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Marcie Lewis

Blended Learning Resources | The Learning Accelerator - 0 views

    Blended Learning Resources - whitepapers, guide, overviews
Derek Doucet

BLU - 0 views

  • The Christensen Institute maintains a Blended Learning directory, a rapidly growing, searchable catalog of K–12 blended-learning programs worldwide. Use this tool to search for K–12 blended-learning programs.
    Here is a site that highlights schools in the US that are using Blended Learning to engage and enrich the learning for students.
Derek Doucet

How To Implement Blended Learning | Edudemic - 1 views

  • Blended learning can be a great way to make use of whatever technology tools you do have, rather than needing specific technology that you don’t have. Blended learning doesn’t require you to have a 1:1 classroom, a certain number of iPads, or particular software, though you can put any and all of those things to use as you choose. Thus, blended learning covers a lot of ground – and in the process it helps to make learning more engaging, effective, and efficient.
  • Careful planning and a strong understanding of blended learning will help make the transition much more smooth.  Enter: the handy infographic below. It takes a look at how to set up a blended learning environment, some of the features of a great blended learning program, and some other tidbits of information. Keep reading to learn more!
  • Content and apps are aligned with CCSS Standards aligned performance and assessment tasks Comprehensive learner profiles including student portfolios Consideration of learning level, student performance, and best learning modality Good reporting functionality
    A step by step look at what Blended Learning is as well as how to implement the strategies...
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