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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Nigel Coutts

Nigel Coutts

Creativity in Science and Technology - 27 views

    CREST is a programme for schools run by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation that aims to promote Creativity. By adding creativity to our science lessons we can move past boiling water and encourage students towards serious scientific and technological discovery.
Nigel Coutts

Handwriting vs Typing - Reflecting on Finland's Changing policy on Cursive Writing - 38 views

    Finland has attracted attention recently for backing typing skills over cursive handwriting but what does this mean for students.
Nigel Coutts

Dictionaries vs Internet - 35 views

    A comparison of Dictionary an Internet for classroom use - Do we still need dictionaries?
Nigel Coutts

Questions that encourage deeper thinking - 57 views

    Looking to build a list of great questions similar to 'What makes you say that?' for use with Thinking Routines.
Nigel Coutts

Interactions that encourage thinking. - 43 views

    Recently I have been thinking about the role I play in encouraging my students to think and to trust in themselves as capable learners. This is largely due to the topic of our Term Four Unit of Inquiry.
Nigel Coutts

Why I built a wooden periodic table in my spare time. - 17 views

    Just over two years ago a group of teachers decided there Science Lab needed a signature piece to promote an interest in scientific inquiry. Inspired by a display at Questacon they embarked on a project to create a display to showcase the Periodic Table. After a three month journey into cabinetry and problem solving it is ready and this is the story of how it was made and why.
Nigel Coutts

Inquiry Based Learning is dead, long live inquiry. - 23 views

    In the ebb and flow of educational theories and approaches to learning one can see many commonalities to the world of fashion. A good idea emerges, becomes mainstream, is appropriated by a wide number of educators who blend the essential elements into their methodology and over time the once good idea becomes an oversimplified or slightly misunderstood model of what it once was.
Nigel Coutts

rediquest - Home - 45 views

    This site combines Habits of Mind with Making Thinking Visible Routines. It is useful for teachers and students when trying to implement Habits of Mind as it provides a set of strategies to apply for each Habit, examples in the form of short films and a set of associated Thinking Routines. Also useful when looking for the right thinking routine to use for a given learning outcome or objective.
Nigel Coutts

3D Printing - 19 views

    An introduction to 3D printing at home or via online services such as UPS or Shapeways
Nigel Coutts

What questions shall we ask? - 44 views

    How can teachers encourage students to ask questions that will result in new thinking?
Nigel Coutts

Preaching to the School Choir: Why do we need Sir Ken Robinson? - 25 views

    I like Sir Ken Robinson, his TED Talks combine humour, insightful commentary and a perspective on education that I agree with. But after watching his latest speech (see video) I was left wondering, who is he preaching to and why is there a need for it?
Nigel Coutts

Google Glass and Education - 26 views

    Google Glass is one of those technologies where the idea alone is enough to start conversations. For those who grew up on a diet of Star Trek it is an idea from that world brought to life.But what does it mean for Education?
Nigel Coutts

Commercialisation - 11 views

    A discussion of the potential consequences of Commercialisation, is is good or bad for our students?
Nigel Coutts

Google Reader, Skeumorphism, Games, Apps and Schools - 40 views

    A discussion of issues facing education as a result of fast change. What should we include in our ICT Scope and Sequences?
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