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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Standards Body Whines That People Who Want Free Access To The Law Probably Also Want 'F... - 0 views

    "from the bad-ansi,-bad dept You would think that "the law" is obviously part of the public domain. It seems particularly crazy to think that any part of the law itself might be covered by copyright, or (worse) locked up behind some sort of paywall where you cannot read it. Carl Malamud has spent many years working to make sure the law is freely accessible... and he's been sued a bunch of times and is still in the middle of many lawsuits, including one from the State of Georgia for publishing its official annotated code (the state claims the annotations are covered by copyright)."
Wildcat2030 wildcat

A Brief History of Collaboration - 1 views

    The networked information economy improves the practical capacities of individuals along three dimensions: (1) it improves their capacity to do more for and by themselves; (2) it enhances their capacity to do more in loose commonality with others, without being constrained to organize their relationship through a price system or in traditional hierarchical models of social and economic organization; and (3) it improves the capacity of individuals to do more in formal organizations that operate outside the market sphere. This enhanced autonomy is at the core of all the other improvements I describe. Individuals are using their newly expanded practical freedom to act and cooperate with others in ways that improve the practiced experience of democracy, justice and development, a critical culture, and community. ... [M]y approach heavily emphasizes individual action in nonmarket relations. Much of the discussion revolves around the choice between markets and nonmarket social behavior. In much of it, the state plays no role, or is perceived as playing a primarily negative role, in a way that is alien to the progressive branches of liberal political thought. In this, it seems more of a libertarian or an anarchistic thesis than a liberal one. I do not completely discount the state, as I will explain. But I do suggest that what is special about our moment is the rising efficacy of individuals and loose, nonmarket affiliations as agents of political economy.
thinkahol *

Genuinely collective emotions - 3 views

    It is received wisdom in philosophy and the cognitive sciences that individuals can be in emotional states but groups cannot. But why should we accept this view? In this paper, I argue that there is substantial philosophical and empirical support for the existence of collective emotions. Thus, while there is good reason to be skeptical about many ascriptions of collective emotion, I argue that some groups exhibit the computational complexity and informational integration required for being in genuinely emotional states.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

PBS Digital Studios Asks 'Should Everything Be Open Source?' | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "Phil Shapiro The Video Screening Room The DMCA doesn't just make it illegal for you to circumvent DRM to rip and burn a DVD of 'War Games' or to install a pirated copy of Windows. It also can make it illegal for you to repair or modify things you own. Public television and radio in the United States have been surprisingly shy about covering the open source movement, but this video by Mike Rugnetta at PBS Digital Studios shows that they may be waking up."
    "Phil Shapiro The Video Screening Room The DMCA doesn't just make it illegal for you to circumvent DRM to rip and burn a DVD of 'War Games' or to install a pirated copy of Windows. It also can make it illegal for you to repair or modify things you own. Public television and radio in the United States have been surprisingly shy about covering the open source movement, but this video by Mike Rugnetta at PBS Digital Studios shows that they may be waking up."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

U.S. Congress must act on government hacking, reject Rule 41 - Access Now - 0 views

    "Washington D.C. - Access Now today calls upon the U.S. Congress to reject a new rule that will expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) hacking operations. The call comes as the Supreme Court of the United States reported a change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, specifically Rule 41, to Congress. The change enables the FBI to hack into computers regardless of where they are located, and to hack into the computers belonging to the victims of botnet operations. Access Now strongly opposes the update to Rule 41."
    "Washington D.C. - Access Now today calls upon the U.S. Congress to reject a new rule that will expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) hacking operations. The call comes as the Supreme Court of the United States reported a change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, specifically Rule 41, to Congress. The change enables the FBI to hack into computers regardless of where they are located, and to hack into the computers belonging to the victims of botnet operations. Access Now strongly opposes the update to Rule 41."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

3 open source poetry-related projects | - 0 views

    "April is National Poetry Month in the United States and Canada. During April, individuals and institutions take part by reading, sharing, and writing poetry. You can"
    "April is National Poetry Month in the United States and Canada. During April, individuals and institutions take part by reading, sharing, and writing poetry. You can"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Science Fraud Getting You Down? Here's Who You Can Trust | WIRED - 0 views

    "You don't have to look very far to get head-bangingly upset about the current state of medical and scientific research. Pfizer (maybe) hid evidence that Zoloft use by pregnant women caused heart defects in babies. GlaxoSmithKlein paid $3 billion in fines for a) generating a fake journal article"
    "You don't have to look very far to get head-bangingly upset about the current state of medical and scientific research. Pfizer (maybe) hid evidence that Zoloft use by pregnant women caused heart defects in babies. GlaxoSmithKlein paid $3 billion in fines for a) generating a fake journal article"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Building an Inter-University Private Cloud with Open Source ownCloud | - 0 views

    "In late 2011, a lively discussion (we enjoy lively discussions here in Germany) among the IT managers of the publicly-funded research universities in Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW), Germany's most populous federal state, started over a set of interrelated topics:" [# ! #Knowledge is for #Share]
    "In late 2011, a lively discussion (we enjoy lively discussions here in Germany) among the IT managers of the publicly-funded research universities in Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW), Germany's most populous federal state, started over a set of interrelated topics:"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

[#Storage #Tech:] SSD vs HDD | Why Solid State Drives Are Better Than Hard Drives - 0 views

