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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google's My Activity reveals just how much it knows about you | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Search company launches new opt-in ad service for non-Google sites and tools that show how it tracks your internet activity "
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Digital Distinction - Status-Specific Types of Internet Usage - 1 views

    Objective. Sociologists of technology propose that not only a technological artifact, as such, but also patterns of usage should be considered when studying the social implications of technologies. Accordingly, we explore how people's online activities are influenced by users' socioeconomic status and context of use. Methods. We analyze data from the Allensbacher Computer and Technology Analysis (ACTA) 2004 survey with uniquely detailed information about people's Internet uses and context of usage to explore this relationship. Results. Findings suggest that highstatus and low-status individuals cultivate different forms of ''Internet-in-practice.'' High-status users are much more likely to engage in so-called capital-enhancing activities online than are their less privileged counterparts. Conclusion. Results suggest differential payoffs from Internet use depending on a user's socioeconomic background. Digital inequalities might be mitigated by improving people's Internet equipment and digital experience, but they do not account for all the status differential in use.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Linux Practicality vs Activism - Datamation - 0 views

    " ...For some, the freedom enjoyed by using Linux is the freedom from vendor lock-in or high software costs. Most would call this a practical consideration. Others users would tell you the freedom they enjoy is software freedom. This means embracing Linux distributions that support the Free Software Movement, avoiding proprietary software completely and all things related. In this article, I'll walk you through some of the differences between these two freedoms and how they affect Linux usage. ...."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

School cancels reading program rather than promote "hacker culture" | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "Boing Boing editor responds, offers 200 free copies to the school's students. by Joe Silver - June 10 2014, 8:04pm CEST Activism Web Culture 212 Enlarge Cory Doctorow After the Booker T. Washington Public High School in Pensacola, Florida, placed best-selling author and popular Boing Boing blog editor Cory Doctorow's young adult novel Little Brother on its "One School/One Book" summer reading list, the school's administration promptly cancelled the school-wide reading program."
    "Boing Boing editor responds, offers 200 free copies to the school's students. by Joe Silver - June 10 2014, 8:04pm CEST Activism Web Culture 212 Enlarge Cory Doctorow After the Booker T. Washington Public High School in Pensacola, Florida, placed best-selling author and popular Boing Boing blog editor Cory Doctorow's young adult novel Little Brother on its "One School/One Book" summer reading list, the school's administration promptly cancelled the school-wide reading program."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Internet Activism Worked Today. Here's How to Keep the Momentum Going | Opinion | WIRED - 0 views

    " year and a half ago, the Internet did something it likes to do: It got outraged. A man in Washington made a bad decision that screwed over thousands of small businesses and hundreds of thousands more consumers."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The top 10 rookie open source projects | InfoWorld - 0 views

    "By Black Duck Software, InfoWorld | Jan 27, 2015 Black Duck presents its Open Source Rookies of the Year -- the 10 most exciting, active new projects germinated by the global open source community "
    "By Black Duck Software, InfoWorld | Jan 27, 2015 Black Duck presents its Open Source Rookies of the Year -- the 10 most exciting, active new projects germinated by the global open source community "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Research suggests being lazy is a sign of high intelligence | Health News | Lifestyle |... - 1 views

    "Results of the study revealed the thinking group were far less active than the non-thinkers Rebecca Flood Monday 8 August 2016 78 comments "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Anti-Piracy Group Uses 'Pirated' Code on its Website - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " By Ernesto on November 5, 2016 C: 15 Opinion The Business Software Alliance, a trade group representing Adobe, Apple and Microsoft, is well known for its aggressive anti-piracy campaigns. The organization actively encourages people to snitch on software pirates, luring them with big cash rewards. Amusingly, however, the page where people can report unlicensed software is using 'unlicensed' jQuery code."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Software Should Be Free: The FSF's first Annual Report - Free Software Foundation - wor... - 0 views

    "by Georgia Young - Published on Aug 11, 2016 03:58 PM The Free Software Foundation has been fighting for user freedom for more than thirty years with your support. FY2015 Annual Report cover - Software should be free as in freedom Now we are publishing our first Annual Report, which covers the 2015 fiscal year of October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. The report offers a look at the Foundation's activities, accomplishments, and financial picture. You will also read about the impact of our programs and FY2015's major events, including LibrePlanet and our thirtieth anniversary. A high resolution version is also available."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

FBI Spied On Activists Because Protecting Corporate Interests Is Roughly Equivalent To ... - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Another #Global issue: '#They' say it is for # ! #security, but it is really another #commercial # ! strategy, that #sells and #buys #citizens... # ! mere commodities. # ! :(
    [from the our-disregarded-internal-policies-trump-your-First-Amendment-rights dept That whole thing about the FBI not surveilling people based solely on First Amendment activity? The thing that's been in all the (FISA) papers (and agency policies)? Yeah, the FBI hasn't heard of it either. ]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

A tool for tracking non-code contributions to GitHub projects | - 0 views

    "In today's open source world, there are a number of very large communities that have tangible incentives for contributing to projects. Commits that make it into the master branch of Docker can attract tips, and once you become an Active Technical Contributor for OpenStack you get a number of perks, including free entry to the next OpenStack Summit."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Report: Operating Systems Should Actively Block Pirated Downloads - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on August 3, 2016 C: 253 News Apple, Google and Microsoft, are in an ideal position to deter piracy, according to a new report published by Black Market Watch and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. The controversial report opts for voluntary or mandatory blocking of pirated content on the operating system level."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Penguin and the Leviathan: The Triumph of Cooperation Over Self-Interest - P2P Foun... - 3 views

