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Ebey Soman

The Amazing Gettysburg Address - 0 views

    He was one of the most hated Presidents of all time - gaining only 39% popular vote during elections and starting a costly war. The American people hated him and he was the ridicule of the foreign press and media agencies. He got death threats, assassination attempts and to make matters worse, his war was not faring any better. General after general was being replaced in his army and his staff had trust issues. Yet his two minute speech at Gettysburg and his unwavering confidence had made him the most loved and popular of all American Presidents Today. This is the real two minute speech he made on the day his fortunes changed - at the Battle of Gettysburg.
IN Too

Jesus and the Declaring Devils: Fanfare Foments Furor not Faith « Reflections... - 0 views

    If the people of Capernaum refused to believe Jesus when He identified Himself as the Messiah, do you think they would have believed it if the devils declared it?? Certainly not, it would just have been a bigger spectacle. Likewise, anyone who refuses to accept Jesus as Saviour now, will reject Him even if demons jumped up and declared him to be the Son of God.
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