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Home/ Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by David Freeburg

Contents contributed and discussions participated by David Freeburg

David Freeburg

Google Moderator in the Classroom « Epic Epoch - 20 views

    How could you use Google Moderator in the classroom?  Might it improve classroom discussion and sharing ideas?
David Freeburg

Global Google Forms - 22 views

    Help me generate responses to a Google Form.
David Freeburg

Google Mapping Native American History « Epic Epoch - 10 views

    Use Google Maps to tell Native American history.
David Freeburg

Using Google Docs for Peer Editing « Epic Epoch - 32 views

    Google Docs can be used as a powerful peer editing tool.
David Freeburg

Your Classroom iTouches Really Need A Case « Epic Epoch - 9 views

    While it's obvious that protective cases are meant to protect what's inside of them, from a practical standpoint, they are well worth the investment.
David Freeburg

Bill Gates: The Internet Will Be Responsible For The Best Education. « Epic E... - 18 views

    Bill Gates thinks the best education will come from the Internet. Should it?
David Freeburg

Google Wave Shuts Down, Relegated to Wave Pool at Six Flags « Epic Epoch - 18 views

    Google Wave just shut down. Does anyone in education really care?
David Freeburg

The Oregon Trail: Your Curriculum Has Dysentery « Epic Epoch - 10 views

    Use Oregon Trail in the Classroom
David Freeburg

Tech Training Wheels - 22 views

    Teachers, have a technology problem you need help with? Are you an expert in a particular area? Submit or watch a technology tutorial video today!
David Freeburg

The Case for a Student UI - 22 views

    Is the iPad better for student input than the Courier?
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