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swan lin

[美食天地][小猫食谱]--麻辣杂酱面(附杂酱做法) - 0 views

  • 猪肉:五花或后腿肉都行,切粒(肥肉可以煮了再切,好切一些,皮一定不要去掉,偶最喜欢吃猪皮了)  姜、蒜:拍碎切粒  面条:最好用湿面(我喜欢用细的,我老公喜欢吃二宽的),两到三两  十三香:王守义的(我一直用它——做个广告)  盐、酱油适量  生粉:大量  陴县豆瓣:一小勺(这个别忘了,我做什么都喜欢放的东东)  油:适量  化猪油:一勺(我没有,所以用花生油代替了)  香油:适量  葱:一根,切碎
swan lin

[图文解析]美味面條的做法 - PPS社区 - 0 views

  • 榨菜肉丝面 图片加载中,请稍候... 原料:瘦肉150克、榨菜半个、葱2根、拉面酌量、料酒半大匙、酱油半大匙、湿淀粉半大匙做法:1、瘦肉切丝,拌入调味料,腌10分钟,榨菜切丝后先泡水20分钟以去除咸味。葱切葱花。2、用3大匙油先将肉丝炒散,再放入榨菜肉丝同炒,炒匀后盛出。3、另用半锅水烧开,放入面条煮熟。4、将调味料放面碗内,盛入面条,铺少许炒好的榨菜肉丝并撒葱花少许即成。小秘诀:榨菜有老榨菜和嫩榨菜两种,老榨菜较咸较香,所以要泡过水再炒,嫩榨菜比较不咸,洗净直接放入同炒即可,但都不宜再调味,以免太咸。
  • 红烧牛肉面
  • 原料:牛肉500克,面条500克,小白菜250克,水10杯,葱4根,姜2片,大蒜8粒,八角4粒,辣椒1根;酱油1杯、水6杯、酒1汤匙、辣豆瓣酱1大匙,麻油少许。做法:1、牛肉洗净切块,氽烫去血水。2、起油锅,炒香葱、姜、葱段、八角、辣椒、牛肉,加入酱油1杯、水6杯、酒1汤匙、辣豆瓣酱1大匙,用中火煮约1小时。3、水烧开,煮熟面条捞出,再烫熟小白菜。4、碗中放入麻油少许、葱花、牛肉汤,加入面条、青菜、牛肉即可.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 原料:面条200克,猪肉馅400克,芽菜100克,大葱末25克,姜末10克,蒜茸10克,辣椒面1.5克,芝麻酱10克,油菜心1棵,香菜少许。调料:老抽,生抽,料酒,米醋,高汤,花椒面,猪油,香油。做法:1、锅热后,倒入猪肉馅炒散待用。2、用猪油将葱、姜、蒜爆香,再放入辣椒面、芽菜、肉末煸炒,加料酒、老抽、生抽、米醋,点少许 高汤,出锅时放入芝麻酱、花椒面炒匀。3、开水下锅将面条煮熟,捞入碗中。油菜心焯熟待用。
swan lin

肉夹馍的做法 陕西西安餐饮 - 0 views

  • 这肉夹馍来缘于古汉语”肉夹于馍”,肉叫腊汁肉是一种用着锅烧制的肉,但比一般酱肉酥烂,滋味鲜长。由于选料精细,调料全面,火功到家,加上使用陈年老汤, 因此所制的腊汁肉与众不同,有明显的特色,人们称赞它是:"肥肉吃了不腻口,瘦肉无法满嘴油。不用牙咬肉自烂,食后余香久不散。肉的做法:  将肥瘦适度的鲜猪肉,用凉水洗于净,切成 1-2公斤的长条,放入陈年老汤锅内,加入适量的凉水、食盐、料洒、糖色,以及八角、桂皮、花椒、丁香等10余种调味品(用粗布袋装),压上铁算子,先用大火烧开,撤去浮沫,再改用小火炯煮, 保持汤锅小开,煮约2小时后改用微火焖3-4小时,此时肉已完全酥烂,即可捞出拆去骨头,放在大瓷盘内。吃时切腊汁肉少量,夹入刚出炉的“白吉馍”中,此时馍香肉酥,回味无穷。含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪,和白吉馍一起食用还可以增加碳水化合物的含量。白吉饼的做法:   白吉饼的制作原理很简单。和普通烙饼一样,但是操作细节不好掌握,而且需要专用锅、灶,发面的程度也有严格要求。
iwalk u2

