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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

People who need people. | More or Less Bunk - 0 views

  • Anyway, where does this leave us? Does it mean MOOCs are dead? Not really. It just means they aren’t the massive world revolution none of us thought they were anyway. And it also suggests that universities, far from being swept away by MOOCs, are in fact the home of MOOCs. You see, MOOCs make sense as an adjunct to university business, they don’t really make sense as a stand alone offering.
  • It’s also worth noting the incredible irony here. MOOCs were supposed to be the device that would bring higher education to the masses. However, the masses at San Jose State don’t appear to be ready for the commodified, impersonal higher education that MOOCs offer without the guidance that living, breathing professors provide to people negotiating its rocky shores for the first time. People need people.
    Love this cogent blog post by Jonathan Rees on why MOOCs are failing --because people need the social supports of learning online or in the classroom. published November 15, 2013.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Sebastian Thrun and Udacity: Distance learning is unsuccessful for most students. - 0 views

  • The problem, of course, is that those students represent the precise group MOOCs are meant to serve. “MOOCs were supposed to be the device that would bring higher education to the masses,” Jonathan Rees noted. “However, the masses at San Jose State don’t appear to be ready for the commodified, impersonal higher education that MOOCs offer.” Thrun’s cavalier disregard for the SJSU students reveals his true vision of the target audience for MOOCs: students from the posh suburbs, with 10 tablets apiece and no challenges whatsoever—that is, the exact people who already have access to expensive higher education. It is more than galling that Thrun blames students for the failure of a medium that was invented to serve them, instead of blaming the medium that, in the storied history of the “correspondence” course (“TV/VCR repair”!), has never worked. For him, MOOCs don’t fail to educate the less privileged because the massive online model is itself a poor tool. No, apparently students fail MOOCs because those students have the gall to be poor, so let’s give up on them and move on to the corporate world, where we don’t have to be accountable to the hoi polloi anymore, or even have to look at them, because gross.
  • SG_Debug && SG_Debug.pagedebug && window.console && console.log && console.log('[' + (new Date()-SG_Debug.initialTime)/1000 + ']' + ' Bottom of header.jsp'); SlateEducationGetting schooled.Nov. 19 2013 11:43 AM The King of MOOCs Abdicates the Throne 7.3k 1.2k 101 Sebastian Thrun and Udacity’s “pivot” toward corporate training. By Rebecca Schuman &nbsp; Sebastian Thrun speaks during the Digital Life Design conference on Jan. 23, 2012, in Munich. Photo by Johannes Simon/Getty Images requirejs(["jquery"], function($) { if ($(window).width() < 640) { $(".slate_image figure").width("100%"); } }); Sebastian Thrun, godfather of the massive open online course, has quietly spread a plastic tarp on the floor, nudged his most famous educational invention into the center, and is about to pull the trigger. Thrun—former Stanford superprofessor, Silicon Valley demigod, and now CEO of online-course purveyor Udacity—just admitted to Fast Company’s openly smitten Max Chafkin that his company’s courses are often a “lousy product.” Rebecca Schuman Rebecca Schuman is an education columnist for Slate. Follow This is quite a “pivot” from the Sebastian Thrun, who less than two years ago crowed to Wired that the unstemmable tide of free online education would leave a mere 10 purveyors of higher learning in its wake, one of which would be Udacity. However, on the heels of the embarrassing failure of a loudly hyped partnership with San Jose State University, the “lousiness” of the product seems to have become apparent. The failures of massive online education come as no shock to those of us who actually educate students by being in the same room wit
  • nd why the answer is not the MOOC, but the tiny, for-credit, in-person seminar that has neither a sexy acronym nor a potential for huge corporate partnerships.
    Slate article by Rebecca Schuman, November 19, on why MOOCs a la Udacity do not work except maybe for people who are already privileged, enjoy fast access to the Internet, have good study habits and time management skills, and time to craft their schedules to fit in MOOCs among other assets/strengths.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A structure for scaffolded social learning: bubbles and gateways | Julian Stodd's Learn... - 0 views

    Just saw this blog post by Julian Stodd, March 21, 2013, scaffolding social learning. He refers to the bubbles as the discussions or conversations that take place in response to the formal learning/presentation. Like his graphic of the scaffolding with bubbles.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Best reads from November 2013 « Learning in the Social Workplace - 0 views

