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Contents contributed and discussions participated by isoldatenkova


What McDonald's Latest Acquisition Means for Marketers - 0 views

  • McDonald’s recently announced that it is acquiring personalization software vendor Dynamic Yield, for a reported $300 million or more. This “supersized” deal took many of us who pay attention to the personalization space by surprise. But the underlying message behind the deal shouldn’t surprise anyone: personalization matters. It’s undoubtedly worth investing in.
  • This is what McDonald’s is planning to do with its latest acquisition. It is planning to understand what each person is interested in ordering based on a number of factors such as the weather or what he has started to order, decide in the moment what menu options are relevant to that person, and respond with those options in a seamless way.
  • McDonald’s acquisition shows us that forward-looking companies are prioritizing personalization and putting it at the very center of their CX strategy — even those you might not expect. It shows us that personalization is not just about a single digital channel like a company’s website or email campaigns. It can truly be integrated anywhere.

Читаем по глазам: как digital-анализ человеческого взгляда меняет жизнь - 0 views

  • Исследователям удалось установить взаимосвязь между характеристиками личности и типичными «маршрутами» движениями глаз. Таким образом, пословица «Глаза — зеркало души» нашла свое научное подтверждение. На основании полученных данных было разработано программное обеспечение, позволяющее распознавать, насколько человек сознательный, общительный, толерантный, любознательный. И даже определить, насколько он эмоционально устойчив.
  • Еще один удачный пример практического применения отслеживания взгляда с помощью ИИ-алгоритмов — решение, которое позволяет предвосхитить, что человек хочет увидеть.
  • Например, вполне вероятен отказ от привычных манипуляторов типа компьютерной мыши, стилуса или дизайнерского планшета.
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  • Исследователи из университетов Пенсильвании и Нью-Йорка с рядом партнерских организаций разработали систему глубинного обучения для управления дроном с помощью глаз в 3D-пространстве.

Netflix's 'Murder Mystery' Would've Killed in the Theaters | Fortune - 0 views

  • Murder Mystery scored a record-breaking 30.8 million viewers—the highest weekend ever for a Netflix debut—which would put its theoretical global haul $278.1 million—great results for Netflix and Sandler, who signed a four-movie deal with the streaming service in 2017.
  • Murder Mystery does prove is that Netflix’s deal with Sandler and its other forays into original filmmaking can produce blockbuster results.
  • To be fair, Toy Story 4 is expected to have a worldwide opening of $260 million, but Netflix is still clearly winning by putting out a middling movie that people can watch in the comfort of their own home, in the backseat of a car, or wherever else they choose.

Silicon Valley parents are raising their kids tech-free - Business Insider - 0 views

  • a new kind of Silicon Valley parent. Instead of tricking out their homes with all the latest technology, many of today's parents working or living in the tech world are limiting — and sometimes outright banning — how much screen time their kids get.
  • short-term consequences among teens and adolescents who are heavy users of tech. These include heightened risks for depression, anxiety, and, in extreme cases, suicide.
  • parents told Business Insider that it's often hard to strike a balance in limiting tech use, since kids quickly begin to feel left out of their peer group. The longer parents try to impose their restrictions, the more they fear they're essentially raising a well-adjusted outcast.

Facebook is planning to launch crypto in 2020 - Business Insider - Business Insider - 0 views

  • The social media giant will roll out the digital currency in around a dozen countries by the first quarter of next year,
  • Facebook has a huge ecosystem of users it can provide new value for using the nascent asset class. Its crypto can reduce friction for these users, enabling them to make purchases or make transfers to each other without having to leave the platform,

Онлайн-торговля в России выросла до рекордных ₽1,66 трлн :: Технологии и меди... - 0 views

  • В 2018 году рынок интернет-торговли увеличился почти на 60%, показав лучший прирост почти за 10 лет.
  • довольно серьезный вклад в развитие рынка внесли малые и средние онлайн-продавцы, развивающие бизнес в регионах.
  • Самые быстрорастущие категории товаров — свежие продукты питания, красота и здоровье. Гендиректор «Яндекс.Маркет» Максим Гришаков связывает бурный рост электронной коммерции как с запуском новых площадок, так и с развитием инфраструктуры.
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  • Количество заказов действительно растет, но в ценовом выражении рост рынка виден не так ярко. Средний чек продолжает падать. При заказе в иностранных магазинах чек за год упал с $10 до $9 (566 руб. по среднему курсу за прошлый год. — РБК), в российских — с 3,2 тыс. до 2,9 тыс. руб.», — указал Иванов.

