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Jeff Johnson

Quest Atlantis - 1 views

    Quest Atlantis (QA) is a learning and teaching project that uses a 3D multi-user environment to immerse children, ages 9-12, in educational tasks. Building on strategies from online role-playing games, QA combines strategies used in the commercial gaming environment with lessons from educational research on learning and motivation. It allows users to travel to virtual places to perform educational activities (known as Quests), talk with other users and mentors, and build virtual personae. A Quest is an engaging curricular task designed to be entertaining yet educational.
Duane Sharrock

minecraftinschool [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage - 6 views

    This wiki is devoted to hosting ideas, lessons, implementation strategies and more related to using the game, Minecraft in a school setting. Whether you use it in a computer/gaming club, as part of your regular curricular instruction, or even at home with your own children, Minecraft's simple yet scalable "sandbox" virtual environment can be an excellent tool for engaging student learning. The open-ended nature of the game lends it to application in a variety of subject areas. Game-based learning, virtual worlds, and simulations are emerging tools for reaching our learners. That's why this wiki was created. Are you an educator who also plays Minecraft? Perhaps you're considering using the game in your school or district. Do you have ideas about how Minecraft could enrich your teaching while providing a fun and exciting game world for your students? Then join us and share those ideas! This is an opportunity for crowd-sourced lesson building! -Lucas Gillispie, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Pender County Schools, NC
Bob Bartley

Photosynth - 0 views

    This looks amazing, 3d photo environments, can you imagine children making a virtual field trip out of this to share as a project with kids overseas or ina different part of the country???
Allison Kipta

YackPack - Welcome Educators! - 6 views

    "YackPack messaging is done at your convenience. You log in when you want, you listen, and you yack. All the messages are stored for future reference. Most important, YackPack captures and conveys the expressiveness of voice putting emotion into virtual learning environments and enhancing traditional classroom interactions outside of class time."
Lisa Linn

sigve - home - 7 views

    New ISTE SIG for Education in Virtual Environments
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