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Terry Elliott

Relaxing Your Body, Mind, and Soul | Chronic Hope - 0 views

  • traveling to the south in the winter
    • Terry Elliott
  • I will have someone as a traveling companion
  • my soul needed to be fed a feeling of equality between myself and the people whose culture I was embracing.  I didn’t want to be an observer, I wanted to be one of them. And that, to me, was the most healing of all.
Terry Elliott

touches of sense...: In a tangle. - 0 views

  • "We might cool down the conversation with explicit norms, clarifying our objectives and assumptions,offer facilitation and other support in an attempt to achieve real dialogue. Over time the constraints could be loosened."
    • Terry Elliott
      Howsabout we use something besides abstract nouns, words that remove us from feeling and touch? Cool, hell this is downright cold.
  • emotional blackmail and silencing tactic?
    • Terry Elliott
      Oh, yes, Simon.  You are effectively self-silencing.  The best kind of kink in the communication hose, n'est ce pas?
  • "Who is in? Who is out?" and when and where and who decides?
    • Terry Elliott
      I am always an outsider, by termperament and by design.  Iconoclast is the word I use to describe myself.  I actually get a bit sick when I feel I am on the IN. I love the OUT. And I don't need a fucking box cutter to get out.  Something goofy, hilarious, and irritating about the video.  A classic out-y as far as I can tell.  Not so much a prophet as someone who says, "Fuck you. Now what are you going to do about it."  I live in a part of Kentucky where that attitude has been raised to an art form.  It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.  I am a practitioner.  
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • There is not one community. There are multiple communities. These multiple communities are not fixed (much).
    • Terry Elliott
      Or alternatively there is no community?
    • Terry Elliott
  • I don't do belonging very well.
    • Terry Elliott
      Rumi: You are granite. I am an empty wineglass. My question is this:  who are you and who is the community.  And more...maybe you are the falling glass or the rising granite.  Confusing and confabulatory, no doubt.  
  • I am a man for example. (of this I AM SURE).
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Cool this down?  No, I dinna think so.  Not a hoochycoochy man.  
  • I am a human tangle embodied.
    • Terry Elliott
      And more.  More than a man, a h-u-m-a-n.   And an entangled body way more tangled than just your communities.  And weaving from past to future through memes and genes.  A regular Gordian Knot.
  • So I suppose I could say that the varied and fluctuating communities in and around rhizo14 have varied and fluctuating curricula.
    • Terry Elliott
      Which is to say--there is no curriculum.  Omnia saecula saeculorum.
  • Rhizomatic Learning, it would seem to me that this is as far as we can take it.
    • Terry Elliott
      Which I never wanted to take down into the academic abatoire to tear apart and eat.  The rotten corpse afterwards just stank.  
  • no 'cool web' or 'hot web'
    • Terry Elliott
      Well...I am happy in my ignorance as to what this signifies much less means.  For the month of February I have been living pretty damned close to the bone, flaying and being flayed.  Hard, sharp edges to my life can't even be bothered to say, fuck this shit, I got better thought to thunk. 
  • Keith Hamon has written a great (IMHO) post about complexity ethics.
    • Terry Elliott
      Tried to read this.  in fact, what I do understand of it I wrote about in a different context a couple of weeks ago.    
  • Assertive Humility.
    • Terry Elliott
      Oxymorons point to the paradox of language, the Babel-ical inadequacy of words.  How helpful are they except to make us sit bold upright and pay heed to how entangled and embodied our knowing (and not knowing) are.
    • Terry Elliott
      Of course, in all humility, I am being totally derivative in this annotated response.  Nothing original although I am repeatedly striking my flint to your rock.
  • There are moments when I am moved to formal academic research.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am almost never driven to formal academic research.  It shrivels and circumscribes and confines like an unwanted annotation.
  • I prefer to be inclusive.
    • Terry Elliott
      I weary of the fond hope of reciprocation.  In myself and in others.  Mostly in others.  I am unashamed to admit I need it. I am astonished that it is so little given online.  So I give it elsewhere and, as is said in labour circles, I withdraw my goodwill.  
  • I wonder how these co-exist - in a warm soup of happiness?
  • Thank you for your part in my tangle.
    • Terry Elliott
      Quantum entanglement back atcha.
  • I am in good company.
    • Terry Elliott
  • That in itself gives me some cause for hope.
    • Terry Elliott
  • There is a light side and there is a dark side.
    • Terry Elliott
      My way or the highway?
  • I am in a bit (?) of a tangle.
  • I am not at all sure whether drawing a line is appropriate.
    • Terry Elliott
Terry Elliott

dogtrax: The Poem I Let Loose Like a... - Notegraphy - 0 views

  • Remember
    • Terry Elliott
      Memory is so fickle.
  • when you let go of the string on your wrist so that
    • Terry Elliott
      For me it was a kite over the Ohio River.
  • the balloon was set loose, soaring up into the sky
    • Terry Elliott
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • “Why? why? why?”
    • Terry Elliott
  • I wanted to see my words fly
    • Terry Elliott
  • Every breath
    • Terry Elliott
  • an idea
    • Terry Elliott
  • molecule of air
    • Terry Elliott
  • a collection of words
    • Terry Elliott
  • The Poem I Let Loose Like a Balloon to the SkyBy Kevin
Terry Elliott

