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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How to Live Forever - The New Yorker - 0 views

    "Part IV in a series on technological evolution. Part I was "If a Time Traveller Saw a Smartphone." Part II was "As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?" Part III was "The Problem With Easy Technology.""
    "Part IV in a series on technological evolution. Part I was "If a Time Traveller Saw a Smartphone." Part II was "As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?" Part III was "The Problem With Easy Technology.""
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

5 Ways to Get High Without Drugs or Plants | Spirit Science - 0 views

    "By Kristohper Love| Since the beginning of time, humans have enjoyed getting high. From peyote to fasting, from booze to orgasm, people love to alter their consciousness and feel good."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Movie Studios Want to Copy Megaupload's Servers - TorrentFreak [# ! Note] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! #shameful: first, Industry gets the money through questionable trolling practices and, later, the material... to keep on getting profit... from still unsolved legal issues... # ! :/
    "Hollywood's major movie studios are protesting a request from Megaupload's legal team to put their civil lawsuit on hold for another six months. The movie studios will only agree to the request if they can get copies of the Megaupload servers stored at Cogent, something the defunct cloud-hosting service fiercely objects to."
    "Hollywood's major movie studios are protesting a request from Megaupload's legal team to put their civil lawsuit on hold for another six months. The movie studios will only agree to the request if they can get copies of the Megaupload servers stored at Cogent, something the defunct cloud-hosting service fiercely objects to."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Great Wide Open 2016 lightning talks: Ginny Ghezzo | - 0 views

    "A common piece of advice thrown around in tech circles is to "get involved," but what does that mean, exactly?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Announcing a call for writers on open government and open data | - 0 views

    "Transparency, participation, and collaboration are key components to open source but also to the open government movement. During the month of May, will feature stories where open source and government are transforming communities. From May 12 - 23, we'll highlight some great people and projects in open government, open data, and civic hacking, and we'll provide resources on how you can get involved yourself. Get a head start on Open Government Week by checking out our latest reports on open source in government."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Science Fraud Getting You Down? Here's Who You Can Trust | WIRED - 0 views

    "You don't have to look very far to get head-bangingly upset about the current state of medical and scientific research. Pfizer (maybe) hid evidence that Zoloft use by pregnant women caused heart defects in babies. GlaxoSmithKlein paid $3 billion in fines for a) generating a fake journal article"
    "You don't have to look very far to get head-bangingly upset about the current state of medical and scientific research. Pfizer (maybe) hid evidence that Zoloft use by pregnant women caused heart defects in babies. GlaxoSmithKlein paid $3 billion in fines for a) generating a fake journal article"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Workshop to get faculty, students, involved in HFOSS Projects | - 0 views

    "What is Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) in education and how can we get more students involved? HFOSS is open source software that has a humanitarian purpose such as disaster management, health care, economic development, social services, and more. Experience with undergraduate participation in HFOSS shows it can both motivate students and provide excellent learning opportunities. There is also an indication that it can help attract and retain female students."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Threats and Challenges to Cooperative Economies: Platform Cooperativism Conference | MI... - 1 views

    "The first lesson from her work is that it's important to get the value proposition correct. Many of the nonprofits aren't delivering value to people, and the thing that will get people engaged will be if it's valuable to them. For-profits are nailing the value proposition for consumers, which is why consumers are flocking to them."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hello World · GitHub Guides - 1 views

    "The Hello World project is a time-honored tradition in computer programming. It is a simple exercise that gets you started when learning something new. Let's get started with GitHub! You'll learn how to: Create and use a repository Start and manage a new branch Make changes to a file and push them to GitHub as commits Open and merge a pull request"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Confessions of a cross-platform developer | - 0 views

    "OSCON interview with Andreia Gaita . .. Most of the time I have projects combining C/C++ and C# and | I want to build all the different configurations at the same time from the same source tree (Debug, Release, Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS, etc, etc.), and that usually requires selecting and invoking different compilers with different flags per output build artifact. So the build system has to let me do all of this without getting (too much) in my way.. ...]
    "OSCON interview with Andreia Gaita . .. Most of the time I have projects combining C/C++ and C# and | I want to build all the different configurations at the same time from the same source tree (Debug, Release, Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS, etc, etc.), and that usually requires selecting and invoking different compilers with different flags per output build artifact. So the build system has to let me do all of this without getting (too much) in my way.. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Highlights DMCA Abuse in New Copyright Transparency Report - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on September 12, 2016 C: 3 News Google has released a new and improved version of its Copyright Transparency Report. The revamped report makes it easier to get insights into over a billion reported URLs. Among other things, Google now specifies how many URLs it does not remove and why, highlighting various cases of DMCA abuse"
    " Ernesto on September 12, 2016 C: 3 News Google has released a new and improved version of its Copyright Transparency Report. The revamped report makes it easier to get insights into over a billion reported URLs. Among other things, Google now specifies how many URLs it does not remove and why, highlighting various cases of DMCA abuse"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How to integrate Git into your everyday workflow | - 0 views

