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"Germophobia" « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Yes, it is true that many dangerous diseases can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact. But, while germs may harm the body, sin and sinfulness definitely harm the soul; making us unclean, defiled, before a pure and holy God.,, just as accumulated germs will eventually make our bodies sick, an accumulation of 'sin germs' will eventually make our souls, hearts and minds sin-sick too. We MUST wash them away regularly with God's Word!

Relief & Develoment in Africa, NGO Africa, Humanitarian Aid Africa | Iris Global - 0 views

  • When facing great human need with our human frailties, we rapidly reach the limits of our resources, wisdom and love. We face overwhelming poverty, sickness, demonic attacks and every kind of evil. We do not shy away from the poor, the sick, the abused, the abandoned or the despised but, run into the darkness looking to share Christ’s love and power because it is the power of God that gives hope. We have learned that love without power is incomplete and ineffectual; we release God’s love in practical ways infused with His power.
IN Too

The Man with the Palsy | Spiritual vs. Physical: How do you see yourself? « R... - 0 views

    Our physical state (healthy or sick, rich or poor, thin or fat, red or yellow) neither qualifies nor disqualifies us for entrance into the Kingdom of God: the ONLY thing that matters is our Spiritual state: whether our sins have been forgiven. If God forgives your sin, then you are in.

WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PLAN FOR WOMEN | buzitnow - 0 views

    This program is going to feel different to anything else you may have tried. You get to eat lots of yummy foods. Everything we eat during this plan has the aim of increasing energy and vitality and not leaving you feeling hungry, deprived and craving more food. The majority of us eat a lot of processed quick-fix foods on a regular basis. When we eat like this we often need, pills, supplements, and loads of caffeine just to get us through the day. This is not great for our short or long term health and it makes us sick. Eating lots of

A to Z - Evangelistic Ideas | - 0 views

  • Airports
  • Set up a table with books and evangelistic literature in a prominent place. This can be a great attention getter and conversation starter.
  • Pray for a good idea to gain access, and then go knocking on doors. Within a short time you can build trust and ultimately lead the people to Jesus.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Contact a local Christian rehab centre, get to know people addicted to drugs and tell them the good news that Jesus sets free. If they are open for it, pray for their deliverance.
  • Try to see them regularly, earn their trust and lead them to Jesus. Keep the friendship alive and be a role model.
  • Groups of young people
  • Gospel concerts are generally very popular and accepted within the wider society.
  • Alternatively, you could just give away evangelistic literature and pray for the patients from ward to ward.
  • In forums, chat rooms, social networks and blogs, let the people know what you think.
  • Show the "JESUS Film" publicly and invite people to come to the screening. You can also lend the film out to people and then meet with them later to talk about it.
  • K-Mart, post office, petrol station etc.Use the brief opportunities you get throughout the day to tell somebody about Jesus or give them an evangelistic booklet.
  • Lend a hand
  • New-Age scene
  • If you introduce them to Jesus, they will realize that he is what they have been looking for. Attend New Age fairs and other events to share the Gospel with these hungry people.
  • Why not contact a home and offer a short programme for special occasions? Afterward you can offer them an opportunity to receive Christ.
  • write articles, offer coupons for Bibles or evangelistic literature,
  • Public transportation presents a great opportunity to talk to people. Take evangelistic literature with you the next time you ride the bus or tram. They are great conversation starters.
  • Use questionnaires to break the ice with strangers you meet.
  • By getting permission from their pimp and giving them roses, you share the love of God and the Gospel with these women and pray with them.
  • Distribute visually-appealing evangelistic literature and use it as a conversation starter.
  • Book tables, prayer and discussion groups, Christian student organizations, talks and events
  • Healing on the streets: Go to the sick and offer them prayer ("Can we pray for you? “).
  • In wintertime you can take along tea or coffee for them, which they will greatly appreciate.
  • Take God's love and compassion to prostitutes and talk to them about God's plan for their lives
  • Plan activities that are tailored to one specific target group. These should incorporate their language and fit their environment. Be creative and think carefully about how you can specifically and effectively reach individual target groups.

Miracles in Mozambique: How Mama Heidi Reaches the Abandoned | Christianity Today | A M... - 0 views

  • "I was playing in front of the office," says Sergio Mondlhane, now in church leadership in Pemba. "She approached us, kneeled down, and asked our names. I remember that she smelled good. She gave us candy, and she said she would come to see us again." But the children were skeptical, because they had heard that before. Heidi did return, however. Jacinto Maria Rageje said, "She was the one who led us to Jesus. The biggest thing was, she cared for every single one. We couldn't believe it. We didn't need people to bring stuff. We needed someone to pay attention to us." Baker brought food when she could. She organized repairs for facilities. She befriended the staff and eventually moved into a renovated house on the base.
  • While his wife was sick, Rolland visited the Toronto Airport Vineyard Christian Fellowship (now known as Catch the Fire), where the controversial Toronto Blessing revival of the mid-1990s had broken out. It was marked by ecstatic manifestations of the Holy Spirit, most notably "holy laughter." Hearing his report, Heidi became convinced that she desperately needed to visit Toronto. Against medical advice, she signed herself out of the hospital and took the long flight to North America. While visiting her parents in Laguna Beach, she was rehospitalized. Again, she checked herself out. At the first meeting in Toronto, her lungs opened up. She spent much of the following days draped on the floor, praying and being prayed for. Never before, she says, had she experienced the love of Jesus in such a tangible way.
  • One night, she had a vision of Jesus in which she literally ate his flesh and drank his blood. He spoke to her about the children who so burdened her. "There will always be enough," he said. Heidi took it that they were not to pull back or limit their program. They were to care for every child they encountered and to count on Jesus to provide. As he had cared for her, he would for them.

'Treasure hunting' helps to plant house churches | Stories | - 0 views

  • Our goal is to help people to be obedient to the message of Jesus, to develop a deeper relationship with God and better relationships with people around them. It’s as simple as that.”
  • The multiplication of house church groups is taking place through ‘friendship evangelism’ and ‘power encounters’ [like the treasure hunting]. We encourage our people to pray for their neighbourhood, but also to pray for healing when they meet people who are sick. We emphasize that everyone is an evangelist. Everyone is capable of sharing the good news of the Kingdom within his or her specific gifting and context. Out of this evangelism, new groups are started in homes.
IN Too

Healed for Saviour-Service, not Self-Service « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is easy for us to fall into a rut where we see God as 'Mr. Fix-It'; where we call on Him to remove problems from our lives so that we can accomplish the goals we had set for ourselves. Rather, we should call on God to remove problems from our lives so that we can accomplish the goals He has set for us.
IN Too

People are More Precious than Protocol « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    God loves us every day, and every moment of every day. He wants us to come to Him with our burdens and troubles, to commune, to fellowship, to talk with Him every day, and every moment of every day.
IN Too

Jesus and the Declaring Devils: Fanfare Foments Furor not Faith « Reflections... - 0 views

    If the people of Capernaum refused to believe Jesus when He identified Himself as the Messiah, do you think they would have believed it if the devils declared it?? Certainly not, it would just have been a bigger spectacle. Likewise, anyone who refuses to accept Jesus as Saviour now, will reject Him even if demons jumped up and declared him to be the Son of God.
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