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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Customer wins $10K judgment from Microsoft over unauthorized Windows 10 upgrade | ITworld - 0 views

    "Microsoft last month paid a California travel agent $10,000 after she won a judgment in small claims court by successfully arguing that an unauthorized upgrade to Windows 10 crippled her work PC."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Microsoft Doesn't Want You To Install Linux On Its "Signature PCs" (Update) - 0 views

    "Short Bytes: Microsoft hates it when its customers wish to install Linux or other operating systems on its PCs. A Redditor has expressed concern over his inability to install Linux on a Yoga 900 ISK2 Ultrabook. Trying to justify this, Lenovo has said that Yoga 900 runs a Signature Edition of Windows 10 Home installed and it's locked per our agreement with Microsoft."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

And Just Like That, The Dumbest Trademark Suit Over Saying 'Thank You' Disappears | Tec... - 0 views

    "It is with mostly pleasure, but a little bit of sadness, that I am here to inform you, dear reader, that the idiotic trademark lawsuit brought by Citigroup against AT&T because it dared to say "thank you" to its customers is dead. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Global Citizen Sign-Up Form - 0 views

    "A Sustainable Earth through International Cooperation and Global Citizenship Become recognized as a natural world citizen, legally claim and control your personal identity as a registered sovereign citizen of planet earth, separate of your state from your identity under newly recognized understood international law, global customs, and human rights laws of the day. Fortify your human rights, qualify for new international privileges, benefits, and special eligibility programs normally only available to those who have dual or multiple citizenship."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Darik's Boot And Nuke | Hard Drive Disk Wipe and Data Clearing - 0 views

    "Data Wiping Software DBAN is free erasure software designed for the personal user. It automatically deletes the contents of any hard disk that it can detect. This method prevents identity theft before recycling a computer. DBAN is also a commonly used solution to remove viruses and spyware from Microsoft Windows installations. DBAN users should be aware of some product limitations, including: No guarantee of data removal (e.g. DBAN does not detect or securely erase SSDs) No audit-ready reporting for regulatory compliance Limited hardware support (e.g. no RAID dismantling) No customer support or regular software updates"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

By Installing Linux, You Could Lose Your Computer Warranty - 0 views

    "A custom in the world of smartphones now reaches computers; limits the possibilities of users. By installing Linux on your computer, you could lose your warranty in the store - That's what it is."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Comcast took $1,775 from man, only gave it back after he contacted media | Ars Technica... - 0 views

    "Stop us if you've heard this one before: Comcast has done something wrong to one of its customers and didn't make it right until he contacted a reporter."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Cultural and Social Values Meaning Differences with Examples | SLN - 0 views

    "Fri, 09/12/2014 - 02:51 -- Umar Farooq There two different types of values Define Cultural Values Cultural values are hereditary and form core of the culture. List of cultural values include customs, rituals conventions, styles and fashions which are remain in the core culture. The values hold supreme position among them. These values give a shape to the culture and the society. These are very difficult to change because they remain in embedded of social institutions and the social norms. These are the ideals of society. These are remain in the memory of our elders, in old books, in religious and ethical literature. These are sometimes, referred as the values of the old people or the values of the past. They can -be said as the traditions of our life. The deviation from cultural values creates serious social problems. If these are ignored in social life there will be a gap between 'two generations and the son will be separated from his father. But it happens seldom in rapidly changing societies. The neurotic conditions develop due to dissatisfaction in social conditions which lead to frustration."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

U.S. government seeks reduced use of custom software, releases new policy to 'free the ... - 0 views

    "With the presidential election season upon us, I'm often asked whether the U.S. government efforts to encourage use of open source software (OSS) will continue when a new administration comes into office in January."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Pirates Spend Much More Money on Music, Study Shows - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " y Ernesto on February 26, 2016 C: 41 News A new study has shown that music piracy is still rampant in the United States with 57 million people between the ages of 13 and 50 accessing music through unauthorized sources. Interestingly, however, these pirates also spend significantly more money on CDs and paid downloads, more than their counterparts who only consume legally."
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