Empowering middle schools through technology - Ideablob: where ideas grow - 1 views
Jeff Johnson on 29 Dec 08In ten years, modern education will have fully integrated new classroom media: video, online collaboration, and other web tools. We hope to pioneer a web tool that is a platform for this new media, bringing the power of the web to students, teachers, and parents in a secure, innovative environment. Our idea is a response to problems in schools that we have identified through primary research and user involvement. The way students, parents and teachers interact and learn in middle schools has many opportunities for growth and improvement. Here is one example:Research shows that in the last ten years the way people obtain and digest information has changed, incorporating tools like the web. Unfortunately, the classroom environment has not kept pace with this aggressive expansion of technology as a social, educational and communication tool. We hope to provide the tools to solve this and other problems in the middle school context. Read more at AlightLearning.com