Questions on 100 Years of Human Rights by Eric Henderson - 11 views
#3 Sarah McKee on 05 Dec 11I don't necessarily know if there was a trend. I more think that there are certain decades where there are more good and some that are mostly bad. Something I found really interesting was that the 1930s had so many good things, usually we think of that as a really negative time, with the Great Depression going on but the timeline gives a lot of positive things. Some years also just don't have as many things going on. Such as in the 90s it seems that there are a lot of negative things happening because there is only one thumbs up but there are a couple things with no thumbs and not as many events as in earlier years. Certain decades such as the 30s and 40s just have way more events happening so even though they have a lot of good things they still have bad things as well. Although the 2000s are a little bleak I will admit. This article was in written in 2007 though. It's been nearly 5 years since this and I would say that many positive things have occured since the article was written. We will have to wait and see how the timeline continues and if we can get some more positive events in our time.