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william doust

Stanford Social Innovation Review : Articles : Ten Nonprofit Funding Models (March 16, ... - 0 views

  • For-profit executives use business models—such as “low-cost provider” or “the razor and the razor blade"—as a shorthand way to describe and understand the way companies are built and sustained. Nonprofit executives, to their detriment, are not as explicit about their funding models and have not had an equivalent lexicon—until now. 
  • When a person says that a company is a “low-cost provider” or a “fast follower,” the main outlines of how that company operates are pretty clear. Similarly, stating that a company is using “the razor and the razor blade” model describes a type of ongoing customer relationship that applies far beyond shaving products.
  • The value of such shorthand is that it allows business leaders to articulate quickly and clearly how they will succeed in the marketplace, and it allows investors to quiz executives more easily about how they intend to make money. This back-and-forth increases the odds that businesses will succeed, investors will make money, and everyone will learn more from their experiences.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The nonprofit world rarely engages in equally clear and succinct conversations about an organization’s long- term funding strategy. That is because the different types of funding that fuel nonprofits have never been clearly defined.3 More than a poverty of language, this represents—and results in—a poverty of understanding and clear thinking.
  • Through our research, we have identified 10 nonprofit models that are commonly used by the largest nonprofits in the United States. (See “Funding Models” on page 37.) Our intent is not to prescribe a single approach for a given nonprofit to pursue. Instead, we hope to help nonprofit leaders articulate more clearly the models that they believe could support the growth of their organizations, and use that insight to examine the potential and constraints associated with those models.
    10 nonpforit funding biz-models: various strategic approches towards operational sustainability. This links really well to the harvard business review (HBR) practical table that outlined: strategy, business model, tactics, values. I have put a floating bubble on the page with the link to the HBR document. Donwloadable as A PDF.
william doust

10 Reasons Why Every Nonprofit Must Have a Blog | Network for Good Learning Center - Le... - 0 views

    10 Reasons Why Every Nonprofit Must Have a Blog\nThink your nonprofit organization has no need for a blog? You may want to think again. According to Technorati, more than 10,500 blogs were tagged charity, 4,000 blogs nonprofit and 2,300 blogs philanthropy
william doust

Development of KnowHow NonProfit - Knowhow Nonprofit - 0 views

  • f you're part of a nonprofit organisation, this site is for you. Whatever your organisation or role within it, if you want information, to update your skills or to talk to others, you've come to the right place.
    If you're part of a nonprofit organisation, this site is for you. Whatever your organisation or role within it, if you want information, to update your skills or to talk to others, you've come to the right place. Opportunities to highlight your expertise by writing case studies!
william doust

Stanford Social Innovation Review : Articles : Money to Grow On (September 6, 2008) - 0 views

    • william doust
      Fab article! show funders how much further your money goes in delivering outcomes and creating more foundations for future opportunities. Adopt the Commercial Business Startup mindset!
  • In the for-profit world, the term “investment” has clear meaning and investors have sophisticated techniques for spotting and growing the most promising companies. Yet foundations and other nonprofit donors have not developed similar clarity or approaches. As a result, the nonprofit sector’s greatest gems often languish well below their full potential. By better translating for-profit concepts, donors can learn how to scout out and grow the best nonprofits. Likewise, certain nonprofits can take a page from business’s playbook and learn how to attract cash for expansion.
    A sustainable funding model can be used by Nonprofits as part of theprocess to figure out whether and how they can attract growth capital! - think like the business world! A further summary in the bubble on the page ;o)
william doust

The NonProfit Times - The Leading Business Publication For Nonprofit Management - 0 views

  • Survey: 72 Percent of NPOs Don’t Have A Tag Line
    wot's your charity or nonprofit tag line? do you need one? wot you think?
william doust

DIOSA | Communications: Facebook Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations - 0 views

  • Facebook Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations
    from one of my lovely twitter contacts, some tips for Facebook and non-profits ;-)
william doust

10 Tools and Strategies to Market Your Nonprofit on a Shoe-String Budget - fr... - 0 views

  • 10 Tools and Strategies to Market Your Nonprofit on a Shoe-String Budget
william doust

Home - Knowhow Nonprofit - 0 views

    main page for the knowhow network and shared knowledge website.
william doust

YouTube - The UK YouTube Non Profit Programme - 0 views

    Here's another inspiration for my charity chums. This YouTube Channel is for the sector. It covers some of what wie discussed, but these are big figure heads! so they have more clout than little mini-me ;o) Enjoy

International Crisis Aid's 5K Run / Walk for Freedom - 0 views

    The 5K Run/Walk for Freedom benefits International Crisis Aid's Safe Campaign. The Safe Campaign is ICA's global response to help end s*x traffic*ing both in the U.S. and around the world. ICA has been rescuing and rehabilitating victims of s*x traffic*ing ages 4-21 since 2006. ICA currently operates 7 Safe Homes and has rescued 127 girls. 5K Run/Walk for Freedom Saturday, September 11, 2010 Washington University in St. Louis Registration: $30 (for adults and children) Check-in will begin at 8:00am, the Run/Walk will begin at 9:00am Registration will be accepted by mail and online:
william doust

The Chronicle of Philanthropy: Live Discussions - 0 views

  • Using Video to Spread Your Nonprofit Group's Message and Mission
    Hi you three, this is a little article with related info about the power of video for tsory telling, spreading, message and vision! - you lovely 3 chums can work together and make miracles - enjoy ;o)
william doust

26 Charities and Non-Profits That Tweet - 0 views

    • william doust
      why not share your socialmedia passion with other charities in our little charity group on diigo? - check us out ;o)
william doust

Marketplace | Resources - 0 views

    charity recession strategies from the US...
william doust

Gift Aid Help - Gift Aid Mentoring Forum - 0 views

    don't give the tax from your hard earned donations to the tax man! - learn how to keep it with gift aid. This site gives you all the info and blurb. In every £ 1.00 you can get an additional £0.25.
william doust

Supporting Charities and Third Sector Organisations Through The Recession - 0 views

    quango website supporting charities during recession
william doust

Free PR guide for small charities - Third Sector - 0 views

  • Free PR guide for small charities
    Free PDF guide from Abbey - PR Guide. highlighted by ThirdSector Magazine! - get your free email news alerts!
william doust

Welcome to Charity Chums - Share this space with colleagues who could benefit - 1 views

A quick welcome to everyone and a Thanks for joining us. Please introduce yourselves, and leave any topics or comments. Let's grow a vibrant and sharing community. All the best Will

charity nonprofit philanthropy development network funding web

started by william doust on 12 Mar 09 no follow-up yet
william doust

Stanford Social Innovation Review : Articles : Reel Impact (April 1, 2003) - 0 views

    EB this is a job for us and Bunny
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