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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lauren Dudley


Sample Chapter for Patashnik, E.M.: Reforms at Risk: What Happens After Major Policy Ch... - 2 views

  • Although important “vestiges” of the celebrated measure remain, tax policymaking dynamics have largely regressed to their pre-1986 ways.
    • Lauren Dudley
      I find it horrible that the !986 reform seemed to benefit the public overall, but it did not end up suriving after some years. I think it is necessary that republicans and democrats work together on issues to provide beneficial reforms. I think both parties need to take a hint from this 1986 reform and stop not being able to compromise because compromise is essential. The parties should not base their decisions off of important figures of groups, they need to look at the nation as a whole and make their reforms work, so that the people of America can put their trust back in the parties and their ability to fix problems.

Patashnik, E.M.: Reforms at Risk: What Happens After Major Policy Changes Are Enacted. - 1 views

  • Most books focus on the politics of reform adoption, yet as Eric Patashnik shows here, the political struggle does not end when major reforms become enacted.
    • Lauren Dudley
      I think that this is very good as I believe that a lot of the politics or issues we hear about come when it is being debated on whether to pass certain reforms or not. They show how and why each reform should come into place or adopted,but I think that this is very interesting to show what happens after a reform has actually been adopted. To show how effective it is based off a certain decision and arguments that led to the approval of the certain reform. I think that this book would be very itneresting to see how each reform actually helps reshape policy or how they might just fade out and why certain ones do as said in the next sentence.

Bystanders to Genocide - Samantha Power - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • On April 9 Dallaire watched covetously as just over a thousand French, Belgian, and Italian soldiers descended on Kigali Airport to begin evacuating their expatriates. These commandos were clean-shaven, well fed, and heavily armed, in marked contrast to Dallaire's exhausted, hungry, ragtag peacekeeping force. Within three days of the plane crash estimates of the number of dead in the capital already exceeded 10,000.
    • Lauren Dudley
      This statement right here shows the Europeans along wth Americans knew exacty what was happening- a genocide was happening or about to happen and they knew that the army tryingto fight against it as in no shape to withhold them, but they went on their way home. I feel that this is horrible, I know that the countries want to look out for their best interests but standing by nd let killing happen.. hw much has to be seen or heard to finally step in and look past their own interests to save others? These people should have looked more morally into the situation in my opinon because some help is better than no help at all.
    • Lauren Dudley
      they knew that killing was taking place to say the least I mean

A Payoff Out of Poverty? - - 0 views

  • The elegant idea behind the program — give the poor money that will allow them to be less poor today, but condition it on behaviors that will give their children a better start in life
    • Lauren Dudley
      I think this is a great idea.. not give money just to survive day by day, but to give money to provide a better life so some day the chain of poverty can be broken is an excellent concept.. It helps people in the long run instead of just for the time being..

Jay-Z vs the Game: Lessons for the American Primacy Debate | Marc Lynch - 3 views

  • So what does Jay-Z do?  If he hits back hard in public, the Game will gain in publicity even if he loses... the classic problem of a great power confronted by a smaller annoying challenger
    • Lauren Dudley
      I believe that it is best to do what is mentioned below... to let the Game continue on his way and the public will probably see it as a reach for power or publicity and Jay-Z will look like the good guy with not confronting the Game and causing a huge scene. The politics can relate to this as people do not want to see ugly confrontations, we want to see maturity to handle our society and make progress for a better society.

Sample Chapter for Fung, A.: Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy. - 2 views

  • In the crucial areas of public education and policing, the CPS and CPD reforms advance the central tenet of participatory democracy: that people should have substantial and equal opportunities to participate directly in decisions that affect them
    • Lauren Dudley
      I find this very interesting as I think that this ia a good strategy. The strategy allows ordinary people voice their opinions about certain situations like the park or the school situations and actually know that their voices and opinions were heard. Where in other cities, when you call or say something and its not in a meeting form to be heard and discussed you may feel like it is just brushed under the rug. I think this is a great strategy like a town meeting in a way as it really is about helping the people and what affects them.

McAllen, Texas and the high cost of health care : The New Yorker - 0 views

  • That’s because nothing in medicine is without risks. Complications can arise from hospital stays, medications, procedures, and tests, and when these things are of marginal value the harm can be greater than the benefits
    • Lauren Dudley
      I think that this is so weird to think about this way, you would think as I would that the more tests, etc the safer you are with extra things to check, but it is interesting because you have to think that with more procedures etc, more things can go wrong. This is a very interesting point.

Are political parties growing more unified? - 4 views

  • The parties, in short, are extremely unified, to an unprecedented degree.
    • Lauren Dudley
      So this article is trying to say that the parties within themselves for more unified now? like they are agreeing within themselves more? I guess that is beneficail- better than fighting within your own party- but I think the really issue is that both parties need to get better at working together and that will be truly significant.

President Obama's Executive Power Grab - Newsweek and The Daily Beast - 3 views

  • These guys are willing to let the country go into default rather than negotiate a compromise
    • Lauren Dudley
      This is definitely the major problem today as parties are just pitted against eachother.. They will not budge on a matter that another party supports, which is really unfortunate for our country, one where we definitely need the parties to work together. We need people to step up from both sides and actually compromise to get something done that is good from our country instead of holding back and getting nothin beneificial done. Its sad that the President has to go around Congress to get something done when there should be compromise that both sides can agree with.

