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@LucianeCurator wish you all a Blessed Christmas and offer you a #Curation #ChristmasTr... - 4 views

    wish you all a Blessed Christmas and offer you a #Curation #ChristmasTree I, Duma Cornel Lucian am happy finalist in Ipad eLearning Competition by eFrontLearning and please help me to win a Ipad reading my article : Top 10 Startup Social Media Curation Tools for Social Learning in the Workpace ( Glogster EDU Scoop.itLearnist Pinterest MentorMob Mightybell springpad Zeen . If you like the article after you read it, down of the page are social media sharing buttons ( facebook like , tweeet , share using social media channels )
Professional Learning Board

Social Bookmarking in Education - 15 views

    Many educators just use the favorites menu on their computer either at work or home. But what about when we're at home and need to get to a site we saved at school? This is where social bookmarking comes in! Bookmarking favorite links on the internet is something that can make life easier for us as educators - it means that it's easy to find a really neat site later when looking for it. Putting SOCIAL in Bookmarking The social part of social bookmarking works like this: you can share your links that you've saved through a service like Diigo with anyone else who uses Diigo. You can also use Diigo to see the interesting links that your friends and other people bookmark - this can be extremely useful for a team of teachers who like to share teaching resources. You can even search Diigo to find the many bookmarks that others have saved - it helps sort out the good sites, which is hard to do on most search engines. If a lot of other teachers have saved a link, you know it's at least popular. This article also addresses "What is tagging?" and "How do I use tags?"

Top 10 #socialmedia free tools to brand yourself #edtech20 #pln - 13 views

    Feed-back and comments are welcome . If you are social media addicted and want to became a social media curator join now free first Curation Edu Community
Allison Kipta

ESM Profiling Tool - 0 views

    Engaging with Social Media: Profiling Tool Use this questionnaire to self-assess your level of engagement with social media
Jeff Johnson

One True Media - slideshows, free photo sharing, facebook app, slide shows, MySpace sli... - 1 views

    One True Media helps you turn your photos and video into awesome slideshows and video montages for free. Embed your slideshow or video montage onto MySpace or any website, share via email or links. Get it on a customized DVD or share to your own personal TiVo channel. With amazingly easy tools you can edit your video and photos, add in cool effects and transitions all without a software download. One True Media supports dozens of social networking and blog platforms, including MySpace, MySpace Blogs, Bebo, Blogger, eBay, Facebook, Friendster, Hi5, livedoor, LiveJournal, Piczo,,, Tagged, Typepad, Windows Live Spaces, Yahoo! 360 and Xanga.
Jenn Cronk

Social Media Today | The 9 Types Of "Social Media Experts" - Which One Are You? - 14 views

    I wonder if I fit here

#chirpstory is a tool for creating and sharing stories from twitter using social media ... - 11 views

    #chirpstory is a tool for creating and sharing stories from twitter using social media more!/web20education


    BLOGGING USING WEB 2.0 AND SOCIAL MEDIA IN EDUCATION IN XXI CENTURY: Gr8 tools and applications to make heard your visual presence around the semantic web #edtech20 ; ;!/web20education
Alison Hall

Social Media News and Web Tips - 0 views

    Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. The latest web technology news, via RSS daily.
Anita Close

