22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don't Have a Clue [Infographic] | Copyblo... - 0 views
@copyblogger: Content is king. In my upcoming book The Customer Creation Equation, I teach you how to charge your marketing batteries and then tap the stored marketing potential... all with content. If you don't yet know what content you're going to create, or find yourself stuck, this infographic may be just the ticket for you.
3 Ways the Magic of Dr. Seuss Can Help You Create Unforgettable Copy - Copyblogger - 0 views
Earlier this week, one of our partners sent over some copy for me to review. In one of the headlines, they had used the term "end-to-end," as in, "An end-to-end solution for your problem."
I told them that terms like "end-to-end" are cliche, and have basically lost all meaning because of overuse. My friend asked, "Why is that?"
This article from Copyblogger answers that question. Our brains are designed to filter out the familiar, the predictable or what is perceived as familiar and predictable.
Read on to find out how you can save your copy from the parts of the brain that keep your messages from getting in.
The Four "Productivity" Personality Types and How to Write for Each One | Copyblogger - 0 views
The key insight that I got from this @copyblogger post is that, regardless of our "resting" personality type, we are different when doing different activities. My Myers-Briggs type pegs me as generally an "Environmental" type. However, when I'm researching, I'm generally "Fantastical" (and I'm not just complimenting myself). When I'm writing I'm getting my "Structural" on. In short, we can't treat people as one personality type. We change from channel to channel. What are the four personality types when people are solving the problems your business solves?
How to Use Ebooks Strategically and Reach Your Content Marketing Goals | Copyblogger - 0 views
This article on ebooks comes at an important time at Conversion Sciences as we put the final touches on a unique ebook of our own (preorder Business Video Through the Eyes of Your Prospects).
Content is the way you charge and release the power stored in your marketing batteries (customer lists, email lists, social media networks).
And don't forget that ebooks now outsell print books.
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"You" - Humanists are relationship oriented. When your voice shifts from "We" and "our company" and you speak to them in the first person, it feels more human -- and more Humanistic.
"Free" - This word appeals to the Spontaneous reader. These visitors are just looking for an excuse to take action.
"Because" - Methodicals want to understand the details. They make decisions deliberately and logically. Credible proof is important.
"Instantly" - This also appeals to our Spontaneous reader, who wants immmediate gratification.
"New" - This appeals to the Competitive, who wants to know what will make them better. New technologies, new versions, new looks get their attention.
So, two of the words are very Spontaneous, and we tend to act spontaneously when we've decided to buy something. "Free" and "Instantly" are bottom of the funnel words.
Read the research in this excellent post.