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Google Ngram Viewer - 1 views

    Allow Google to search key terms in books...lots of books, to help draw connections from events into popular culture! Just select two different terms, and see how they correlate throughout history

A Teacher's Approach to Using Comic Books in the Classroom | Our Kids Blog - 1 views

    Using comic books in the classroom - one teacher's approach.

How To Integrate iPads With The New Google Classroom - Edudemic - 0 views

  • Any app that supports uploading to Google Drive as an export option can then be turned in as a completed assignment. A few of these apps include, but are not limited to: Explain Everything iMovie (send to camera roll first & then upload to Google Drive) Book Creator Creative Book Builder Notability
  • Multiple file types can be selected and uploaded as assignments. This means that teachers can create templates and curate resources to guide student creation. ePub (Book Creator & Creative Book Builder) PDF (Notability & Book Creator) XPL (Explain Everything Project) MOV (iMovie) MP4 (Explain Everything video export) Google Document

7 Must-Read Books on Education - 2 views

    Brain-Pickings List of 7 Must Read Books on Education. Asimov to Gardner.

10 Good iPad Book Creator Apps to Use with Your Students ~ Educational Technology and M... - 0 views

    Just in time for my summative book assignment

2015 #1amonth Book Club - Google Docs - 2 views

    Awesome list of books for educators to read in a number of great categories including blended learning, congnitive science, creativity/innovation/design thinking.

Detention is over: Schools increasingly substituting discussion for by-the-book discipl... - 1 views

    A look at discussion over discipline.

Mobile Tech in Classrooms Boost English Learners - New America Media - 0 views

  • when a student asked Nieto if he could bring his iPod to class, Nieto agreed, and neither teacher nor student has looked back since.
    • sallymastro
      Whether iphone or ereaders...allowing students to use technology to enhance the learning process is something I am starting to approach with a more open mind.
  • said mobile devices are particularly useful because of the many learning applications and basic language tools, such as spell check and grammar check, which increase the speed of learning. Rather than view the mobile applications as learning shortcuts tantamount to cheating, Nieto sees them as motivational tools that increase his students’ interest in reading and writing by giving them instant feedback. It’s a perspective most of his students seem to share.
    • sallymastro
      Instant feedback is what I am looking for in the English classroom. I want to be able to provide constructive criticism more immediately, so the students can edit at the moment as opposed to waiting a day or two days to receive my comments on a writing piece.
  • as motivational tools that increase his students’ interest in reading and writing by giving them instant feedback.
    • sallymastro
      When I indicated to my students that they could use kindles, kobos or ireaders/iphones for the ISU novel study unit, they were quite excited and quickly retained copies of ISU via this means. I am still using paper copies of the books as well, but I want to be able to have choice in their methods of acquiring texts and engaging in the reading process.
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  • Project Tomorrow survey of roughly 300,000 K-12 students, 42,000 parents, 38,000 teachers and librarians, and 3,500 administrators from over 6,500 public and private schools, on how they are using—and would like to be using —new technologies in the classroom.
  • “I know the main reasons mobile technology is not welcome in the classroom are fear and misunderstanding about the structure that it gives the learning,” said Reina Cabezas, a teacher at Cox Elementary in Oakland, Calif., who is also doing masters thesis research on the topic of mobile devices in the classroom.
    • sallymastro
      Currently my students are participating in their ISU novel study. They are currently reading and annotating their novels. I have indicated to my students that ireaders or ereaders are the quickest means to accessing a text as opposed to waiting one to two weeks for a book if it has had to be ordered. With the ireaders and ereaders they can now annotate and highlight important or interesting passages as they read. I would like to be able to have the students bring these technology tools to class. I have indicated that this is the direction in which I am going with ISU study, and so far, my Director has indicated he will back in allowing the kids to bring ereaders/ireaders to class. Fingers crossed it will bring positive and engaging results.
  • The results show that while the majority of students—and, perhaps surprisingly, parents—are in favor of using mobile devices for learning as long as the school allows it, most school administrators remain opposed
  • “But I don't think we stop living because of fear, right? No, we educate ourselves and learn about the security measures, expectations of all stakeholders, and apply principles of successful models of mobile devices in the classroom. Most importantly, we realize that technology is a tool of efficacy for the teacher, not the teacher's replacement. Lastly, technology only engages and motivates students when teachers know how to use them strategically to keep the hook. Overuse of anything is never good.”
    • sallymastro
      I am hoping that I will be able to show my Director and Head of School the successful incorporation of ereaders/ireaders into the English classroom.
    • sallymastro
      Ongoing concern within my school is the use of personal mobile devices in the classroom. Policy at our school is mobile phones are in the lockers and not used on school premises.
    You should read this article because, like me, if you have been skeptical about the use of iphones in the classroom, you will be enlightened about how to proceed in a way that will make technologies in the classroom understandable to and meaningful for all stakeholders:administrators, teachers, parents and students. Stay tuned for my blog on incorporating ireaders/ereaders in the English classroom. 

