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Justin Medved

40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World «TwistedSifter - 1 views

    "If you're a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and infographics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you'll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head."

CmapTools - Home Page Cmap.html - 0 views

    CMaps is a free concept mapping software that is the product of cognitive research and the focus of ongoing research.

Mappio - Mind Map Library - 0 views

    1000s of Mind Maps for your perusal.
Justin Medved

GmapGIS - A web based GIS application to draw on Google maps: polygons, lines, markers ... - 0 views

shared by Justin Medved on 29 Nov 12 - Cached
    An alternative to ARC Map perhaps?
Derek Doucet - 2 views

    A great map of language learning in the 21st Century with explanations across skills.
    Thanks for sharing, Derek! I hope the Ontario Ministry has consulted this document ahead of the much-anticipated release of the new curriculum!
Justin Medved

Tour Builder - 2 views

    Tour Builder is a new way to show people the places you've visited and the experiences you had along the way using Google Earth. It lets you pick the locations right on the map, add in photos, text, and video, and then share your creation.
    This is fantastic Justin! I have had my Gr.9 Geo students plan out a Cross-Canada road trip using the Google Earth 'KML Tour', but Tour Builder might be the way to go from now on. I love that it is browser-based. Will definitely check this out. Thank you sir!
Derek Doucet

12 Effective Ways To Use Google Drive In Education | Edudemic - 3 views

  • I’d recommend using it as a useful tool for project-based learning where students can collaborate in real-time, hold chats, and even finalize a project from different locations.
    • a_harding
      Fantastic applications of Google Drive in the classroom!
  • The other big way I’d recommend trying out Google Drive would be for mind maps. You can create mind maps using a presentation in Google Drive and work on it with others at the same time.
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  • Are you a Google Drive / Google Docs fan? Do you take notes, compose papers, construct spreadsheets, and build presentations in real-time on the web while collaborating with others? I’m not necessarily promoting Google Drive; just merely pointing out a few of the powerful ways the free tool can help you save time and keep you better organized.
    • Derek Doucet
      Hey check this out, this could some excellent in class application of drive.
    This is a way that eductors can utilize Google Drive full capabilities in the classroom
    I've begun a journey this week where my students and I are collaborating on PE "sportfolios". So, I guess what I am saying, is you can add e-portfolios to the list!

Google Glass - 0 views

    Google Glass is a hands-free video camera, translator, list displayer, map, clock, and much more all rolled into something you can wear like glasses. You can even share pictures and video taken through Google glass with others. I don't know if any educational applications have been advertised by Google yet but I can see how it could make lessons and assessment much easier (provided it all works properly).

Science: A New Map of the Human Brain - - 0 views

    Ideas from "Top Brain, Bottom Brain: Surprising Insights Into How You Think" to be released on November 5 2013.
garth nichols

Sugata Mitra and the new educational Romanticism - a parody - 0 views

  • ll children are born to drive their education. The problem is that prior to the digital age there were no child-friendly pedagogic vehicles. Now that the military-industrial complex has created them, parents and teachers should give the keys to the kids as soon as possible and let them head off on their own down the beautifully linear highway of knowledge.
  • One of the empires is the empire of fear. Surely we are not free if our lives are dominated by fear. Although Mitra’s minimal model blithely assumes that children greet everything new with a calm curiosity, Rousseau recognises that children can just as easily respond to the new with fear. To avoid this requires early training. A snippet of his advice on this subject:
  • At another junction on the same road is the empire of habit. We are not free if we are too firmly set in our ways. Hence Rousseau’s advice: “the only habit that a child should be allowed to contract is none. Do not carry him on one arm more than the other; do not accustom him to give one hand rather than the other, to use one more than the other, to want to eat, sleep, or be active at the same hours…Prepare from afar the reign of his freedom…” (63) (Sir Ken Robinson’s critique of the school bell is but a footnote to this.)
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  • If tools are needed, he suggested, it is better that we make them ourselves, and for the sake of the children’s freedom it is better that they acquire the belief that the imperfect tools they make themselves are better than perfect tools made by others.
  • he great Romantic pedagogy of liberation becomes a parody of itself when it loses sight of how vulnerable the child is to a myriad imperial forces, reducing itself to the myopic claim that the only thing children need to be liberated from is teachers.
  • Of course, the child must feel at every step of the way that she is making the discoveries, or, as Rousseau says of his Emile in his now outdated language: “let him always believe he is the master” but, he reminds the tutor, “let it always be you who are.” (120)
  • Rousseau suggests beginning the scientific part of a child’s education with some geographical discovery learning. He has a nice criticism of his EdTech contemporaries: “You want to teach geography to this child, and you go and get globes, cosmic spheres, and maps for him. So many devices! Why all these representations? Why do you not begin by showing him the object itself so that he will at least know what you are talking about?” (168)
  • If curiosity and attention need cultivation and direction, they also need protection. Rousseau sees a particular risk with the sciences – and this is one which online learning surely magnifies, not diminishes. He puts it beautifully, describing the entry into science as something that can be like entering “into a bottomless sea…When I see a man, enamoured of the various kinds of knowledge, let himself be seduced by their charm and run from one to the other without knowing how to stop himself, I believe I am seeing a child on the shore gathering shells and beginning by loading himself up with them; then, tempted by those he sees next, he throws some away and picks up others, until, overwhelmed by their multitude and not knowing anymore which to choose, he ends by throwing them all away and returning empty-handed.” (172)
  • In a parallel way, learning emerges at the edge of chaos where children meet Google, and it emerges with the same spontaneity seen when the first amoeba dragged itself out of the primordial soup.
  • “The man who did not know pain would know neither the tenderness of humanity nor the sweetness of commiseration. His heart would be moved by nothing. He would not be sociable; he would be a monster among his kind.” (87)
  • Rousseau makes a point more specifically about the psychology of the child, arguing that it is damaging for children to be encouraged to learn things that are beyond the developing sphere of their experience.
  • Children become accustomed to parroting the truth instead of perceiving for themselves that something is true.
  • No child ever came face to face with his mortality when his avatar was struck by a pixelated bullet. No, the child learns infinitely more about the human condition from a single bout of toothache than from 1,000 hours of online gaming.
  • Mitra’s minimalism is not just the minimalism of a hands-off approach to teaching; it is also the minimalism of a theory that – in that questionable analytic tradition – wants to limit itself to technique. All we are given is a methodology – the theoretical equivalent of the automotive machinery that children can drive.
    This is a real eye-opener for the counter-digital-revolution perspective. It's good to keep these perspectives in mind as we chart our way forward because these ideas can help temper our enthusiasm for tech as a panacea
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