Symphony of Ideas: 2014 - a year of connection, disconnection, and loss - 0 views

  • 2014 was a year of work. 2015 should be a year of fun. That's my resolution.
    • Terry Elliott
      Then you have to play without end or purpose in sight.  That is the infinite game.
  • Indeed, wrestling myself away from my smartphone might be just the signal my muse needs to come around to visit me again
    • Terry Elliott
      I am beginning to practice what James Altucher suggests here:
    • Terry Elliott
      One my ideas was that we could start a 10 Creative Ideas Club using Hackpad.  Here is link to prototype:
  • Relocating the muse
    • Terry Elliott
      Keep jabbing at the dog named Resistance that protects the Muse. Keep jabbing.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • One of my desires as a teacher and learner is to obscure the artificial boundaries that exist between formal and informal learning, 'school' and 'real life'. Such distinctions between digital connection and analog, 'face to face' connections should also be blurred.
    • Terry Elliott
      I think one way to do this blurring is to observe and share more of your own life.  I am beginning a series of posts called "Petty Joys" that chronicle the 'small beer' of my life, stuff I love that doesn't rise to the level of epiphany.  I am blurring the lines so that the editor in my head doesn't send out a rejection letter.  My first petty joy is the peanut butter stirrer. Watch for it.
Sheri Edwards

twitter in 60 seconds - YouTube - 0 views

    twitter in 60 seconds - YouTube
    twitter in 60 seconds - YouTube

If Thou Beest a Moon Calf…More Stories from My Dark Night of the #CCourse Sou... - 0 views

  • That’s what we want to do. Well…OK, that’s what I in my omniscient infinitude want to do. This is the problem of the connected classroom how can one give up the hiearchy, trusting that the course of things will be taken up in manifold ways and products?
    • onewheeljoe
      Self deprecating about your role in the classroom and also reflecting on the need to give up the hierarchy. Can you turn the hierarchy on its head regularly and routinely? 
  • And therein lay the rub: in response to the fear and confusion I sensed in my students I became Uncle “Hub Central”. Understanding how to summarize became an external act outside their own minds consisting of checklists, algorithms, and templates designed to connect the dots that I so faithlessly put on the page. But in the end I believe that summing up needs to be an internal algorithm that rises up as a personal exigency, a massing together of sets of neuronal allies, firing and wiring like a mosh pit of nodal “hands” holding up the crowd surfing madman named Summary.
    • onewheeljoe
      Here you are tough on yourself again while the rock and the hard place remain exactly where you found them. In my view, Uncle Hub Central responded with support strategies (I'm shocked to discover your use of the word scaffold, Terry. :) How might you throw out the bathwater of hierarchy while tucking the baby of your support strategies under your arm? If the hierarchy disappeared, how might you leverage your support skill and instinct in a more networked, dynamic way?
  • Meaning making and perhaps internal connecting? A consummation devoutly to be wished.
    • onewheeljoe
      How might you insist on the meaning making and internal connecting? Above you showed how you insist on summary. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Best practice/worst practice. The problem with this variant of the post hoc fallacy is that we don’t really know if the strategies all arose as a ‘one off’ case, a sample of one, or as a truly generalizeable theory of action. Heraclitus (and his kissing cousin, Chaos Theory) argues that we really can’t step twice in the same river. In other words, initial conditions are always different from case to case in the dreaded ‘real world’. Those initial conditions almost always lead one astray from the desired results. Post hoc thinking is almost always wrong.
    • onewheeljoe
      The best practice/worst practice piece has tremendous power. It is at the core of your reflection and might be at the core of reform. Is this the theme I think it is? 
  • Perhaps I will discover the best case scenario for each of my classes. Perhaps not. Perhaps the success will come in the constant trumpeting of both “baby step” successes as well as “falling and hitting our heads on the coffee table, let’s go to the emergency room” failures. I just need to move my primary default mode from hub to node. They are more responsible for their own learning than I am. I share a duty to them, but the process is messy. We are all moon calves when it comes to learning. Moon calves.
    • onewheeljoe
      Your conclusion reads like a beginning to me. How is the hub kidding himself about his role and his impact? How is the node superior as a teacher and learner? 
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