Capitalism Camp for Kids - The New York Times - 0 views

  • programs that are designed to teach students about how to be businesspeople and innovators (biznovators!).
  • children as young as 8 will learn how to monetize their hobbies, interview local corporate executives, and shoot YouTube commercials for their prospective businesses.
  • students are assessed, by the end of their programs, on “noncognitive skills” and on something called the Entrepreneurial Mind-set Index.
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  • a kid, at 10, can pick up these business principles and literally start their own little micro business.”
  • the whole spectrum of a woman in business: the challenges she had to overcome, personal branding, communication, etiquette, and then also teaching these girls how to have agency,

Google is adding AR features to Search and Maps - Business Insider - Business Insider - 1 views

  • At Google's annual I/O developer conference, the company announced a number of new AR features that will be integrated into its core mobile offerings — Search and Maps.
  • Google Maps' newly announced AR feature will leverage a user's smartphone camera to superimpose walking directions over real-world streets.
  • Business Insider Intelligence expects the number of mobile AR users to near 2.5 billion by 2023, up from 1 billion in 2018.
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  • Google could also build out a unique and attractive platform by leaning on the insights it gains from business and consumer users of its AR features. The company could then license this tech to headset manufacturers, opening up another valuable revenue stream.

Millennials don't deserve NYC - 0 views

  • They’re the greatest generation — of couch potatoes.
  • A growing number of 18- to-34-year-olds, the world’s largest age group, prefer to unwind by staying in, watching Netflix and ordering Seamless, rather than by getting down at a club or bellying up to a bar.
  • on average, millennials stream 2.7 hours of TV shows a day, while the earlier generation, Gen X, does about 1.8 hours.
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  • Millennials, it seems, have discovered that the need to socialize face-to-face is waning, as food, shopping, friends, entertainment and even sex are all an app tap away.
  • The study also found that millennials spend about 3.1 hours a day on their mobile devices, compared with Generation X’s 1.7 hours.
  • You know, the whole ‘Netflix and chill,’ whatever you think about it . . . it’s kind of a trend,” he says.
  • They’re not consuming alcohol, but they’re consuming a lot of media — and it’s depressing them,

Сбербанк зарегистрировал новый товарный знак - ВЕДОМОСТИ - 0 views

  • Мы все больше и больше становимся технологической компанией, а не банком
  • Параллельно банк регистрировал десятки связанных с ним товарных знаков: от Sber In Move до «Сберкот» – так называется чат-бот банка в соцсетях, он дает советы про финансы и присылает бесплатные стикеры.
  • В целом мы хотим от позиции посредника перейти к позиции провайдера конечных услуг. И стать для клиентов экосистемой первого выбора»,
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  • . Сейчас в ней около 20 компаний – от электронной коммерции («Яндекс.Маркет») и медицины (DocDoc) до «Сбербанк телекома» и недвижимости («Домклик»),
  • В ближайшие пять лет мы не ждем какой-то отдачи в виде высокой прибыли от этих [дочерних] компаний. В ближайшие пять лет наша задача – вырастить экосистему. Потом уже, через пять лет, можно будет ожидать прибыльности и большого вклада в наш совокупный финансовый результат». 16 апреля 2019 г
  • Избавиться от слова «банк» в названии может и «Тинькофф банк», заявлял его основатель Олег Тиньков. «Мы никакой не банк, мы прежде всего IT-компания», –

Google backs a bid to use CRISPR to prevent heart disease - MIT Technology Review - 0 views

  • Ever wonder why some fortunate people eat chips, don’t exercise, and still don’t get clogged arteries? It could be because they’ve got lucky genes.
  • Now Alphabet (Google’s parent company) is bankrolling a startup company that plans to use gene editing to spread fortunate DNA variations with “one-time” injections of the gene-editing tool CRISPR.
  • Right now, to avoid heart disease you can pop statin pills, change your diet, and jump on an exercise bike. But people have a hard time sticking with it. The scientists at Verve think if they can install lucky genes in your body, you may not have to. Initially, Kathiresan says, the gene-editing treatment could be used on adults who have actually had a heart attack and want to avoid a second one.

