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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

By Installing Linux, You Could Lose Your Computer Warranty - 0 views

    "A custom in the world of smartphones now reaches computers; limits the possibilities of users. By installing Linux on your computer, you could lose your warranty in the store - That's what it is."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

U.S. Congress must act on government hacking, reject Rule 41 - Access Now - 0 views

    "Washington D.C. - Access Now today calls upon the U.S. Congress to reject a new rule that will expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) hacking operations. The call comes as the Supreme Court of the United States reported a change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, specifically Rule 41, to Congress. The change enables the FBI to hack into computers regardless of where they are located, and to hack into the computers belonging to the victims of botnet operations. Access Now strongly opposes the update to Rule 41."
    "Washington D.C. - Access Now today calls upon the U.S. Congress to reject a new rule that will expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) hacking operations. The call comes as the Supreme Court of the United States reported a change in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, specifically Rule 41, to Congress. The change enables the FBI to hack into computers regardless of where they are located, and to hack into the computers belonging to the victims of botnet operations. Access Now strongly opposes the update to Rule 41."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

FBI's Tor Hack Shows the Risk of Subpoenas to Security Researchers | WIRED - 0 views

    "Computer security researchers who expose hackable vulnerabilities in digital products face plenty of occupational hazards: They can have their work censored by threats of lawsuits from the companies whose products they hack, or they can even be criminally indicted if their white-hat hacking runs afoul of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But one still-mysterious encounter between security researchers and the law points to a newer, equally troubling possibility: They can have their work subpoenaed in a criminal investigation and used as a law enforcement tool."
    "Computer security researchers who expose hackable vulnerabilities in digital products face plenty of occupational hazards: They can have their work censored by threats of lawsuits from the companies whose products they hack, or they can even be criminally indicted if their white-hat hacking runs afoul of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. But one still-mysterious encounter between security researchers and the law points to a newer, equally troubling possibility: They can have their work subpoenaed in a criminal investigation and used as a law enforcement tool."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hardware we certified in 2015 to Respect Your Freedom - Free Software Foundation - work... - 0 views

    "by Joshua Gay - Published on Jan 06, 2016 02:42 PM The world of computer hardware products is in many respects a dark and dismal place when it comes to computer user freedom: graphics processors, network controllers, and even the low-level boot systems of most computers use proprietary software. However, we know that this situation is not due to a lack of demand from users for hardware that respects them. People want this, but in the absence of options, have just resigned themselves to accepting mistreatment. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Multitasking definition by The Linux Information Project (LINFO) - 0 views

    "Multitasking refers to an operating system in which multiple processes, also called tasks, can execute (i.e., run) on a single computer seemingly simultaneously and without interfering with each other. That is, each process has the illusion that it is the only process on the computer and that it has exclusive access to all the services of the operating system. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How computer-generated fake papers are flooding academia | Science | The Guardian - 0 views

    "More and more academic papers that are essentially gobbledegook are being written by computer programs - and accepted at conferences * Higgs would not have found his boson in today's publish-or-perish research culture"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Huh? Schools Think Kids Don't Want to Learn Computer Science | WIRED - 0 views

    "...schools don't think the demand from parents and students is there. ..."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Take Control of Your PC with UEFI Secure Boot | Linux Journal - 0 views

    "Nov 30, 2015 By Greig Paul in HOW-TOs Security UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is the open, multi-vendor replacement for the aging BIOS standard, which first appeared in IBM computers in 1976. The UEFI standard is extensive, covering the full boot architecture. This article focuses on a single useful but typically overlooked feature of UEFI: secure boot. "
    "Nov 30, 2015 By Greig Paul in HOW-TOs Security UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is the open, multi-vendor replacement for the aging BIOS standard, which first appeared in IBM computers in 1976. The UEFI standard is extensive, covering the full boot architecture. This article focuses on a single useful but typically overlooked feature of UEFI: secure boot. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Quantum computing is now a big step closer thanks to this new breakthrough | ITworld - 0 views

    " For the first time ever, scientists have found a way to build a quantum Fredkin gate Katherine Noyes By Katherine Noyes Follow IDG News Service | March 28, 2016 "
    " For the first time ever, scientists have found a way to build a quantum Fredkin gate Katherine Noyes By Katherine Noyes Follow IDG News Service | March 28, 2016 "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

U.S. Government Sued for Software Piracy, Maker Claims $600m - TorrentFreak [# ! (#Fun)... - 0 views

