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escaping1 escaping1

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Siniora, se trouvent à l'intérieur du bâtiment.Les services d'ordre du Hezbollah, du parti chiite « laïque » Amal et des partisans du général chrétien Michel Aoun empêchent tout débordement des man...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 08 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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Au PS, c'est clair : en 2007, si Ségolène Royal est élue, le prélèvement à la source sera institué «sur l'ensemble des revenus», comme le précise le projet socialiste. Il fera partie du projet, plu...

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 31 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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Dans la même veine, on retrouve à Espoir en actes la porte-parole Cécile Duflot, alors à la gauche du parti, au côté du plus consensuel président du groupe Verts au conseil régional d'Île-de-France...

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started by longchamppas on 08 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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A Ramadi, par exemple, les proches de Zarqaoui n'ont pas hésité à attaquer des tribus sunnites. En riposte, des chefs tribaux de la province d'al-Anbar ont annoncé qu'ils allaient désormais faire l...

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 11 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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"J'ai pris acte de cette interprétation, qui ne figure pas expressément dans l'article de loi visé ci-dessus", ajoute-t-il en référence à l'amendement qu'il avait lui-même déposé et qui a relevé en...

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 27 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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Il n'a pas dit qu'il soutenait la décision américaine de larguer des armes.Le gouvernement régional du Kurdistan irakien s'est dit prêt de son côté à envoyer des combattants en renfort vers Kobani....

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
escaping1 escaping1

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2E T: PS VAINQUEUR DEVANT DROITE ET FN TRÈS PROCHES La socialiste Marie-Guite Dufay, seule femme actuellement aux commandes d'un exécutif régional (la Franche-Comté), prendrait la tête du nouvel en...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 04 Dec 15 no follow-up yet

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Dans le discours de ce responsable devenu opposant à la présidente, M. Temer avance que sa "grande mission désormais est d'apaiser le pays, l'unification du pays". Il y appelle tous les partis à tr...

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started by longchamppas on 27 Apr 16 no follow-up yet

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Dans le discours de ce responsable devenu opposant à la présidente, M. Temer avance que sa "grande mission désormais est d'apaiser le pays, l'unification du pays". Il y appelle tous les partis à tr...

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started by longchamppas on 22 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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Par ailleurs, le communiqué fait état de l'attribution d'une pension d'invalidité aux gardes communaux pour inaptitude au travail, en raison d'une maladie professionnelle non inscrite au tableau de...

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 18 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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La Ligue arabe condamne pour sa part le « crime terroriste » contre le mausolée et appelle les Irakiens à « l'unité ».Appels au calmeLa Syrie et l'Iran ont également dénoncé jeudi les « agressions ...

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 24 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
escaping1 escaping1

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Une inquiétude nourrie chaque semaine par des déclarations enthousiastes du président du gouvernement espagnol, lequel a assuré que le «début de la fin de l'organisation terroriste basque était pro...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 05 May 14 no follow-up yet
escaping1 escaping1

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En plaçant la SNCM sous la protection du tribunal de commerce de Marseille, Transdev et l'Etat espèrent pouvoir se soustraire aux contentieux européens auxquels se trouve confrontée la compagnie.La...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 08 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Matteo Spreafico

NuPack - pacakge management for Visual Studio - 3 views

  • NuPack is a free, open source developer focused package management system for the .NET platform intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application during development.
  • There are a large number of useful 3rd party open source libraries out there for the .NET platform, but for those not familiar with the OSS ecosystem, it can be a pain to pull these libraries into a project.
  • NuPack automates all these common and tedious tasks for a package as well as its dependencies. It removes nearly all of the challenges of incorporating a third party open source library into a project’s source tree. Of course, using that library properly is still up to the developer.
    pacakge management for Visual Studio
David Corking

Dr. Dobb's | Smartphone Operating Systems: A Developer's Perspective | March 30, 2009 - 0 views

