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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Fear Dominates Politics, Media and Human Existence in America-And It's Getting Worse | ... - 0 views

    Today, AlterNet launches a series of articles and investigations on fear, and how to combat it.
    Today, AlterNet launches a series of articles and investigations on fear, and how to combat it.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Facts, Not Fear: The Truth About Encryption by Techdirt - Beacon - 0 views

    Techdirt will go beyond the talking points & fear mongering to bring facts to the debate - and we'll go even further, creating an ad campaign that reaches millions to better educate everyone about the importance of encryption. 95%funded so far23days left $9,504raised so far Back this work *This project will only be funded if $10,000 is raised by Mar 26th, 8:52pm CET
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Are You An Internet Optimist or Pessimist? The Great Debate over Technology's Impact on... - 11 views

    "The impact of technological change on culture, learning, and morality has long been the subject of intense debate, and every technological revolution brings out a fresh crop of both pessimists and pollyannas. Indeed, a familiar cycle has repeat itself throughout history whenever new modes of production (from mechanized agriculture to assembly-line production), means of transportation (water, rail, road, or air), energy production processes (steam, electric, nuclear), medical breakthroughs (vaccination, surgery, cloning), or communications techniques (telegraph, telephone, radio, television) have appeared on the scene. The cycle goes something like this. A new technology appears. Those who fear the sweeping changes brought about by this technology see a sky that is about to fall. These "techno-pessimists" predict the death of the old order (which, ironically, is often a previous generation's hotly-debated technology that others wanted slowed or stopped). Embracing this new technology, they fear, will result in the overthrow of traditions, beliefs, values, institutions, business models, and much else they hold sacred. The pollyannas, by contrast, look out at the unfolding landscape and see mostly rainbows in the air. Theirs is a rose-colored world in which the technological revolution du jour is seen as improving the general lot of mankind and bringing about a better order. If something has to give, then the old ways be damned! For such "techno-optimists," progress means some norms and institutions must adapt-perhaps even disappear-for society to continue its march forward. Our current Information Revolution is no different. It too has its share of techno-pessimists and techno-optimists. Indeed, before most of us had even heard of the Internet, people were already fighting about it-or at least debating what the rise of the Information Age meant for our culture, society, and economy."
  • ...5 more comments...
    I'm definitely an optimist...
    yes, so am I, but somehow lately I feel it is not enough..
    I think I fall into his category of 'pragmatic optimism-- "...The sensible middle ground position is "pragmatic optimism": We should embrace the amazing technological changes at work in today's Information Age but do so with a healthy dose of humility and appreciation for the disruptive impact pace and impact of that change.'" There's enough cool new stuff out there to warrant concepting a bright future, but that has to be tempered with the knowledge that nothing is perfect, and humans have a tendency to make good things bad all the time. I always refer back to the shining happy images that were concocted back in the 40's and 50's that predicted a wondrous new future with cars, and highways, and air travel, yet failed to foresee congestion, pollution, and urban sprawl. Yin and Yang in everything, right?
    I don't believe in dichotomies, thus I am both at the same time. I prepare for both digital nirvana and the end of civilization and collapse of techology at the same time. I am here discussing the future of work with all of you, but I have a disaster kit in the basement and a plan with friends and family where to meet at a fertile plot of land with lots of water (I call it Kurtopia). I would recommend all of you do the same. Of course you must also carry on based on the status quo (don't quit work and cash the retirement funds and buy gold coins), as well as react to any variation in between. Crystal balls are a waste of attention. Consider all scenarios, make plans, then throw them away and react to circumstances as they are presented. Understand that plans are merely insurance policies and come with a cost to attention on the present. They are robust but not optimized. Considering the spectrum from optimistic to pessimistic, if we assume a bell curve distribution of probability (with the stops across the bottom being discrete and independent), I would say these days, for me the bell is flattening, it is less and less likely that the status quo will survive. I would go so far as to say perhaps the bell is inverted. This could be interpreted as a polarization - one of the pessimists positions - except that I don't believe that the person experiencing the optimistic paradigm will necessarily be a different person than the one experiencing the negative, thus don't subscribe to the position that technology will result in a new classism.
    nice collection of articles listed in this article, I've missed some of them so will go remedy that situation now
    does Kurtopia need someone to mow the lawn?
    no, but we do need someone to take our throm-dib-u-lator apart though
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