Instagram is rolling out in-app checkout feature - Business Insider - Business Insider - 0 views

  • The in-app checkout allows consumers to tap a shoppable product tag in a post, select product details like sizing and coloring prior to clicking a "Checkout on Instagram" button, and enter their payment and shipping information to complete the purchase, all without leaving the app.
  • By allowing consumers to check out right on Instagram, brands and retailers may be able to inspire more impulse purchases because consumers won't have to go through a laborious checkout process where they might get frustrated or just change their mind about the product.

Сбербанк получил патент на умный холодильник - Афиша Daily - 1 views

  • Запатентованный компанией холодильник оборудован датчиками и камерами, которые должны следить за состоянием и количеством продуктов и передавать эти данные владельцу через специальное приложение.
  • умный холодильник — один из проектов подразделения.

American millennials think they will be rich - Daily chart - 1 views

  • It finds that millennials are less wealthy than people of a similar age were in any year from 1989 to 2007.
  • Millennials do more freelance and part-time work than other generations did, which makes it more difficult to obtain an employer-provided pension.
  • Only 55% of this generation have access to retirement plans, compared with 77% of Generation X and 80% of baby-boomers.
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  • Millennials are living longer and are the best-educated generation in history.

Venture Capital Is Putting Its Money Into Astrology - The New York Times - 1 views

  • Meditation, Ms. Guler said, is an antisocial way of interacting with the world. She views astrology as a form of collective wellness, with Co-Star helping people relate to each other based on star signs. Another big difference between astrology and meditation’s practitioners: Astrologers are not allergic to making money.
  • Co-Star promotes its use of artificial intelligence and data from NASA to track movements of the stars.
  • the selfie-loving nanoinfluencer generation is eager to hear that they’re unique and special, no matter how woo-woo it seems
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  • What’s better than something that is basically a story about you?”
    "Millennials (and the rest of us) are lonely and want community, no matter how many followers we have on social media. Why wouldn't we turn to the stars and moons and planets and houses of the horoscope?"

AI is reinventing the way we invent - MIT Technology Review - 0 views

  • The biggest impact of artificial intelligence will be to help humans make discoveries we couldn’t make on our own.
  • AI’s greatest economic impact could come from its potential as a new “method of invention” that ultimately reshapes “the nature of the innovation process and the organization of R&D.”
  • It is taking more researchers and money to find productive new ideas, according to economists at Stanford and MIT. That’s a likely factor in the overall sluggish growth in the US and Europe in recent decades.
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  • AI will transform business and the economy, and increasingly, some are convinced it will radically change how we do science.

Lisa Jackson on iPhone robot Daisy and Apple's new lab in Austin, Texas - Business Insider - 0 views

  • Apple announced the opening of a new materials recovery lab in Texas and upgrades to its Daisy robot, another effort in its goal toward eliminating the need to mine new materials from the earth.
  • Discarding used gadgets like smartphones, laptops, TVs, and other appliances could pose environmental and health risks and wastes valuable resources needed to produce electronics
  • The new 9,000-square-foot research and development lab opening in Austin will use robots like Daisy as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence to break new ground when it comes to recycling electronics

Spotify Shares Fall on Report Amazon in Talks to Launch Ad-Supported Music Offering - T... - 0 views

  • Inc was in talks to launch a free ad-supported music service, which is expected to intensify competition for the music streaming leader.
  • Amazon would market the free music service through its voice-activated Echo speakers, a Billboard report said on Friday, adding that it could become available as early as this week.

Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better | World... - 1 views

  • Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives.
  • In our city we don't pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.
  • Shopping? I can't really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now.
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  • Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.

This company embeds microchips in its employees, and they love it - MIT Technology Review - 0 views

  • When Patrick McMullan wants a Diet Dr Pepper while he’s at work, he pays for it with a wave of his hand. McMullan has a microchip implanted between his thumb and forefinger, and the vending machine immediately deducts money from his account.
  • The chips he and his employees got are about the size of a very large grain of rice. They’re intended to make it a little easier to do things like get into the office, log on to computers, and buy food and drinks in the company cafeteria
  • chip includes identifying information to grant him access to the building, as well as some basic medical information,
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