    "Solid state drives provide substantial benefits over traditional hard drives, and OCZ makes it easy to see why! Whether you're refreshing an old laptop or trying to maximize the potential of the latest desktop, SSDs are the ultimate way to "feel" the difference in your everyday computing performance!"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

A Paranoid Surveillance State Is Not What Will Keep Americans Safe | Alternet [# ! Note... - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! ... nor to the rest of the world...
    "The lessons we should have learned from post-9/11 government overreach. By Karen J. Greenberg / TomDispatch "
    "The lessons we should have learned from post-9/11 government overreach. By Karen J. Greenberg / TomDispatch "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Use common goals to overcome a competitive spirit | - 0 views

    "During the humid summer months of 1954, twenty-two 11 and 12-year-old boys were randomly split into two groups and taken to a 200-acre Boy Scouts of America camp in Robbers Cave State Park, Oklahoma. Over the next few weeks, they would unknowingly be the subjects of one of the most widely known psychological studies of our time. And the ways these groups bonded and interacted with each other draw some interesting parallels to our understanding of workplace culture."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why Cotton Kills, A Technical Explanation - 0 views

    ""He was wearing all cotton, which is the worst fabric for cold, wet weather. The weather just got the best of him," reads an official statement by Alaska State Troopers about the death of a hiker there in 2005. This is how and why cotton can kill you. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Happy Chemicals: How To Naturally Tap Into Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins, Oxytoci... - 0 views

    "We might not have the money we want but we do have some control over our happiness levels. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins are the brain chemicals responsible for our happiness. These chemicals are can be triggered all the time, even by mundane events. But rather than thinking we have no control over them, science has proven that we can intentionally boost them. And being in a good state of mind is important for happiness, health and success. So here are some simple ways to hack our positive neurochemicals:"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Microsoft Loves Linux Patent Tax | Techrights - 0 views

    "Summary: Some of the latest reports pertaining to Microsoft's (and its patent trolls') pursuit/lobbying for software patents at a time when such patents lose their appeal/lustre in the United States"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

8.2. Managing System Services [Red Hat] - 0 views

    "8.2. Managing System Services Note To expand your expertise, you might also be interested in the Red Hat System Administration II (RH134) training course. Previous versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which were distributed with SysV init or Upstart, used init scripts located in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory. These init scripts were typically written in Bash, and allowed the system administrator to control the state of services and daemons in their system. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, these init scripts have been replaced with service units. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Global Citizen Sign-Up Form - 0 views

    "A Sustainable Earth through International Cooperation and Global Citizenship Become recognized as a natural world citizen, legally claim and control your personal identity as a registered sovereign citizen of planet earth, separate of your state from your identity under newly recognized understood international law, global customs, and human rights laws of the day. Fortify your human rights, qualify for new international privileges, benefits, and special eligibility programs normally only available to those who have dual or multiple citizenship."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

GitHub Goes Government, Aims To Open Source Civics - ReadWrite - 0 views

    "Hey, developers! Here's how you can have more say in city, state or national government than ever before."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Who's winning the race to power and truth: Science or spirituality? - National Holistic... - 0 views

    "June 25, 2014 Deepak Chopra in a June 24, 2014 article, "Skepticism and a Million Dollar Challenge," brings our attention to a new age of skepticism. He states: "Skepticism, of the kind advanced by characters as diverse as James "The Amazing" Randi, Richard Dawkins, Laurence Krauss, and Jerry Coyne, does far more harm than good."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Study: Pharmaceuticals Kill More Teens Than Illegal Substances In The US - - 0 views

    "by Monica Thunder on March 26, 2015 Combine the number of overdose deaths caused by heroin and cocaine, and you still haven't matched the number of deaths caused by pharmaceutical prescription medications each year in the United States. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, pharmaceutical abuse was responsible for about 23,000 deaths in 2013 - that's more than half of the overdose deaths in the U.S. that year."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Economics of Abundance - P2P Foundation - 4 views

    [ Book: Wolfgang Hoeschele. The Economics of Abundance: A Political Economy of Freedom, Equity, and Sustainability. Gower Publishing, 2010 Contents [hide] * 1 Description * 2 Contents * 3 Excerpts o 3.1 Introduction o 3.2 Oppressive Scarcities (pp. 19-20) o 3.3 Conclusions: Strategies for Change o 3.4 Table 9.1: Coalitions for change o 3.5 Resource Use and Property Rights to Minimize Scarcity + 3.5.1 Contributory resource uses + 3.5.2 Neutral resource uses + 3.5.3 Rivalrous resource uses + 3.5.4 Key References on resource use Description "The "economics of abundance" is based on a critique of our present economic system, which finds value only in scarce commodities - i.e., things which can be sold at a high price because demand exceeds supply. Because this economy depends on demand always outstripping supplies, it also depends on "scarcity-generating institutions" - institutions that either manipulate supply or demand in order to keep us in a constant state of need. An economy of abundance seeks to dismantle or reform these scarcity-generating institutions in such a way as to affirm our freedom to live life as art (self-expression to others), social equity (so that everyone can live life as art), and sustainability (so that all life can thrive into the future). Among other things, this implies a much greater role for various forms of shared property, individual and community-level self-reliance, and participatory decision-making." ( ]
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