    " By Ernesto on July 20, 2016 C: 20 Breaking The U.S. military is being accused of installing 'pirated' copies of 3D virtual reality software onto hundreds of thousands of computers without permission. Bitmanagement, the makers of the software, accuse the Navy of willful copyright infringement and are suing the Government for more than half a billion dollars in unpaid licenses."
    " By Ernesto on July 20, 2016 C: 20 Breaking The U.S. military is being accused of installing 'pirated' copies of 3D virtual reality software onto hundreds of thousands of computers without permission. Bitmanagement, the makers of the software, accuse the Navy of willful copyright infringement and are suing the Government for more than half a billion dollars in unpaid licenses."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Internet Without Connection, Free Endless OS For Emerging Markets - Forbes - 0 views

    " There are four billion people on the planet without PCs or access to affordable personal computers. That figure should surely be tempered with some contextualization i.e. not everybody actually wants to have an Internet connection and many traditional, native or bucolic ways of live do still exist on the planet"
    " There are four billion people on the planet without PCs or access to affordable personal computers. That figure should surely be tempered with some contextualization i.e. not everybody actually wants to have an Internet connection and many traditional, native or bucolic ways of live do still exist on the planet"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

7 Tools to Encrypt/Decrypt and Password Protect Files in Linux - 0 views

    "Encryption is the process of encoding files in such a way that only those who are authorized can access it. Mankind is using encryption from ages even when computers were not in existence. During war they would pass some kind of message that only their tribe or those who are concerned were able to understand."
    "Encryption is the process of encoding files in such a way that only those who are authorized can access it. Mankind is using encryption from ages even when computers were not in existence. During war they would pass some kind of message that only their tribe or those who are concerned were able to understand."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Citation management tool for open science | - 0 views

    "References and citations are what make the scientific and academic worlds go round. Everyone has their own system for keeping track of their research, from dumping everything onto a desk, to dumping everything into a folder (I like to call this the Pensky Method), to dumping everything into folders on a computer."
    "References and citations are what make the scientific and academic worlds go round. Everyone has their own system for keeping track of their research, from dumping everything onto a desk, to dumping everything into a folder (I like to call this the Pensky Method), to dumping everything into folders on a computer."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What is open source? Licensing, history, and more | - 0 views

    How to teach others about open source "Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Gina Likins from Red Hat at the 2015 Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC): South Central conference about teaching open source"
    How to teach others about open source "Recently, I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Gina Likins from Red Hat at the 2015 Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC): South Central conference about teaching open source"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Key principles of an open organization | - 0 views

    "They say life imitates art. But, I believe life imitates technology. Look at distributed systems, decentralized computing, open source, and lean principles. With these and other technical initiatives, we've pushed boundaries and improved our applications, our networks, our companies, and our lives."
    "They say life imitates art. But, I believe life imitates technology. Look at distributed systems, decentralized computing, open source, and lean principles. With these and other technical initiatives, we've pushed boundaries and improved our applications, our networks, our companies, and our lives."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

10 things to do before you lose your laptop | ITworld - 1 views

    " Your laptop computer lets you to stay in touch and be productive regardless of where you are. But if you aren't careful that portability can be your downfall. Paul Mah By Paul Mah Follow CIO | September 11, 2015 "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open source analogy for the in-laws | - 0 views

    " ...Imagine, I began, the software running on your computer as a collection of books in a library. Some books are new, some are old, some are interesting, and some are not. ..." [... feel free to use or improve.]
    " ...Imagine, I began, the software running on your computer as a collection of books in a library. Some books are new, some are old, some are interesting, and some are not. ..." [... feel free to use or improve.]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Balancing Diversity and Creativity in the World of FOSS | Community | LinuxInsider - 0 views

    "The Linux community is filled with friction and diversity. One of the advantages of open source software is the diversity that leads to innovative approaches to improve the computing environment."
    "The Linux community is filled with friction and diversity. One of the advantages of open source software is the diversity that leads to innovative approaches to improve the computing environment."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The real reason Microsoft open sourced .NET | CIO - 0 views

    "DevOps, microservices, and the shift to containers and lightweight computing environments explain a lot about Microsoft's position on .NET, open source and Nano Server. Mary Branscombe By Mary Branscombe "
    "DevOps, microservices, and the shift to containers and lightweight computing environments explain a lot about Microsoft's position on .NET, open source and Nano Server. Mary Branscombe By Mary Branscombe "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Beginner's Guide to the Linux Desktop - Freedom Penguin - 0 views

    "October 7, 2016 Joe Collins 4 Comments How To There is much talk in the Linux world about the mythical "average user." There is no such thing with Linux. First off, people who use Linux usually are those who know a thing or two about computers to begin with and want to take advantage of all the choices Linux offers. "
    "October 7, 2016 Joe Collins 4 Comments How To There is much talk in the Linux world about the mythical "average user." There is no such thing with Linux. First off, people who use Linux usually are those who know a thing or two about computers to begin with and want to take advantage of all the choices Linux offers. "
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