BgPatterns is the perfect tool if you are looking for a background pattern for your themes. Of course you can create stunning patterns with creativity but these kind of tools are for the ones who want a quick solution or doesn't have skills to do it from scratch.
After a lot of filtering, I have settled for 69 learning nuggets posted on ZaidLearn, which I believe readers might find useful to their own learning. To make it a bit more convenient to find what you are looking for, I have divided the book into six learning galaxies (or themes), which are:
* Learning
* Teaching
* Stories
* Free e-Learning Tools
* Free Learning Content
* Free EduGames
Cybersmart Detectives is an innovative online game that teaches children key internet safety messages in a safe environment.
Children work online in real time liaising with community professionals to solve an internet-themed problem. The activity is based in the school environment, and brings together a number of agencies with an interest in promoting online safety for young people, including State and Federal Police, internet industry representatives and child welfare advocates.
Get my Flickr Widget!
The form below will let you generate a Flash Flickr widget for your website or blog using your Flickr RSS feed. It will create a short bit of HTML code that you can copy-paste code into any HTML page, blog post or a WordPress text widget. You’ll need the following values to get you started.
Your Flickr or Picasa RSS feed.
Make a mosaic from a photoset, favorites, tags, or individual digital photographs or images. It's a whole world of creative photo possibilities -- themes, colors, shapes. So, get that digital camera out and shoot some photos!
BuddyPress will transform an installation of WordPress MU into a social network platform.
BuddyPress is a suite of WordPress plugins and themes, each adding a distinct new feature. BuddyPress contains all the features you'd expect from WordPress but aims to let members socially interact.
Welcome to Tagxedo, tag cloud with styles
I'm glad to introduce to you a brand-new application, Tagxedo, now in beta!
Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurence within the body of text.