Reading + Math + Games = Success - 7 views
Catch This Falling Star - Reading Website - 18 views
Reading, Learning, and then Some! - 14 views
Story Time | Prediction | Second Grade - 5 views
eSchool News - 18 views
I almost forgot to share this link because I've kind of come to think of eSchool news as just the newsletter I receive often and always read. These guys are definitely and authority on technology in schools.
I almost forgot to share this link because I've kind of come to think of eSchool news as just the newsletter I receive often and always read. These guys are definitely and authority on technology in schools.
FireFTP SUPPORT PAGE- The Free FTP Client for Mozilla Firefox - 3 views
General Usage
FTP is a way for you to take files from your computer and upload them to another computer, usually a web server. Or, it is also a way of downloading files from another computer to yours.
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FTP stands for File Tranfer Protocol. It is the sister of the more commonly used HTTP. Both protocols deal with transfering data across the internet. FTP is a way for you to take files from your computer and upload them to another computer, usually a web server. Or, it is also a way of downloading files from another computer to yours. "Support Search this page: Installation General Usage Account Manager Properties Options Tools Troubleshooting Miscellaneous Questions Walkthrough for Beginners by Floss Manuals A Walkthrough for Beginners by Prisca Schmarsow "
From the Desk of David Pogue - Amazon's E-Book Service - - 1 views
What makes the Kindle successful is the effortlessness of it. One-click book buying. Forty-five-second book downloading. One-click book reading. Amazon tore down every last barrier, minimizing the number of steps at every turn. The convenience is amazing. So if they're going to bring those e-books to the iPhone, it had better be darned simple. And, sure enough, it is.
PLEASE share , vote , comment CRED Project - 1 views
CURATION RESTART EDUCATION project want to bring a new dimmension and restart romanian education . For this reason we must vote ( you can register on the website using your facebook account ) , to share using Social Media ( twitter with the hastag #credchat ) and what is most important to add our comments and feedback on this website after we read the description of the ,, CRED " project . Very important : If your vote want to be validated must vote still 26 mars 3 projects including CRED project . If you have a project who can restart education you still can post here
BLOG USING GR8 WEB 2.0 TOOLS AND APPS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION by Lucian http://xeeme.c... - 8 views
#curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research in #education20 this year . I invite you to subscribe free to our monthly newstelller . This post was made after 1 year research in #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project . If you are agree that #curation is #socialmedia king leave a comment and share with #PLN . Also I invite to read every week on this blog about gr8 tools . Also all my blog post are now on scoopit
Stimulating Critical Thinking through a Technological Lens - 15 views
Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources. Technology tools support stimulation of both inquiry-based and critical thinking skills by engaging students in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world outside their classroom. This is accomplished through learning content through the lens of video to multimedia to the internet (Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement, NCREL, 2005).
The Facebook "video message" spammer worm is making rounds again - 0 views
If you received a Facebook message similar to these: ---------- Hey funny. Between You and a Friend Today at Time/Date Is that you making love?!: Long link to video download web site here ... ---------- or ---------- Hi my friend. Between You and a Friend Today at Time/Date Who and when made this video of you?!!!: Long link to video download web site here ... ---------- DELETE it. Do NOT click the link. If you clicked the link, do NOT download the file! If you downloaded, do NOT click/run the file! If your Facebook profile is suddenly sending spam-like messages to all your friends (similar to those above), please read the instructions for removing the Koobface worm. If the worm is a variant of Koobface.A, there may be instructions and antivirus data files (update, dat file, signature, etc.) or a remover application specific to the variant. Don't panic. There is no good reason to format a hard drive to get rid of a virus. Most antivirus software can do a good job of cleaning up. As this thing relies on an internet connection to propagate, please unplug your network cable. Follow the removal instructions for your operating system, and scan your computer with updated antivirus software. I think any one of the popular antivirus applications (and some spyware progams) will take care of it as long as what you're using has the latest virus definitions/signatures/dat file/updates, etc. W32.Koobface.A Free stuff here that may help: Browser Security Tests: AVG Anti-Virus Free: Ad-Aware Spyware Remover: Spybot Search & Destroy
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