and students; Am KS certified in ElemK-9; MS Science & Math; HS Biology & Chemistry; Special Education K-12; BSEd & MSEd in Bio