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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Joanne Kiernan

Joanne Kiernan

Classroom 2.0 Convention in the UK? - 141 views

learning teaching web2.0
  • Joanne Kiernan
    Does anyone know of any conventions, conferences where social networking bods like us get together and share classroom practice?

    I noticed that a whole raft of these things take place in the US it seems the UK is really lagging behind. Or am I just missing something that is happening somewhere? If I am please tell me where.... I want to join in!
  • ...1 more comments...
  • Joanne Kiernan
    I think....go for but Hey ..that's my enthusiastic nature I can't help myself. Now wireless internet, it depends how good you need it? Most hotels offer it now, so it isn't a problem. Trouble with hotels, they are expensive. The other option is to use a school to host the event. I am sure quite a few people have invested in mobile internet useage in the uK using the plug in usb type?

    Anyway.....I am sure more people would want to share in this. I will twitter the discussion round and see if we get any takers.

    Steve Hargadon wrote:
    > Joanne:
    > I'd love to hold a Classroom 2.0 LIVE workshop in the UK. You can see more about them at We'd have to find a venue with wireless Internet and get the word out.
    > What do you think?
    > Steve
    > Joanne Bennett wrote:
    > > Does anyone know of any conventions, conferences where social networking bods like us get together and share classroom practice?
    > >
    > > I noticed that a whole raft of these things take place in the US it seems the UK is really lagging behind. Or am I just missing something that is happening somewhere? If I am please tell me where.... I want to join in!
  • Joanne Kiernan
    Ive registered as a

    Danny Nicholson wrote:
    > there's always TeachMeet
    > next one is next week in London:
  • Joanne Kiernan
    Yes ...lets all try and meet up.... say hello to fellow diigo and twitter users.

    Danny Nicholson wrote:
    > definitely would be good to meet up.
    > those going to teachMeet should try and say Hi too..... I'm hoping to be there!
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