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Jennifer Lamkins

Game - Meta!Blast - 3 views

    Metablast is a real-time 3D action-adventure video game, aimed at high school and undergraduate student audiences, meant to provide an entertaining, engaging experience while simultaneously educating players about cell biology. By immersing players into a virtual cell environment and allowing them to interact with it on their own terms, the developers hope that players will come to a greater understanding of the cell than they could learn from traditional diagrams and textbooks.
Jennifer Lamkins

Interactive Periodic Table - 11 views

    According to the Touchspin (Design) Chemistry Web site, "Some other sites have more in depth information on chemistry, but I double-dog-dare-you to find anyplace with a better interactive periodic table. None other have the features and capabilities that this one offers." You can check out those features at the tool's FAQ page. When you're done, check out the site's new Biology area and find out what a horsefly's eye - or a pig's gall bladder -- look like under a microscope.
Jennifer Lamkins

Encyclopedia of Life - Animals - Plants - Pictures & Information - 8 views

    The goal of Encyclopedia of Life is to be a portal to information about all species of life on Earth. Ultimately, the Encyclopedia hopes to "serve as an online reference source and database for every one of the 1.8 million species that are named and known on this planet, as well as all those later discovered and described. Encyclopedia of Life will be used as both a teaching and a learning tool, helping scientists, educators, students, and the community at large gain a better understanding of this planet and all who inhabit it." Many resources are available already, however, this site always will be a work in progress.
mark richards

Science Online - geology - 0 views

  • Literally translated, geology means "science of the Earth," but it is more than that. It is a composite science that encompasses all other sciences—biology, physics, and chemistry as well as many aspects of engineering—and even has subdisciplines of each with composite names (geochemistry, geophysics, etc.).
    geology definition (rocks)
Dean Mantz

The Secret Life of the Brain : 3-D Brain Anatomy - 1 views

    Interactive 3-D brain. You can explore it by area or function.
Dean Mantz

Learn.Genetics - 1 views

    Genetic science learning center. The site provides virtual labs, genetic technology and health disorders.
Dean Mantz

Home of CELLS alive! - 2 views

    Interactive Cell's Alive website. It covers several science curriculums.
Dean Mantz

Bugscope: Home - 1 views

    The Bugscope project provides free interactive access to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) so that students anywhere in the world can explore the microscopic world of insects. This educational outreach program from the Beckman Institute's Imaging Technology Group at the University of Illinois supports K-16 classrooms worldwide.
    The Bugscope project provides free interactive access to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) so that students anywhere in the world can explore the microscopic world of insects. This educational outreach program from the Beckman Institute's Imaging Technology Group at the University of Illinois supports K-16 classrooms worldwide.
Dean Mantz

Molecular Workbench - 1 views

    Molecular Workbench provides software to create your own activities or view ones already created. Curriculum is also offered and searchable within their database.
Professional Learning Board

Human Anatomy Online | Human Anatomy Study | Interactive Human Anatomy - 1 views

    Just added to the Teacher Toolbar Human Anatomy site
Dean Mantz

Powerpoint Presentations Free for teachers and students - 2 views

  • Powerpoint Presentations- Free biology chemistry maths english history physics geography spanish powerpoints. Great for KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 and post 16 A level lessonplans, K-12 and more
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