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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Felecia Russell

Felecia Russell

Bystanders to Genocide - Magazine - The Atlantic - 3 views

  • With the grace of one grown practiced at public remorse, the President gripped the lectern with both hands and looked across the dais at the Rwandan officials and survivors who surrounded him. Making eye contact and shaking his head, he explained, "It may seem strange to you here, especially the many of you who lost members of your family, but all over the world there were people like me sitting in offices, day after day after day, who did not fully appreciate [pause] the depth [pause] and the speed [pause] with which you were being engulfed by this unimaginable terror."
    • Felecia Russell
      He did not make an apology, but instead an acknowledge of not knowing what was going on because of the job he had. I can understand this for people sitting in offices. Where are they going to hear about things like this? On the news and if not on the news? where? However, president Cllinton was as his name suggest, the president, he knew about it, but he did not know what to do about it. There is no way he was unaware of the genocide. However, i think he should have just admitted that he knew about it, but America did not know what actions to take, but once America wanted to help we did our best. That would have been better, because another country cannot hold another for not helping them.
Felecia Russell

Science of Persuasion in Courtroom Questions by Felecia Russell - 29 views

started by Felecia Russell on 29 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    1. In the article, Edward Buckley suggest that there are many techniques to improve persuasion skills. However, when is it all about content and validity and not about strategies and tricks? Is it similar to voting for a candidate because he or she had more "swagg" as in strategy techniques as oppose to actual information about a certain policy?
    2. When we think about lawyers in the courtroom, is it possible to separate persuasion techniques from lawyer knowledge? Is it two separate spheres like morality and justice?

Stone Chapter 13: Facts - 19 views

started by nsamuelian on 19 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    Well,finding it hard to define between two things does not mean we should stop making decisions. By making the distinction between the two can be better for the polis. For instance, the Rodney King example was obviously unecessary force(even though Stone suggest otherwise, claiming posecutors had to use slow motion and freeze frames to argue unecessary force) and if the courts did not spend the time defning between the two, then it would happen more than usual. We cannot abandon making decisions because they bring order to society. Like Stone suggest, it is often hard to draw bright lines between social phenomena, especiall bright lines about moral and value differences, but it does not mean we should abandon rying to make distinctions. Politicians can use this form of persuasion because the clear lines will be hard to define completely and they can leave it undisputed and say that they will come back to that issue and try to solve it!
Felecia Russell

Drug experiment - - 0 views

  • They decided to decriminalize the possession of all illicit drugs — from marijuana to heroin — but continue to impose criminal sanctions on distribution and trafficking. The goal: easing the burden on the nation’s criminal justice system and improving the people’s overall health by treating addiction as an illness, not a crime
    • Felecia Russell
      Ahh, I dont know how i feel about this. However, I do think whatever we socialize as a nation becomes acceptable. So, since marijuana is the new "push" people want it to be legal. I also agree with decriminalizing the punishment with regards to marijana. But I disagree with having bigger punishments for traffing of marijuana because it will already be legal. If we can traffic a bunch of tomatoes, why not a whole alot of marijuana? My point is, if it is legal then it is legal and if it is illegal, then it is illegal. But eradicate all these double standards!
Felecia Russell

System failure - The Boston Globe - 1 views

  • So as the debate over health care heats up, go ahead and bash the bad guys. They probably deserve it. Just remember that the bashing alone won't change the rules of the game.
    • Felecia Russell
      I always wonder what my position would be if my father was a CEO for one of these health insurance companies or if my mother was a CFO for an insurance company. Would I have different beliefs about the healthcare system? Would I be against healthcare reform? Why would I be against it? Why wouldn't I want everyone to be able to be treated if they were sick? I want to see prohibitions against insurers discriminating against people because they were sick before(pre-existing conditions). Why cant somone be sick before? I want people to use preventive services and wellness plans,like Obama said. But why does everyone not want this? Maybe some people will say, well, that is your emotions speaking and your not considering all the affects a system like that could have on the system. But why is the system valued over someone's health? For some issues and problems, not all, emotions should play a part, morality should be important, and the valuing of a life should be more important than making money!
Felecia Russell

Terrorism - Jihad Etiquette - Islam - Militants - Middle East - Iraq - Jordan - Lebanon... - 0 views