Data & Design How-to's Note 5: Get the idea | Drawing by Numbers - 1 views

  • This image teases at the difficult question of what motherhood and parenting are, trying to bring to the surface the audience's opinions about whether caring for an adopted child is different or lesser to parenting a child you bore yourself.
    • Lauren Dudley
      I find this image really interesting as it shows that becoming a mother is not necessarily about going the full nine months of pregnancy, but what you do with the baby and to help raise it and become a good person. You care for the child and do all that you can for him and her and that is what makes you a mother and this picture I believe does a great job of getting that point across.
  • campaign a fake celebrity expose is created. The famous male doll produced by the Mattel

Data & Design How-to's Note 4: Visualisation basics - the three 'gets' | Drawing by Num... - 1 views

  • New ways of packaging news and narrative material, including data and information, are emerging.
    • Lauren Dudley
      This is completely relevant in my opinion as they stated above that people can go to many sources about information that they want to seek with the technology these days. The people that are putting out the information must put it across in an interesting or captivating way in order to get people to listen to their views. People need to be caught, because humans look for interesting even when looking at certain information.

Data & Design How-to's Note 2: Data basics | Drawing by Numbers - 1 views

  • The key challenge of standardising data is to make a choice and then stick to it. It will save an enormous amount of time and frustration
    • Lauren Dudley
      I find this interesting as we have talked about how different things could be categorized in so many different ways, but what really is the correct way. It all depends on perspective and this idea that everybody just needs to agree on a way from the start and stay with that concept is simple, which will save time from a lot of confusion as people think differently when it comes to labeling a place, time, etc. It is simple but sometimes not apparent until the confusion has arisen.

Joseph S. Nye Jr. - Scholars on the Sidelines - 4 views

  • Departments should give greater weight to real-world relevance and impact in hiring and promoting young scholars
    • Lauren Dudley
      This would bq quite significant I believe as the acadmies stress the importance of combining policy and academics would be brought across in a greater way if all the students can relate. Everyone can relate to the real world and I think more interest would be provided and the combination would be significant as you are not just theorizing anymore to connect with a few, but you are connecting with the whole for the real importance.

Can we bridge the worlds of theory and policy? | Stephen M. Walt - 1 views

  • And let's not forget that tenure isn't granted to allow a life-time of self-indulgent scholarship, but to allow scholars to take risks in their research and to confront controversial subjects without fear of coercion
    • Lauren Dudley
      This is an important fact as some would worry that teachers could get more laid back and not as helpful with job security, but it is nice to know that those who really love teaching still force the fact and that they are allowed to have security while helping with real world issues. I believe that the academic side really needs to force the fact that political science is important as it can help society.

What Political Science can give to policy makers - The Monkey Cage - 4 views

  • The standard way of making a policy argument is to figure out the conclusion that you want to reach, find an argument to support that conclusion, and find a case (or, if you are extraordinarily ambitious, a couple of cases) that can be squeezed until it appears to support that argument
    • Lauren Dudley
      This statement I believe is so true as the people involved in the debate are just responding to issues of how they think the people would want them to. They do not say what they truly want to and what they think is best for America. If they did what they thought was right and not worry about the voters, it would be quite refreshing and a nice change of pace of honesty.

Embrace the Wonk : CJR - 0 views

  • But even in day-to-day coverage, a poli-sci perspective can have value in helping reporters make choices about which storylines, and which nuggets of information, really matter
    • Lauren Dudley
      I believe this needs to be done as the people need to be taught in depth about the issues at hand, not just the tid bits of informatin that then they have to rely on to make decisions, but if political scientist establish their prespectives and everything, I believe it would be beneficial for everyone. The political scientists can really point out the important issues instead of just glancing over them for the people to be more in the know in order to really help this country.

Uzodinma Iweala - Stop Trying To 'Save' Africa - 3 views

  • Africa wants the world to acknowledge that through fair partnerships with other members of the global community, we ourselves are capable of unprecedented growth.
    • Lauren Dudley
      This statement could very well be true and if our country, along with others do not give them a chance how will we ever know if they can stand by themselves with good relations. I believe that it is just hard for us Americans to realize this point because we are a country that is used to helping when we believe someone needs it and it is hard to back off if you have seen they are in trouble.

Edge: WHAT MAKES PEOPLE VOTE REPUBLICAN? By Jonathan Haidt - 9 views

  • Only one group—college students at Penn—consistently exemplified Turiel's definition of morality and overrode their own feelings of disgust to say that harmless acts were not wrong. (A few even praised the efficiency of recycling the flag and the dog).
    • Lauren Dudley
      This is interesting that the students went against their emotions and feelings to say that it was not wrong because the actions did not hurt anyone. This is interesting because human beings are irrational in nature as they base their opinions with morals off their emotions and feelings with disgusts, so these experiments are very interesting to take note of.
  • My first few weeks in Bhubaneswar were theref
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