The Best Internet Safety Curriculum Resources for K-12 Teachers - 22 views

  • googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display('BH_Education_K12Learning_ATF_Top_Leaderboard_728x90')}); 1 Comment Home > Education > K-12 Learning > Technology in the Classroom Internet Safety: Resources for School Curriculums Article by Jonathan Wylie (18,588 pts ) Edited & published by Wendy Finn (25,052 pts ) on Dec 11, 2010 Related Guides: Social MediaCongressInternet Safety // 21st century educators are using more and more technology to enhance the teaching and learning in their classrooms, but the issue of online safety always remains. This article will help teachers find and create an internet safety curriculum to help guard against the pitfalls of online learning. if(typeof google_adnum=="undefined")var google_adnum=0; function google_ad_request_done_internal(){var b=google_adTemplate_head=google_adTemplate_head.replace(/,google_info.feedback_url),a;if(google_ads.length!=0){if(google_ads.length>0)for(a=0;a //Define ad variables below: google_ad_client = "pub-6409535612800042"; // substitute your client_id (pub-#) google_ad_output = "js"; google_max_num_ads = "3"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_image_size = "336x280"; google_ad_channel = "7379313283"; google_feedback = "on"; google_adtest = "off"; google_adTemplate_head = 'Ads by Google'; google_adTemplate = ' google_ads_line1 google_ads_visurlgoogle_ads_line2 google_ads_line3 '; google_adTemplate_footer = '' google_skip = google_adnum; //google_ad_request_done function - this gets called by Google via their external js function google_ad_request_done(){ google_ad_request_done_internal(); //call our internal function to build ad } google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); Ads by Google Easiteach Training
  • families up to date with the latest information regarding the use of media and communication in all forms. The CyberSmart curriculum is non-sequential and has standards-based lessons that are designed to meet state and national standards. Free posters,
    21st century educators are using more and more technology to enhance the teaching and learning in their classrooms, but the issue of online safety always remains. This article will help teachers find and create an internet safety curriculum to help guard against the pitfalls of online learning.
Jeff Johnson

Empowering middle schools through technology - Ideablob: where ideas grow - 1 views

    In ten years, modern education will have fully integrated new classroom media: video, online collaboration, and other web tools. We hope to pioneer a web tool that is a platform for this new media, bringing the power of the web to students, teachers, and parents in a secure, innovative environment. Our idea is a response to problems in schools that we have identified through primary research and user involvement. The way students, parents and teachers interact and learn in middle schools has many opportunities for growth and improvement. Here is one example:Research shows that in the last ten years the way people obtain and digest information has changed, incorporating tools like the web. Unfortunately, the classroom environment has not kept pace with this aggressive expansion of technology as a social, educational and communication tool. We hope to provide the tools to solve this and other problems in the middle school context. Read more at

Please Share,Tweet,Comment:Competition finalist 4:Top 10 Startup Social Media Curation ... - 8 views

    Share and comment also my last blog post : Top 10 social media educational apps to unleash you ipad power
Jeff Johnson

Pixelpipe - Free your content, post, upload and share anywhere - 0 views

    Pixelpipe is a media gateway that allows users to publish text and upload photos, video and audio files once through Pixelpipe and have the content distributed across over 95 social networks, photo/video sites and blogs, and other online destinations. We provide free mobile & desktop applications, liberate your media and share your life.

Portofolio with my 101 edtools . Discover why curation is Social Media King - 10 views

    Dear teachers, researchers and social media curators if you like my online research with more than 100 edtools, ipad and windows phone apps to mLearning please share: tweet, Like, G+ my #startup #curation page If I achieve more than 200 shares I will add other 100 killer #ipad apps to #mlearning on the page and if you know a killer app please suggest it on the page topic and if you like my page leave a comment or mail me .þff
Cathy Arreguin

Wiki:Main Page | Social Media CoLab - 0 views

    Howard Rheingold's Social Media Classroom
Jonathan Wylie

Why Teachers Shouldn't Friend Students on Facebook & Social Media Sites - 20 views

    The popularity of social media sites among today's youth means that they have become the default communication tools for a new generation of children looking to communicate with the world around them. But is it appropriate for teachers to friend their students? Of course it isn't.

#edtools of the day #schoox your social and #curation edutainment network - 9 views

    #edtools of the day #schoox your social and #curation edutainment network . For more #edtools!/web20education

Blog post Top 10 startup tools to make a killer presentation . If you enjoy reading lea... - 16 views

    If you are a teacher or/ and a social media curator you will like to be a presenter and love this apps . If you enjoy reading leave your comments . 

PLEASE share , vote , comment CRED Project - 1 views

    CURATION RESTART EDUCATION project  want to bring a new dimmension and restart romanian education . For this reason we must vote ( you can register on the website using your facebook account ) , to share using Social Media ( twitter with the hastag #credchat ) and what is most important to add our comments and feedback on this website after we read the description of the ,, CRED " project . Very important : If your vote want to be validated must vote still 26 mars 3 projects including CRED project . If you have a project who can restart education you still can post here

Blog post #curation is next #socialmedia king - 1 views

    I invite you also to comment and add your favorite social media curation  tools in 2011  on our page :  on facebook or/and Google Plus .  Join free  and collaborate in this free global  #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project and vote for our wiki nominalized in Edublog Awards
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