  • “When I heard about the London bombings, I prayed that no bombers from Britain were involved,” he said, fearing immigrants were responsible. As it turned out, the July 7, 2005, attack largely complied with this rule. Three of the four men who set off the bombs had been born in Britain; the fourth moved there from Jamaica as an infant.
    • Felecia Russell
      Whenever I hear anything bad I always hope that immigrants were not involved or were not the cause because they are the easiest to blame. Especially, if someone is an immigrant from a particular country, we alwyas hope they are not from our country. This is with race too, I always hope they are not black or a woman or any other trait that would link them to me!
  • But some militants appear to shirk this rule to blend in with non-Muslim surroundings or deflect suspicion
    • Felecia Russell
      Everyone does this, so they can be accepted or not looked at as an outsider!
steve santos

Steve Santos' questions on inducements (Nov 11th, 2:45 Class) - 32 views

inducements discussion
started by steve santos on 10 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    The line is obvious, it is helping, that it is why it is considered benefial. It is present in our modern issues today because the big CEO's and CFO's who have all the money are preceived as bad people(not in the sense of actions, but motives and achievement). However, we have medicare, medicaid, welfare and all other programs that help people. Celebrities who are campaigning to raise their taxes are looked at as "good." Yet, these same celebrities are in the top one percent, Bill Gates, Russell Simmons, and Jay z. So how do we decide what is negative and what is positive? Simply, becasue rewards by nature narrrow our minds and narrow our focus(Dan Pink's video). Money is negative if its not creative! Money that produces solutions is beneficial.
Felecia Russell

A Payoff Out of Poverty? - - 0 views

  • Solís’s and Hernández’s grandparents were poor, their parents are poor and they are poor.
    • Felecia Russell
      It is a life cycle, until someone beat the ODDS(rarely).
Felecia Russell

Jay-Z vs the Game: Lessons for the American Primacy Debate | Marc Lynch - 3 views

  • When he learnt this lesson might also offer insights into how great powers in IR learn.  He changed his style after his most famous beef, and the only one which he lost:  his battle with the Queensbridge legend Nas
    • Felecia Russell
      Never! Jay won this battle :) Supa Ugly!!
  • Jay-Z is a bit different, given his hegemonic status and the absence of a prior relationship. The Game has always had a particularly odd, passive-aggressive relationship with Jay-Z.
    • Felecia Russell
      Game wants to be Jay z. Simply, the game has not been the same since he left GUNIT. If he attacks rap hero, its nothing because the hero wont even respond. Jay z started a new trend by not responding to rappers or by subliminally mentioning them. With his age, i think maturity is also apart of his resistance not to respond to the game, but rap is a young man's sport. Jay z is getting old in their eyes!
Felecia Russell

Sample Chapter for Fung, A.: Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy. - 2 views

  • Voices of minority, less educated, diffident, or culturally subordinate participants are often drowned out by those who are wealthy, confident, accustomed to management, or otherwise privileged.
    • Felecia Russell
      This is true. Monorities are always left out of decision making. Those in power think that minorities do not know how to think critically and do not understand decision process. However, is it all about how smart we are? Or is it about making the best decision for the betterment of the polis? Minorities and people with low income bring something else to the table that the affluents dont. Diversity of ideas and polices is the best way for empowered participation to acually be empowered. Similar to the Hobson's choice- a list of options will already determine how people think and will make an option the only reaasonable possibility.
Felecia Russell

McAllen, Texas and the high cost of health care : The New Yorker - 0 views

  • Providing health care is like building a house. The task requires experts, expensive equipment and materials, and a huge amount of coördination.
    • Felecia Russell
      In Washington, the aim of health-care reform is not just to extend medical coverage to everybody but also to bring costs under control. Spending on doctors, hospitals, drugs, and the like now consumes more than one of every six dollars they earn." grant everyone universal healthcare, but everyone will have to purchase healthcare. Another goal is to create a new state based insurance where insurance companies cannot deny anyone with pre-existing conditions. Finally, to help uninsured and small businesses to purchase insurance as well as an expansion of the public programs such as Medicaid.
Felecia Russell

McAllen, Texas and the high cost of health care : The New Yorker - 4 views

  • I was impressed. The place had virtually all the technology that you’d find at Harvard and Stanford and the Mayo Clinic, and, as I walked through that hospital on a dusty road in South Texas, this struck me as a remarkable thing
    • Felecia Russell
      This makes sense.Hispanic Americans tend to have less insurance coverage than white Americans and receive less regular medical care. The level of insurance coverage is directly correlated with the level of access to healthcare including preventative and ambulatory care.Because most minorities are without insurance, they are most likely to not have medical care, and are unable to provide themselves with prescriptions medicine. It is no secret that minority groups have insurance coverage at a lower rate than whites determined by income and welfare. Because of the high cost, many families have cancelled their insurance and now pay out of their pockets; meaning they only go to the doctor when there is an obvious sickness. Like, Mike Freida highlighted, the rich towns have the things they need and the poor dont. Why is that?

