Why Career & Technical Education Should Be a Priority for the U.S. [OPINION] - 0 views
Students enter a world cut off from their own where they are asked to turn off all electronic devices. They can feel trapped
At all levels, businesses need employees that are more creative, more technical, and more connected than ever. This means that technical literacy is no longer “nice to have,” but a requirement for success.
At the same time, a recent study found that 14% of employers in the U.S. reported having difficulty finding employees to fill high-skill positions, including jobs like technicians, sales people, office support, and skilled tradespeople.
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Atomic Learning: Skype 4.0 - 0 views
"Skype in the Classroom" Launches to Connect Teachers & Students Worldwide - 1 views
Einstein, YouTube, and New Media Literacies in the Connected Age | DMLcentral - 0 views
Moving to a discussion of how attitudes and habits apply to digital literacies, she uses Twitter as a tool that can be a "representation of what the Web seeks to be," namely a source of personal, customized, community-filtered data -- but only to the person who knows how to use it and approaches it with the right mindset.
Social media in education, according to Maiers, is "a mindset challenge, not a skill set challenge."
If you were on Twitter | Dangerously Irrelevant | Big Think - 2 views
Twitter is the back fence you share with your neighbors. Except your neighbors are people all over the world
28 Creative Ideas for Teaching with Twitter | MindShift - 0 views
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