Laoshan Mountain Tea Garden - 0 views

    Laoshan Mountain(崂山) lies about 30km east of Qingdao, Shandong, China. It is the "No.1 coastal mountain" in China. It is also known as the birthplace of Taoism. Laoshan Mountain green tea is very famous too. It's said the first Laoshan Mountain tea plant was planted by Qiu Chuji(丘处机), one of the most famous of QuanZhen seven disciples(全真七子). He was also the founder of the Dragon Gate Taoism(龙门教).
iwalk u2

Do You Love Century Egg? - 0 views

    Century egg(皮蛋 in Chinese), a kind of tradional Chinese food.
randie lee

12" Monochrome Monitor M1200 - 0 views

    The M1200 12-inch black & white monitor is an excellent choice for all CCTV applications. This remarkable unit is designed to perform in a broad range of situations. Even when used with a quad system or multiplexer, pictures remain clear and distinct. Front panel controls and accessible rear set-up controls provide the ability to make all adjustments quickly and easily.
randie lee

Travel For a Cause, Charitable Travel - 0 views

    The Ladakh trekking expedition in the Indian Himalayas ($2,995 per person) runs from June 24-July 9. Trekking the Tibetan Plateau, an area similar to ancient Tibet where you can experience the religious rituals and monastic lifestyle that can no longer be found in Chinese-occupied Tibet.
randie lee

Fiber Optic Spy Scope with Lights - 0 views

    Fiber Optic Spy Scope with lights is a tool that allows the user to view inaccessible cavities without costly demolition & disassembly. Designed for home inspectors, automotive & diesel mechanics, HVAC repair, plumbers, electricians, law enforcement, instrument repair, welders, carpenters and home owners. The ideal tool for viewing tight or hard to reach areas. Integrated light source the light guide provides up to 15 hours of continuous light on 1 AA battery. Check for hidden cameras in vents. Use it to see inside small areas where hidden spy cameras may have been placed.
swan lin

炒腰花 - 0 views

swan lin

菜盘子 - 0 views

shared by swan lin on 29 Jan 08 - Cached
randie lee

Underwater Camera - Color with 60' Cable $219.99 - NEW! - 0 views

    Spy and security camera equipment plus telephone and audio recorders. Including wireless, nanny, and night vision cams. Plus phone recorders, bug detectors and more.
randie lee

Budget - WikiWeddings - 0 views

    Setting a budget for a wedding is a little like putting together a puzzle. The wedding budget is affected by the size of the wedding, the style of the wedding and whether the wedding is formal or informal. The budget may also dictate what type of wedding a bride may have. If a bride has a strict budget it's a good idea to do some homework to determine how to best stretch the wedding budget
randie lee

Travel Wallet Keep your Money Safe While Traveling - 0 views

    Spy and security camera equipment plus telephone and audio recorders. Including wireless, nanny, and night vision cams. Plus phone recorders, bug detectors and more.
randie lee

Shopping Vacation - 0 views

shared by randie lee on 13 Sep 08 - No Cached
    School is just around the corner and one Burr Ridge Hotel offers the perfect shopping package specifically catered to your shopping needs. The Chicago Marriott Southwest at Burr Ridge's shopping weekend getaway near Chicago includes: * Deluxe overnight accommodations * $20 mall gift card to the Burr Ridge Village * Rates from $119 per room/ per night
randie lee

Personal Bug Detector locate hidden transmitters - 0 views

    Spy and security camera equipment plus telephone and audio recorders. Including wireless, nanny, and night vision cams. Plus phone recorders, bug detectors and more.
randie lee

Travel Airlines - 0 views

    FlightStats provides flight delay information with a color coded map of the US allowing you to see at a glance regions that are having issues, or specific airports. Scrolling down the page, there is additional information on each airport experiencing delays including what the airport is doing to address the situation such as de-icing of planes.
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