Questions: The Story of Power (2:45 class) - 31 views

started by anonymous on 27 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    People get power through power. Powerful people employ other people to be powerful. Power hapens through networking and conections. There is a small part that is based on talent and skills, but the remaining steps to power includes our relations. Poeple just dont become powerful because they want it(ofcourse, we have those exceptions), but because of who they know. For instance, if we trace history, we can see those who were powerful, and we can look at who are powerful now, I guarantee there are some connections. People like Barack Obama becomes powerful because of the president title. I am not defeating working hard to get to powerful positions but I am saying that knowing other powerful people, helps others to be powerful. Working hard works too :)
Felecia Russell

Meacham: The History of Power - The Daily Beast - 1 views

  • "My idea is that every specific body strives to become master over all space and to extend its force (its will to power) and to thrust back all that resists its extension," wrote Nietzsche, who elevated power, rather than good, to ultimate concern.
    • Felecia Russell
      I must say I do thin we elevate power over good. We al want to have some sort of power. That is why students run for student body president, capatain of sports teams, head of church ministries, director of admissions and etc. Ofcourse, not people do it for the power, some actually do it to bring about change. However, similar to Weiss's statement about OWS, being a mission to change the mindsets of Americans, there is a dominant of mindsets who thin power is the ultimate goal!
Felecia Russell

Patternicity: Finding Meaningful Patterns in Meaningless Noise: Scientific American - 7 views

  • Religionists see the Virgin Mary on the side of a building.
    • Felecia Russell
      This is true. We develop our own beliefs and justifications for why things happen or why they are the way they are. A person see Virgin Mary and another sees Micheal Jordan is just a connection to our inner beliefs. What makes it important to us? How do we put a face to something? It reminds me of precedents in court, because they are use to make future decisions. We make connections in our minds to explain certain things!
Claudia Rios

Question on Hans Rosling: New Insights on Poverty and Life Around the World. - 24 views

started by Claudia Rios on 11 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    I think money is important for development because without it countries cannot reach its fullest potential. Every aspect of development is connected. Human rights is not possible without freedom and not possible without money. But money is not the most important!
Lauren Petta

Questions on Alex Lundry's Chart Wars: The Political Power of Data Visualization - 20 views

started by Lauren Petta on 10 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    I dont feel i am being mislead because i like to think of myself as one of the informed citizens of this world. However, on isssues that do not interest me, it could be stretching the truth and simplifying the issue more than it should, and that could be misleading because I wont do further research. There is no way we would be better off if activists and politicians did not provide us with information because not all issues interest people. I guess people would have to find the information on their own, but that would not be effective since people wont even read the newspaper. we should be able to conduct our own research to make a decision on our own, but not to find the information. It is our job to figure out the truth and chose a side!
Joshua Gray

Questions on Chart Wars: The Political Power of Data Visualization - 16 views

started by Joshua Gray on 10 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    I think the information is not misleading in itself, but the presentation of the information is misleading. This is what politics is all about. The majority of American people do not understand the complex issues of politics and so it is someone's job to simplify the visuals and the the content. Any of us would use certain methods to persuade people on issues we care deeply about. It is not necessarliy manipulating, but more "dumbing down" the information. It is unfortunate, but that is whats happening. I would like to think if i was a politician, my passions would apply to certain people and to reach out to others i would have to manipulate the information a tad bit, but it would not be manipulating people's thinking. I would be a good politician :)
Joshua Gray

Questions on New Insight on Poverty And Life Around the World - 12 views

started by Joshua Gray on 10 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
  • Felecia Russell
    Well, he said, health is important but not as important as the environment because of future generations to come. Health is extremely important because it is the drive of life. Some of his arguments can be flawed but they are all connected in some way. I do disagree about education being of minimal importance because of the value of education. I guess in way we can live without education, but that is not as possible. Education is a universal need because without it, we would not be able to learn about the environment!
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