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Wanda Terral

Desmos | Work Together - 0 views

    Interactive education. For every platform.For everyone. At Desmos, we let all of the devices in the classroom work together - from Interactive Whiteboards, to laptops and tablets, to smartphones. With our software, anyone can build rich content that plays in any browser, on any device.
Jeff Johnson

A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2008 by Jenny Eather - 0 views

    Interactive, animated maths dictionary for kids with over 600 common math terms explained in simple language. Math glossary with math definitions, examples, math practice interactives, mathematics activities and math calculators. © Jenny Eather 2007.
drew polly

All Interactive Whiteboard Resources - 1 views

    Files and activities for teachers with interactive whiteboards.
Jennifer Lamkins

Interactive Periodic Table - 11 views

    According to the Touchspin (Design) Chemistry Web site, "Some other sites have more in depth information on chemistry, but I double-dog-dare-you to find anyplace with a better interactive periodic table. None other have the features and capabilities that this one offers." You can check out those features at the tool's FAQ page. When you're done, check out the site's new Biology area and find out what a horsefly's eye - or a pig's gall bladder -- look like under a microscope.
Jennifer Lamkins

Infection Detection Protection - 5 views

    Through the use of colorful text and interactive games, this engaging site from the American Museum of Natural History teaches about the causes of infection, and about how to detect and prevent infection. The site includes facts about infections, interactive games that teach about microbes and bacteria, tips on solving microbe mysteries, and more.
Cara Whitehead

Early Elementary Science Curriculum - K-2 Interactive Science Program - 7 views

    Online, interactive, standards-based science curricula
Clif Mims

Produle - 0 views

    Create interactive flash based applications online Web service for rapidly building and sharing interactive flash based applications in the cloud without coding.
Dean Mantz

Bugscope: Home - 1 views

    The Bugscope project provides free interactive access to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) so that students anywhere in the world can explore the microscopic world of insects. This educational outreach program from the Beckman Institute's Imaging Technology Group at the University of Illinois supports K-16 classrooms worldwide.
    The Bugscope project provides free interactive access to a scanning electron microscope (SEM) so that students anywhere in the world can explore the microscopic world of insects. This educational outreach program from the Beckman Institute's Imaging Technology Group at the University of Illinois supports K-16 classrooms worldwide.
Dean Mantz

SAILOn Subject Area Interactive Lessons On - 0 views

    help classroom teachers integrate technology into their curriculum by identifying and providing interactive Internet resources addressing specific objectives.
Roland O'Daniel

Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC): Advancing education through v... - 0 views

    Pushing the envelope with interactive video-conferencing. This site is a clearinghouse manager of online video/video conferencing Professional Development and Content material. Very informative site.
Dean Mantz

Interactive Websites - 0 views

    Interactive websites for Grades PreK-12.
Clif Mims

e-Learning for Kids - 2 views

    Gail Braddock describes e-Learning for Kids as "free e-courses for kids all around the world. This site has engaging and interactive courses for kids in online safety, computer skills such as using Google, typing, and core subjects like language arts, math, and science. Most of the courses are for elementary school-aged children, and involve dynamic avatars, and are highly interactive."
Ben Rimes

Adventures in Ed Tech: The Battle for the Interactive White Board: The Kids Surrender - 11 views

    Blog post about the use, or rather disuse, of interactive whiteboards for student focused activities. The author focuses mostly on transitioning away from student-centered learning to using IWBs as another teacher presentation tool.
Cara Whitehead

WordFind - 16 views

    This online game is a favorite! It works great on your interactive whiteboard, too!
Clif Mims

PhET - Interactive Physics Simulations - 15 views

    Fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free
Dean Mantz Online Interactive ELearning Teaching Resources - 13 views

  • offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia e-learning teaching resources. The online teaching resource library contains educational games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects at key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum.
Clif Mims

About - eduMedia | Interactive animations and simulations for science teaching and lear... - 0 views

    Innovative and truly interactive resources for learning math and science.
Jeff Johnson

StreamLine: Educate Integrates Learning Management - 0 views

    Digital media software developer Stream57 has released a new version of StreamLine, the company's Webcasting solution. The new 2.8 release adds a suite of e-learning features, including course management and assessment functionality. Part of the StreamLine: Educate suite, StreamLine 2.8 is a Flash-based, interactive streaming media platform. The new 2.8 release incorporates a variety of new features...
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