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Shauna Hamman

TodaysMeet - 1 views

    Simple backchannel site with no ads. Students can ask/answer questions and make comments while observing a presentation or video. 
    This is really neat! Have you used it yet?
shana myers

Curriki - 1 views

shared by shana myers on 03 May 12 - Cached
    Curriki, the online education community, is building the first website to offer free, open-source instructional materials for K-12. We have thousands of free worksheets, lesson plans, exams, project ideas and activities for English language arts, math, science, social studies, technology integration and other subjects.
Shauna Hamman

Educator Workshop: GeoMentor Program - 3 views

  • The Arizona Game and Fish Department is looking for classroom teachers who wish to improve their understandin of GIS (geographic information systems) and its application to wildlife management. Through a year-long program, Department educaton and GIS staff will serve as mentors to help teachers understand and apply GIS tools and content into their classroom instruction.
    For middle and high school teachers
Karen Bliss

Zunal Webquests - 3 views

    All Subjects webquests already created or create your own.
    Thank you so much!
Tracy Watanabe

Twenty Ideas for Engaging Projects | Edutopia - 0 views

  • 1. Flat Stanley Refresh
  • 2. PBL is No Accident:
  • this CNN story
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • Teach21 project library.
  • 3. Defy Gravity
  • Separate NASA programs
  • 6. Rethink Lunch:
  • 4. Connect Across Disciplines:
  • Kinetic Conundrum.
  • 5. Honor Home Languages:
  • , "English Language Learners, Digital Tools, and Authentic Audiences."
  • , NASA aircraft that produces periods of micro and hyper gravity
  • Get connected at ePals, a global learning community for educators from more than 200 countries.
  • 7. Take a Learning Expedition
  • . Check out the gallery for project ideas about everything from the tools people use in their work to memories of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • 8. Find a Pal: If PBL is new to you, consider joining an existing project.
  • 17. Angry Bird Physics:
  • including informative essays and downloadable planning guides. Get more ideas from this video about a middle-school nutrition project, "A Healthy School Lunch."
  • The Inquiry Project s
  • . Companion videos show how scientists use the same methods t
  • 10. Learn through Service:
  • Their project demonstrates what can happen when service-learning principles are built into PBL. Find more ideas for service-learning projects from the National Youth Leadership Council.
  • 11. Locate Experts:
  • National Lab Network. It'
  • STEM projects th
  • 12. Build Empathy: P
  • 13. Investigate Climate Science
  • 14. Problem-Solvers Unite:
  • Math fairs
  • 15. Harvest Pennies :
  • 16. Gather Stories:
  • 9. Get Minds Inquiring:
  • 18. Place-Based Projects:
  • 19. News They Can Use: S
  • 20. The Heroes They Know:
    20 Ideas for Engaging Projects via @edutopia
Tina Jada

Mathalicious Common Core Standards - 3 views

    proportions, tips, area of a circle, probability 5 different projects
Mary Robertson

21st Century Educational Technology and Learning. - 1 views

    Description: "The resources in Xpeditions provide an opportunity to cross the curriculums of science, social studies, math, and language arts using National Geography Standards. At the same time students are engaged in unique and well planned inquiry, project, and problem based activities." Benefits: Just about all the work is done for you. Lesson plans, video links, everything right at your fingertips. Pitfalls: Deciding what you want to do and where to start.
Tracy Watanabe

Degree Confluence Project - 0 views

    Degree Confluence Project The goal of this volunteer-run project is to post a photograph on this Web site of each of the 13,584 latitude and longitude degree intersections in the world (whole-number values only!). Confluences in the oceans and some near the poles have been excluded. There is a confluence point within 49 miles of wherever you're standing. You can join the fun with a camera and GPS receiver. Participants must create an account or log a plan Here's my question -- is this just a 21st Century collaborative learning oportunity, or is it pbl? Did I tag it right?
Tina Jada

Small Businesses Can Be For Everyone - 4 views

    This is a multiple unit lesson plan that is intended to cover many of the strands of 7th grade mathematics including all operations of integers, order of operations, rational numbers, scientific notation, properties, and equations. Students explore how to make money through small businesses and use real data to learn that business can be profitable or can cause debt. One of the pitfalls may be the time needed to complete all of the units.
Jerry Paterson

Do Students need more Time Between Classes - 2 views

    Algebra II Students in High School "The student council has asked the principal to add one more minute between classes, to cut down on the number of students tardy for class. The principal has asked your class to study the matter and make a recommendation. Here are guidelines provided by the principal: 1 - Bus schedules cannot be changed. 2 - Classes must meet at minimum of 210 minutes a week 3 - Homeroom time is required." Benefits: Strong student buy-in! Students are always complaining about time between classes. Teaches data collection, statistics, time management, and poll taking techniques. Pitfalls: Students will come up with illogical arguments. Time!
Shauna Hamman

PolarTREC | Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating - 0 views

    Connect with teachers and scientists doing research in the polar regions. Great resources for science, PBL, global connections.
Tracy Watanabe

Landmark Games | Science math language school project classroom dialog cyberpal - 1 views

    Here's a great global collabo for Feb mainly 4th-10th grades skype, blog, ... landmark project
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