    "Read: Part 1: What is Git? Part 2: Getting started with Git Part 3: Creating your first Git repository Part 4: How to restore older file versions in Git Part 5: 3 graphical tools for Git"
    "Read: Part 1: What is Git? Part 2: Getting started with Git Part 3: Creating your first Git repository Part 4: How to restore older file versions in Git Part 5: 3 graphical tools for Git"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

48% of people who buy vinyl don't listen to the records | What Hi-Fi? - 1 views

    "New research suggests that streaming is boosting vinyl sales - but a lot of records being bought aren't actually getting played. "
    "New research suggests that streaming is boosting vinyl sales - but a lot of records being bought aren't actually getting played. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What Happens in the Brain When Music Causes Chills? | Smart News | Smithsonian - 0 views

    "The brains of people who get chills when the right song comes on are wired differently than others"
    "The brains of people who get chills when the right song comes on are wired differently than others"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Microsoft & Education: The Song Remains the Same | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "Ken Starks It's the way of The Internet. What was once a raging firefight between two or more factions, is now a topic dead and forgotten somewhere on Slashdot or within other piles of forgotten Internetia. What was once a topic or cause over which to go to war, now only survives as fodder for The Oatmeal or other hip and funny sites. I'm talking about former the-tempests-in-a-teapot for such things as: #systemd #Mir #it_is_GNU/Linux_you_luddite Well, you get the idea…"
    "Ken Starks It's the way of The Internet. What was once a raging firefight between two or more factions, is now a topic dead and forgotten somewhere on Slashdot or within other piles of forgotten Internetia. What was once a topic or cause over which to go to war, now only survives as fodder for The Oatmeal or other hip and funny sites. I'm talking about former the-tempests-in-a-teapot for such things as: #systemd #Mir #it_is_GNU/Linux_you_luddite Well, you get the idea…"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

5 tips for promoting an inclusive environment | - 0 views

    "People in tech companies and particularly in open source communities believe in and value meritocracy-letting the best ideas win. One thing that's become increasingly clear to me over the past few years is this: meritocracy is a great driver of innovation, but if we want to get to the best ideas, we need diversity of thought and an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome to participate"
    "People in tech companies and particularly in open source communities believe in and value meritocracy-letting the best ideas win. One thing that's become increasingly clear to me over the past few years is this: meritocracy is a great driver of innovation, but if we want to get to the best ideas, we need diversity of thought and an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome to participate"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Be a civic hacker for your community | - 0 views

    "There is a civic hacker in you! He or she is in there... I promise! Today, technology has evolved into a perfect storm of open source tools, code, social networks, and lots of data. Civic technologists thrive on all of these getting together with like-minded hackers and turning all these sources into useful applications, websites and visualizations."
    "There is a civic hacker in you! He or she is in there... I promise! Today, technology has evolved into a perfect storm of open source tools, code, social networks, and lots of data. Civic technologists thrive on all of these getting together with like-minded hackers and turning all these sources into useful applications, websites and visualizations."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Translating good documentation beats starting over from scratch | - 0 views

    "Writing documentation can have a way of getting into your blood, so that you think about it quite a bit, play with some ideas, start various new ideas that may not come to much, and it seems that what you're looking for as much as anything is a task that takes hold of you and develops its own energy to keep you going until you finish."
    "Writing documentation can have a way of getting into your blood, so that you think about it quite a bit, play with some ideas, start various new ideas that may not come to much, and it seems that what you're looking for as much as anything is a task that takes hold of you and develops its own energy to keep you going until you finish."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Open Source Funding Conundrum - Datamation - 0 views

    "Some tips on getting your open source project funded. Hint: lose the guilt trip."
    "Some tips on getting your open source project funded. Hint: lose the guilt trip."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Children will change behavior that's rewarded in order to conform | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "by Cathleen O'Grady Nov 24 2014, 4:00am CET If you know how to do something and people around you start doing it differently, you have two options: stick to what you know, or change to use their strategy. If the new strategy is more efficient than yours, or gets better results, it's a no-brainer, so you switch. But if it's exactly as efficient and produces the same results, the decision to switch is based on another factor-conformity."
    "by Cathleen O'Grady Nov 24 2014, 4:00am CET Share Tweet 24 If you know how to do something and people around you start doing it differently, you have two options: stick to what you know, or change to use their strategy. If the new strategy is more efficient than yours, or gets better results, it's a no-brainer, so you switch. But if it's exactly as efficient and produces the same results, the decision to switch is based on another factor-conformity."
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