It's not just hormones: What's really happening in the minds of teenage girls... - 1 views

  • It's not just hormones
  • The sudden force of a teenager’s feelings can catch parents off guard because, between the ages of six and 11, children go through a phase of development that psychologists call latency .
  • Compared to the brain activity of children and adults, the teens’ amygdalas reacted strongly to fearful or happy faces.
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  • the brain remodels dramatically during the teenage years.
  • Adults often tell teens that their feelings are at full blast because of “hormones.” This usually doesn’t go over very well, plus it’s probably inaccurate.
  • research suggests that the impact of pubertal hormones on teenagers’ moods is indirect, at best.
  • Here’s the bottom line: What your daughter broadcasts matches what she actually experiences.
  • Really, it’s just that intense, so take her feelings seriously, regardless of how overblown they might seem.
    Globe and Mail article, excerpt from Lisa Damour's book "Untangled"

How Do I Differentiate Through Project-Based Learning? - TeachThought PD - 3 views

    "There are many opportunities to differentiate from the start of a PBL unit to its climactic conclusion. In my book, So All Can Learn: A Practical Guide for Differentiation (February 2017), I explain that the key is to think of Differentiation as a lens that's used to view lessons and units for planned opportunities of supports that meet all learner needs. For PBL units, as with traditional units, lesson planning is where the learning experiences take shape. Here are some PBL strategies that can be differentiated to bring out the power of meeting learner needs, so all can learn. Strong PBL units include standard elements that make for rich experiences. They include: Authentic Purpose Entry Event Need to Know protocol Checkpoints Student Voice"

Excellent Checklist for Evaluating Information Sources ~ Educational Technology and Mob... - 0 views

    "Digital literacy, as a set of skills that students need to develop and master in order to properly use digital technologies , is an essential component of the 21st century education. Being digitally literate should not be confused with being comfortable  using certain types of digital media such as  social media. And as Danah Boyd argued in her book "Understanding The Social Lives of Networked Teens" teenagers know how how to use Facebook, but their understanding of the site's privacy settings did not mesh with the ways in which they configured their accounts.They know how to get to Google but had little understanding about how to construct a query to get quality information from the popular search engine."

Skills in Flux - New skills of for the 21st century - 2 views

    "As the economy changes, the skills required to thrive in it change, too," says David Brooks in this New York Times column, "and it takes a while before these new skills are defined and acknowledged." He gives several examples: * Herding cats - Doug Lemov has catalogued the "micro-gestures" of especially effective teachers in his book, Teach Like a Champion 2.0 (Jossey-Bass, 2015). "The master of cat herding," says Brooks, "senses when attention is about to wander, knows how fast to move a diverse group, senses the rhythm between lecturing and class participation, varies the emotional tone. This is a performance skill that surely is relevant beyond education." * Social courage - In today's loosely networked world, this has particular value - the ability to go to a conference, meet a variety of people, invite six of them to lunch afterward, and form long-term friendships with four of them. "People with social courage are extroverted in issuing invitations but introverted in conversation - willing to listen 70 percent of the time," says Brooks. "They build not just contacts but actual friendships by engaging people on multiple levels." * Capturing amorphous trends with a clarifying label - People with this skill can "look at a complex situation, grasp the gist and clarify it by naming what is going on," says Brooks. He quotes Oswald Chambers: "The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance." * Making nonhuman things intuitive to humans - This is what Steve Jobs did so well. * Purpose provision - "Many people go through life overwhelmed by options, afraid of closing off opportunities," says Brooks. But a few have fully cultivated moral passions that can help others choose the one thing they sho