  • The industry stewards have countered Apple's move with their own application stores, so there's a huge opportunity to write the "killer app" for one of several smartphone platforms.
  • 40 MB to less than 4 MB of free RAM
  • one-app-at-a-time requirement complicates any implementation of a copy-and-paste mechanism.
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • As a security sandbox, the iPhone OS permits only one third-party application to run at a time, and not in the background.
  • adding some useful Bluetooth profiles that supported stereo headsets, data synchronization, or the ability to implement multiplayer games would be usefu
  • iPhone OS 3, that provides some of the missing features mentioned here, such as the A2DP profile for Bluetooth, voice recording, and copy-and-paste.
  • Have to learn Objective-C; is only smartphone platform that uses it.
  • Competitors will soon catch up on the UI.
  • embed navigation and GPS plotting into applications.
  • provide their own map content
  • The OS now supports the use of accessories connected to the iPhone either through its 30-pin docking connector or wirelessly via Bluetooth. Now that the device has been "opened", you can expect an entire ecosystem to build up around the device, much like the iPod has.
  • peer-to-peer connectivity using Bonjour
  • developers can now allow users, from within the application, to purchase and obtain new content
  • No voice dial.
  • A client-server mechanism provides access to low-level system resources, and in fact the kernel itself is a server that parcels out resources to those applications that need them. This transaction scheme allows applications to exchange data without requiring direct access to the OS space.
  • C/C++ for porting existing UNIX applications, and Java to port Java ME MIDlets. As mentioned previously, the software stack offers several run-times that offer application development using WRT widgets, Flash, and Python. The primary programming language for the platform is Symbian C++,
  • Handango has managed the wide-scale distribution of Nokia applications. In February, Nokia announced plans to launch its Ovi Store, which sells applications, videos, games, pod-casts and other content, similar to Apple's App Store. The store will be accessible by Nokia S60 smartphones in May.
  • Non-standard Symbian C++ has steep learning curve, with special idioms to master. Large number of Symbian APIs to learn, since it contains hundreds of classes and thousands of member functions.
  • BlackBerry Device Software executes multiple applications simultaneously
  • Manages multiple e-mail Exchange e-mail accounts, along with support for POP3 and SMTP, and e-mails can have file attachments
  • FIPS 140-2 compliant, and supports AES or Triple DES encryption sessions via BlackBerry Enterprise Servers
  • BlackBerry Device Software has enhanced the capabilities of the platform with its own Java virtual machine (JVM), along with new Java classes that offer multitasking capabilities and UI enhancements to go beyond the capabilities of Java ME.
  • You can also take existing Java ME code and add specific BlackBerry classes to make a hybrid Java ME application
  • don't intermix MIDP 2.0 and BlackBerry API calls that perform either screen drawing or application management.
  • The catch to writing an application that uses BlackBerry API extensions is that it ties the application this smartphone. However, this is no worse than using the unique Java classes found in Google's Android.
  • Apple promotes the design goal that applications should accomplish one purpose.
  • no Flash support, and you can't download files.
  • For non-Exchange users, Apple's MobileMe online service, after some fits and starts in 2008, now supports the push of e-mails and changes to the calendar and contacts.
  • The iPhone 3G can work in tandem with Microsoft Exhange Server 2003 and 2007 to support enterprise operations.
  • Cocoa Touch is a subset of Apple's Cocoa,
  • Cocoa Touch components manage most of the writing to the screen and playing media, yet there are APIs exposed that let you access the accelerometer and camera.
  • Quartz engine is identical to the one found in Mac OS X
  • Only a select few higher-level frameworks have access to the kernel and drivers. If necessary, an application can indirectly access some of these services through C-based interfaces provided in a LibSystem library.
  • the SDK provides Dashcode, which is a framework based on a Web page composed of HTML and Javascript. You can use DashCode's simulator to write and test your web application. You can also use several other third-party frameworks to write web applications, and debug these with Aptanna Studio's tools.
  • Made by HTC, the G1 is the first smartphone using the Android platform.
  • e-mail program (which makes use of Google's Gmail), a mapping program (using the company's Google Maps), and a browser that uses WebKit, not Google's Chrome web browser
  • Android is not Java ME, nor does it support such applications
  • ability to both browse and manage multiple IM conversations. On the other hand, such heavy use of the smartphone's CPU shortens battery life significantly. Maybe Apple is on to something in limiting the number of applications that the platform can run.
  • On the positive side, the Android APIs support a touch interface (and the G1 has a capacitive touch screen), but not any multi-touch gestures.
  • copying text from the web pages is the browser isn't allowed
  • The advantage to Android's use of a different bytecode interpreter is that the DVM was designed so that multiple instances of it can run, each in their own protected memory space, and each executing an application. While this approach offers stability and a robust environment for running multiple applications, it does so at the expense of compatibility with Java ME applications.
  • Seasoned Java programmers will find the Android SDK an amalgam of Java SE and Java ME methods and classes, along with unique new ones
  • compile the Java code to generate Dalvik bytecode files, with an extension of .dex. These files, along with the manifest, graphics files, and XML files, are packaged into an .apk file that is similar to a Java JAR file.
  • The certificate that you use to generate the private key does not require a signing authority, and you can use self-signed certificates for this purpose.
  • The Developer Phone provides access to a shipping Android device without the cash outlay or contract contortions required when developing for the other platforms.
  • in February the site began supporting priced applications. Google allows developers to take seventy percent of the proceeds.
  • it's possible that you might pick up a malicious application before it is detected by the user community.
  • Open source, open platform: if you hate the mail program, some third-party is writing a better one.
    Lengthy developer's overview of Symbian, Mac OS X iPhone, Blackberry, Android. This talks about the leading app platforms except Java ME and Windows Mobile, though it does explain how Blackberry and Symbian support Java ME.
subsequent1 subsequent1

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started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
escaping1 escaping1

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Distillées en vertu d'une séquence de communication mûrement réfléchie, ses critiques rejoignent celles qui continuent à sourdre, à gauche, à la veille du vote du budget 2015 en première lecture à ...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 21 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
subsequent1 subsequent1

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souffrance, tel un drolatique baron de Munchausen, il « survole » Paris en espérant bien échapper aux miasmes qui souillent et corrompent cette gigantesque fourmilière humaine. Bien entendu, il va ...


started by subsequent1 subsequent1 on 22 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
escaping1 escaping1

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Officiellement, la pression a été exercée à la dernière minute par George W. Bush, qui voulait remercier les Serbes d'avoir proposé des troupes pour l'Afghanistan. En fait, les Serbes eux-mêmes l'a...

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started by escaping1 escaping1 on 15 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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