    [Here's a quit extensive synthesis of "The Penguin and the Leviathan," in my opinion a wonderful book for anyone who is interested in improving and transforming our economic and political institutions. Human motivation is a subject that 'makes me tick'. I really enjoyed reading "The Penguin and the Leviathan", not only because it paints a much nicer picture of "human nature" than the one used by the free marketeers, but also because it gives a glimpse of a future, higher form of society that will be much more based on human cooperation. I think it is important to see that the seeds of this future society are very much present today. ...]
    agreed! thanks for this share... the book's on my wishlist.
Ferananda Ibarra

Network organisation for the 21st century : turbulence - 4 views

  • On the Virtues of Being Popular In any network, some nodes are more connected than others, making them ‘hubs’. This is a recurring pattern in the evolution of successful networks, ranging from the world wide web to many natural ecosystems. A ‘hub’ is not just a node with a few more connections than a usual node; a hub has connections to many other nodes – many quite distant – and also connects many disparate nodes (nodes of very different types). If you were to count all the connections each node has, you would get a mathematical distribution called a ‘power-law’ distribution with relatively few hyper-connected nodes – hubs – and a ‘long tail’ of less connected nodes.
  • Unlike networks that have a normal or random distribution of connections, networks that have a power-law distribution of connections are ‘scale-free,’ which means that no matter how many more nodes are added to the network, the dynamics and structure remain the same. This seems to be a sweet spot in the evolution of networks for stability and efficiency. The network can get bigger without drastic changes to its function.
  • The Surprising Strength of the Long Tail There is a looming contradiction: how can we have hubs and still have a strong network of dense connections that is not dependent on them? Don’t hubs lead to the emergence of permanent, entrenched leaders, centralisation and other well-documented problems? There is something of a tension here: the point is not simply that we should develop hubs, but that we have to simultaneously ensure that the hubs are never allowed to become static, and that they’re at least partially redundant. Sounds complicated, but healthy and resilient networks aren’t characterised simply by the presence of hubs, but also by the ability of hubs to change over time, and the replacement of previous hubs by apparently quite similar hubs.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The long tail does not drop off into nothingness (which would be the ‘exponential’ rather than ‘power-law’ distribution), where there are a few hubs and every other node has almost no connections. Instead, the long tail is extensive, consisting of small groups of dense connections, going ever onwards. In fact, the vast majority of the connections in the network are not in the hub, but in the long tail. One clear example is that of book-selling in the 21st century: the majority of’s book sales are not in the best-seller list, but in those millions of titles in the long tail that only a few people order. Every successful movement must be built on dense local connections. It is these dense local connections that support the dynamic creation of hubs.
  • In a perfect world, every node would be a hub – we would all easily connect with any other person and be able to communicate. However, creating connections takes time and energy, so nodes that are more long-standing or just have more spare time will naturally become hubs
  • The Construction of Collective Intelligence Hubs tend to evolve naturally in well-functioning networks – but we can accelerate the process of network development
  • Unfortunately people can’t become hubs without largely re-inventing the wheel. It might be irritating for existing hubs, but it’s true. Being a hub requires more than just introductions, it requires information, skills, knowledge, and a memory of the past. However, we can accelerate this process by decentring as much of the connections and knowledge as possible away from individual humans and onto the environment, whether this environment be books, websites, songs, maps, videos, and a myriad of yet un-thought-of representational forms. A useful example is the pheromone trace of the ant, reinforced as more ants use a particular trail. The mere act of ‘leaving a trail’ shows how individuals with limited memory can use the shaping of the environment as an external memory.
  • You can imagine this on an individual level: a person using their mobile phone to remember the phone numbers of their friends. With easy access and reliability, the phone almost seems part of your intelligence. Just extend this so that the part of your mind that is extended into the environment is accessible and even modifiable by other people, and collective intelligence begins.
  • This use of the environment to store collective intelligence allows for the easier creation of hubs.
  • Collective intelligence allows highly organised successful actions to be performed by individuals who, with limited memory and knowledge, would otherwise be unable to become hubs.
  • Collective intelligence requires a commons of collective representations and memory accessible to the network, and so digital representations on the internet are idea
    • Ferananda Ibarra
      That is exactly what they can do! Currencies as currents, as symbols of value enabling and making flows visible. Allowing us to see the tracks of the pheromones, the activities, the streams, the right signals, the hubs. We will be able to measure, trace value much more precisely. We will then be able to compose flows into landscapes (scapes) of that which is interesting for a node, for a hub, for a group or machine. Scapes will allow us to display information in unimaginable ways. Our collective intelligence right there, in the blink of an eye. We will be able to see wholes instead of parts, make patterns more visible.
  • A key focus for improving our collective intelligence would be a few central websites compiling analyses of social movements and events, alongside practical pieces from key hubs and organisers on how particular events were pulled off. A collective ratings approach would allow people to quickly find needles in the electronic haystack, via Digg-It-style ‘I like this article’ tags, or collaborative bookmarking, allowing different users to see each other’s bookmarked webpages. Of course some of these types of things exist, with tagging systems well developed on sites of magazines, newspapers and blogs. However, no current website performs the function of an analysis and learning hub
  • If we are to act swiftly and sustain momentum we will need to create collective intelligence – the ability to create accurate records of events, distribute them widely, analyse success and failure, and to pass on skills and knowledge.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Will Obama Finally Order Corporations With Federal Contracts To Reveal Their Political ... - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! ... for whom the politicians -really- work...? # ! A big step towards transparency... # ! Let's spread the example...
    [After years of delay, reformers say the time to act is now. ...]
    [After years of delay, reformers say the time to act is now. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hello World · GitHub Guides - 1 views

    "The Hello World project is a time-honored tradition in computer programming. It is a simple exercise that gets you started when learning something new. Let's get started with GitHub! You'll learn how to: Create and use a repository Start and manage a new branch Make changes to a file and push them to GitHub as commits Open and merge a pull request"
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