New schools combine bricks and clicks. (haha) This is the model NYC is looking to move to over the next several years. iZone initiatives heading this way.
Why we don't need to worry all that much about Watson stealing our jobs. Stanley Fish does a very nice exposition of the limits of "artificial intelligence.
Very well thought out guide to parent engagement and building the school-home connection. Recommend to all CL consultants taht you distribute this to your parent coordinators and principals.
A slightly different take on the Harlem Children's Zone. Maybe most notable is the conflation of test data with general progress. "We don't care how the children live, as long as they are scoring well."
Teacher collaboration is on the decline. We are cutting against the grain as we try to work with 6th grade teams on the Connected Learning project. What does sustained "sticky" PD look like? How do we truly build capacity?
Here is Wes Fryer's outline for Technology 4 Teachers, part of his "Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning." Lots of great resources here which we can share with teachers.
All RTT winners had some provision in their applications for online learning. Will it be smartly done and integrated into classroom instruction or just money thrown at a perceived but unexplored opportunity? Which states have a chance of doing it right?