The Teacher Curse No One Wants to Talk About | Edutopia - 1 views

    "The Curse of Knowledge The Curse of Knowledge has been variously described in articles by Chip and Dan Heath, Carmen Nobel, and Steven Pinker, and also in books such as The Sense of Style and Made to Stick. It has been applied to a variety of domains: child development, economics, and technology are just a few. All of the resources describe the same phenomena -- that a strong base of content knowledge makes us blind to the lengthy process of acquiring it. This curse has implications for all teachers: We do not remember what it is like to not know what we are trying to teach. We cannot relive the difficult and lengthy process that learning our content originally took. As a result, we end up assuming that our lesson's content is easy, clear, and straightforward. We assume that connecti"

The Best Leaders Are Constant Learners - 0 views

  • searchlight intelligence. That is, the ability to connect the dots between people and ideas, where others see no possible connection. An informed perspective is more important than ever in order to anticipate what comes next and succeed in emerging futures.
  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
  • Reinvention and relevance in the 21st century instead draw on our ability to adjust our way of thinking, learning, doing and being. Leaders must get comfortable with living in a state of continually becoming, a perpetual beta mode.
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  • build relationships, seek information, make sense of observations and share ideas through an intelligent use of new technologies.
  • continuous process of seeking, sensing-making, and sharing.
    Amazing article that explores the idea that "Leaders must get comfortable with living in a state of continually becoming" We  must strive to be in a continuous process of "seeking, sensing-making, and sharing"

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming - 1 views

    A lecture explaining why using our imaginations, and providing for others to use theirs, is an obligation for all citizens

Change the Subject: Making the Case for Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

  • What should students learn in the 21st century? At first glance, this question divides into two: what should students know, and what should they be able to do? But there's more at issue than knowledge and skills.
  • For the innovation economy, dispositions come into play: readiness to collaborate, attention to multiple perspectives, initiative, persistence, and curiosity. While the content of any learning experience is important, the particular content is irrelevant. What really matters is how students react to it, shape it, or apply it. The purpose of learning in this century is not simply to recite inert knowledge, but, rather, to transform it.1 It is time to change the subject.
  • Expanding the "Big Four" Why not study anthropology, zoology, or environmental science? Why not integrate art with calculus, or chemistry with history? Why not pick up skills and understandings in all of these areas by uncovering and addressing real problems and sharing findings with authentic audiences? Why not invent a useful product that uses electricity, or devise solutions to community problems, all the while engaging in systematic observation, collaborative design, and public exhibitions of learning?
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  • What might students do in such schools, in the absence of prescribed subjects? They might work together in diverse teams to build robots, roller coasters, gardens, and human-powered submarines. They might write and publish a guide to the fauna and history of a nearby estuary, or an economics text illustrated with original woodcuts, or a children's astronomy book. They might produce original films, plays, and spoken word events on adolescent issues, Japanese internment, cross-border experiences, and a host of other topics. They might mount a crime scene exhibition linking art history and DNA analysis, or develop a museum exhibit of World War I as seen from various perspectives. They might celebrate returning warriors, emulating the bard in Beowulf, by interviewing local veterans and writing poems honoring their experiences. The possibilities are endless.
  • Changing the subject, then, means deriving the curriculum from the lived experience of the student. In this view, rather than a collection of fixed texts, the curriculum is more like a flow of events, accessible through tools that help students identify and extract rich academic content from the world: guidelines and templates for project development, along with activities and routines for observation and analysis, reflection, dialogue, critique, and negotiation.