All Things Open 2014 lightning talk with Scott Nesbitt | - 0 views

    "Open source scares people. And tossing them into the deep end usually doesn't help dampen that fear. Instead, we need to help ease people into using open source. Scott Nesbitt, technology coach and writer, shares some advice to help you do that."
    "Open source scares people. And tossing them into the deep end usually doesn't help dampen that fear. Instead, we need to help ease people into using open source. Scott Nesbitt, technology coach and writer, shares some advice to help you do that."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Julia Reda - Freedom to link threatened by EU court decision and copyright plans [Date:... - 1 views

    "Today, the European Court of Justice significantly curtailed the freedom to hyperlink - one of the basic building blocks of the web. Together with the new special copyright protection for news articles the European Commission is planning to propose next week, the ability of Europeans to point to things online without having to fear breaking a law is in peril. Could the following message soon be commonplace on the European internet? Read on for details."
    "Today, the European Court of Justice significantly curtailed the freedom to hyperlink - one of the basic building blocks of the web. Together with the new special copyright protection for news articles the European Commission is planning to propose next week, the ability of Europeans to point to things online without having to fear breaking a law is in peril. Could the following message soon be commonplace on the European internet? Read on for details."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The proper way to handle unavoidable failures | - 0 views

    "At OSCON this year, Amye Scavarda and Leslie Hawthorn gave a talk entitled "Fear of Failing Fast: How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Success." I just had to attend. Here's a summary of the talk."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Deus Ex Machina vs. Electric Gaia - 0 views

    "e emergence of cyberspace is undoubtedly creating a wave of religious enthusiasm. Partly, the infinity that cyberspace creates, functions as an ideal mechanism for the projection of our fondest hopes and deepest fears. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

11 Ways To Change Your Definition Of Life And Attract Positive Energy - 0 views

    " Stress results from a wrong definition of life. For most people life stands for 'Living in Fear Everyday'."
thinkahol *

Web use doesn't encourage belief in political rumors, but e-mail does - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (Mar. 7, 2011) - Despite the fears of some, a new study suggests that use of the internet in general does not make people more likely to believe political rumors.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Understanding and Dismantling the Global Control System | Wake Up World - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      [# ! Via Faraz Ishaq -> FB's World peace treaty...]
    [By Julian Websdale Guest Writer for Wake Up World Surviving the Matrix Looking at the global situation from the perspective of fear is counterproductive. We need to look at it from a perspective of concern, and see the opportunity that lies in having the knowledge of the global situation. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

UK scientists fear being gagged by new anti-lobbying rules for gov't grants | Ars Techn... - 0 views

    "But Cabinet Office tells Ars research results can still be used for lobbying purposes. by Glyn Moody - Feb 23, 2016 4:50pm CET"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Fear not, humanity - Saint Elon has finished part two of his world-saving 'master plan'... - 0 views

    "Sustainability and sharing isn't just some 'silly, hippy thing,' says Musk"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Once Again, The Brussels Attacks Were An Intelligence Community Failure, Not An 'Encryp... - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Stop using #Terror (#pain, #fear...) to set up politics of intromission in private life of citizens... companies... other governments... # ! Balance the Responsibilities and # ! take logical actions.
    "After the Paris attacks late last year, we noted that it was clear that they were evidence of an intelligence community failure, rather than an "encryption" problem -- which kind of explained why the intelligence community quickly tried to blame encryption. But, as we noted, most of the attackers were already known to the intelligence community and law enforcement -- and there's still little evidence that they used any encryption. "
    "After the Paris attacks late last year, we noted that it was clear that they were evidence of an intelligence community failure, rather than an "encryption" problem -- which kind of explained why the intelligence community quickly tried to blame encryption. But, as we noted, most of the attackers were already known to the intelligence community and law enforcement -- and there's still little evidence that they used any encryption. "
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