Joanne Kiernan
39 year old Assistant Headteacher of an 11-18 boys school. Interested in personalisation of learning and member of Professor Hargreaves' Think Tank on Deep Leadership. Trained scientist so like to keep my eye on various topics including evolution, genetics, neuroscience, physics and psychology....
I noticed that a whole raft of these things take place in the US it seems the UK is really lagging behind. Or am I just missing something that is happening somewhere? If I am please tell me where.... I want to join in!
Anyway.....I am sure more people would want to share in this. I will twitter the discussion round and see if we get any takers.
Steve Hargadon wrote:
> Joanne:
> I'd love to hold a Classroom 2.0 LIVE workshop in the UK. You can see more about them at We'd have to find a venue with wireless Internet and get the word out.
> What do you think?
> Steve
> Joanne Bennett wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any conventions, conferences where social networking bods like us get together and share classroom practice?
> >
> > I noticed that a whole raft of these things take place in the US it seems the UK is really lagging behind. Or am I just missing something that is happening somewhere? If I am please tell me where.... I want to join in!
Danny Nicholson wrote:
> there's always TeachMeet
> next one is next week in London:
Danny Nicholson wrote:
> definitely would be good to meet up.
> those going to teachMeet should try and say Hi too..... I'm hoping to be there!