The Ultimate Guide to Gamifying Your Classroom | Edudemic - 0 views

  • Gamification is the process by which teachers use video game design principals in learning environments. The effects are increased student engagement, class wide enjoyment of academic lessons, and high levels of buy-in, even from your most reluctant learners.
  • Components of Gamifying the Classroom There are several aspects of video-game design that can be incorporated into the gamified classroom. Here are several:
  • Points: In video games, users gain points as the travel through their quests. The more time they invest in the game the more points they earn
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  • Badges: Badges are public recognition of achievement, with each one designed with a specific achievement in mind.
  • Levels: As a game goes on, players progress through levels that get progressively more difficult. In the classroom, levels could be lessons, or even units of study.
  • Appointments: Thanks to the Internet, people playing a video game in the US can sign in and team up with players all over the world.
  • Bonuses: Most games have hidden, unexpected rewards. Bonuses help drive player loyalty and keep them playing day in and day out.
  • Infinite play: In many video games, players keep playing until they finish a level. They might lose points, or access to valuable items if they are attacked, but they are still able to keep playing.
  • How to Gamify Your Classroom
  • Backwards planning: Any teacher familiar with Understanding By Design has already got a leg up in gamification.
  • Use what’s available: Classcraft is a free, online educational role-playing game that teachers can personalize for their lessons.
  • Gamify one aspect: Rather than attempting to create an entire game with quests and hidden bonuses, start small.
  • Establish a marketplace: Allow students to buy, sell, swap, trade with each other and with you. Maybe students can swap a badge for an open-book test, or use points to purchase a homework-free night.
  • Allow leveling up: If a student has mastered the material in a lesson, offer fun and engaging extension wor
  • Just dive in: It can be difficult to know when your gamified classroom plan is ready for students, but the best advice is to just try it out.
    A great intro to gamifying your classroom.

A veteran teacher turned coach shadows 2 students for 2 days - a sobering lesson learne... - 2 views

  • If I could go back and change my classes now, I would immediately: Offer brief, blitzkrieg-like mini-lessons with engaging, assessment-for-learning-type activities following directly on their heels (e.g. a ten-minute lecture on Whitman’s life and poetry, followed by small-group work in which teams scour new poems of his for the very themes and notions expressed in the lecture, and then share out or perform some of them to the whole group while everyone takes notes on the findings.) set an egg timer every time I get up to talk and all eyes are on me. When the timer goes off, I am done. End of story. I can go on and on. I love to hear myself talk. I often cannot shut up. This is not really conducive to my students’ learning, however much I might enjoy it. Ask every class to start with students’ Essential Questions or just general questions born of confusion from the previous night’s reading or the previous class’s discussion. I would ask them to come in to class and write them all on the board, and then, as a group, ask them to choose which one we start with and which ones need to be addressed. This is my biggest regret right now – not starting every class this way. I am imagining all the misunderstandings, the engagement, the enthusiasm, the collaborative skills, and the autonomy we missed out on because I didn’t begin every class with fifteen or twenty minutes of this.
    • Meg Wallace
      I was really intrigued and inspired by Garfield Gini-Newman's presentation at the Curriculum Leaders' meeting at BVG yesterday, especially his point to ask the big questions at the beginning of the class/unit and have students keep a thinking book/learning log which they update as they learn. I'[m curious to hear from Language Arts teachers on how they think they might utilize this as I certainly would like to! 
  • made me realize how little autonomy students have, how little of their learning they are directing or choosing
    • Meg Wallace
      There's a lot to be said about student choice. One of the things we're pushing at RLC this year is 'choose your own path' and giving students more choice in when/how they demonstrate learning.
  • I would structure every test or formal activity like the IB exams do – a five-minute reading period in which students can ask all their questions but no one can write until the reading period is finished. This is a simple solution I probably should have tried years ago that would head off a lot (thought, admittedly, not all) of the frustration I felt with constant, repetitive questions.
    "If I could go back and change my classes now, I would immediately: Offer brief, blitzkrieg-like mini-lessons with engaging, assessment-for-learning-type activities following directly on their heels (e.g. a ten-minute lecture on Whitman's life and poetry, followed by small-group work in which teams scour new poems of his for the very themes and notions expressed in the lecture, and then share out or perform some of them to the whole group while everyone takes notes on the findings.) set an egg timer every time I get up to talk and all eyes are on me. When the timer goes off, I am done. End of story. I can go on and on. I love to hear myself talk. I often cannot shut up. This is not really conducive to my students' learning, however much I might enjoy it. Ask every class to start with students' Essential Questions or just general questions born of confusion from the previous night's reading or the previous class's discussion. I would ask them to come in to class and write them all on the board, and then, as a group, ask them to choose which one we start with and which ones need to be addressed. This is my biggest regret right now - not starting every class this way. I am imagining all the misunderstandings, the engagement, the enthusiasm, the collaborative skills, and the autonomy we missed out on because I didn't begin every class with fifteen or twenty minutes of this."

How curiosity changes our brains - 4 views

    A study that shows how curiosity increases the amount of information recalled by the brain, regardless of the subject
    Very cool, thanks for sharing. Reminds me of the book I'm reading now, The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel Levitin (the author of This is Your Brain on Music).
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