    Jane Hart's best 12 reads from November 2013.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Great Stratification - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    Blog post by Jeffrey J. Williams, Chronicle Review, December 2, 2013 This post on stratification of the teaching role in HE reminds me of our conversations from 1-2 years ago. Imagine a diorama in an American Museum of Occupations showing the evolution of the professor. The exhibit starts in the early 1800s with an austere, black-suited man in a minister's collar, perhaps looking over the shoulder of a student at a rustic desk, with a Greek text open in front of him. In the next scene, from around 1900, he morphs into a pince-nez-wearing gentleman in starched collar and cravat, at a podium delivering a lecture. The professor of 1950 adopts the rumpled bearing of a tweed jacket, pointing with his pipe to a poem or a physics equation on a chalkboard. In the next frame, circa 1990, she wears jeans and is sitting in front of a computer screen. How would the diorama represent the professor of 2020? Some observers predict that she won't exist: In the memorable phrase of Frank Donoghue, a professor of English at Ohio State University, we are living in the age of "the last professors." Less apocalyptic commentators say the professor has experienced "deprofessionalization." Both views try to capture the squeeze on professorial jobs, but they misrecognize fundamental aspects of the changes that have occurred. Rather than extinction, we have seen the steady expansion of academic labor over the past century, and rather than "deskilling," we are undergoing more rather than less professionalization. What has been going on is what sociologists call "differentiation" and "stratification." We are in the era of the Great Stratification. We have tended to see the professor as a single figure, but he is now a multiple being, of many types, tasks, and positions. Given that there are more than 1.4 million college faculty members in the United States, it is clear that they are not disappearing. But the all-purpose professor has faded. We have tended to see the professor as a s
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Hey Educators, Shut Up About MOOCs Already! | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

    Funny and accurate blog post about MOOC oversell and overfailure of same to HE. By Dave LLorens in Fast Company. Excerpt: ..."MOOCs certainly have a point that online education will not boldly improve live learning unless it includes genuine, specific, individual interaction between students and teachers (run on sentence). That's simply a fact and something to keep in mind as online educations evolves, but it is not by any means a reason why online education "doesn't work." Yet we seem to remain focused on shiny polarizing topics of online versus offline education. MOOCs work, they don't work, etc. It sounds like what they tell you to say as extras on a set when they want a "murmur," Watermelon, cantaloupe. Watermelon cantaloupe. Rhubarb Constantinople. SUMMARY: Even today, MOOCs are the main focus of anyone in any kind of online education capacity, and MOOCs are polarizing in a way that is hurtful to the discussion. MOOCs are also (at least today), only the repackaging of and a new delivery mechanism for traditional education. Being disappointed that MOOCs haven't changed the world yet is like switching over from cassette tapes to CDs and then being disappointed when the CDs don't contain untold and unimagined wisdom. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb - Education & Human Resources (EHR) Discoveries - One Click Away: Online Course... - 0 views

    Article on Autar Kaw, mechanical engineering professor at USF in Tampa. He won the professor of the year award from Carnegie Foundation in 2012. "As a pioneer in open courseware resources, Kaw is mindful of the impact that massive open online courses (MOOCs)--those in which students participate through the Internet--will have on learning and higher education. According to Kaw, the most effective MOOCs will include thoughtful interaction between students and their instructor. If MOOCs fail to include this component, "we will start losing a lot of students. Many students will get lost in the material and that will be a travesty, especially for students from low-income families." "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Fostering Open Learning Grounded in Co-Creation, Peer-to-Peer Support | DML Hub - 1 views

    interesting interview with Philipp Schmidt, now at MIT, on co-creating, peer to peer support. Schmidt founded P2PUniversity.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

In Pursuit of In(ter)dependent Learning: Kio Stark | DMLcentral - 0 views

    Interview of Kio Stark by Howard Rheingold on interdependent learning, April 2013. See video (15 minutes). Kio Stark wrote a handbook on how to do in(ter)dependent learning--"Don't Go Back to School" From post: "But one important change has erupted in recent decades, enabled by the advent of digital media and networks, that alters the traditional power equation between holders and seekers of knowledge: schools no longer hold the monopoly on learning. When I want to learn how to do something, I can find a video, an Instructable, a blog post, a peer-learning platform. Schooling is still essential for many - perhaps for most - but for independent learners, tools we didn't dream of a generation ago are available through the nearest web-connected device." Excerpt: In our brief video interview, I talked with Stark about what she learned from independent (more properly, we should probably call them "interdependent") learners like "Cory Doctorow about learning to be a working writer, Dan Sinker about learning to code, Quinn Norton about learning neurology and psychology." I suspect that Anya Kamenetz, Kio Stark, and the Peeragogy Project are forerunners of an entire nascent genre about how to learn anything outside of formal schooling.""
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A Surge in Growth for a New Kind of Online Course - - 0 views

    article by Alan Finder in NYT, September 2013--reprinted in Tampa Bay Times October 21, 2013 Excerpt: "they share several main elements. Courses are available to anyone with access to the Internet. They are free, and students receive a certificate of completion at the end. With rare exceptions, you cannot earn college credit for taking one of these courses, at least for now. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Logistics (part 1) - Krypton Community College - 0 views

    Godin has started Krypton learning groups for f2f gatherings. Interesting development. Looks like learning bubbles to me.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Privacy ~ CCK11 - 0 views

    Interesting explanation of how the CCK MOOC would be evaluated for research purposes and used to inform and redesign future courses.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Design Thinking, postscript: the importance of the teacher | Granted, and... - 0 views

    Very interesting process map on how to argue with research results, Grant Wiggins' blog
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

A Catholic Case Against MOOCs - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    Interesting POV about how lack of bridging assistance in MOOCs may fall unduly heavily on learners who are not able to integrate ideas with their life experience. Quote: "Daphne Koller, promotes the "personalized" learning that a MOOC can offer. Coursera can track how each learner uses the course material and how his or her quiz performance correlates with given in-course behaviors. With that information, