Best Practices / Socialtext Customer Exchange - 0 views
Best Practices Learn how the pros achieve higher productivity through enhanced collaboration. Attention Management - Reduce time wasted in the Inbox. CC to Wiki - Get around the curse of Reply-to-All. Collaborating on a non wiki page using a wiki page - Use the attachment feature to collaborate on presentation files, etc. Designing Spaces - Key considerations for creating new spaces. Developing a Public Blogging Strategy Distributed Document Review Gardening and Wiki gardening tips Index Pages - create starting points for navigation around topics of interest. Lightning Editing - how to co-edit a document with a collaborator Securing buy-in - getting others to shift perspectives on wikis Sparking participation at events Using the workspace as a document repository
Mark - on 09 Mar 07A good list of productivity features when used in conjunction with wikis. This is socialtext oriented
Best Practices Learn how the pros achieve higher productivity through enhanced collaboration > . > Attention Management > - Reduce time wasted in the Inbox CC to Wiki > - Get around the curse of Reply-to-All. > Collaborating on a non wiki page using a wiki page > - Use the attachment feature to collaborate on presentation files, etc. > Designing Spaces > - Key considerations for creating new spaces. > Developing a Public Blogging Strategy > Distributed Document Review > Gardening > and > Wiki gardening tips > Index Pages > - create starting points for navigation around topics of interest. > Lightning Editing > - how to co-edit a document with a collaborator > Securing buy-in > - getting others to shift perspectives on wikis > Sparking participation at events > Using the workspace as a document repository > Doing a demo Create tagging structures - Develop a core list of tags for your wiki Wiki Structure - Create a page which outlines important elements of the wiki Stop creating Word documents - The first rule of integrating wikis effectively See also Bonnes Pratiques for a chart of best practices and French translations.
Learn how the pros achieve higher productivity through enhanced collaboration. * Attention Management - Reduce time wasted in the Inbox. * CC to Wiki - Get around the curse of Reply-to-All. * Collaborating on a non wiki page using a wiki page - Use the at
Socialtext is cool, and this best practices section is useful to learn about trends in the enterprise
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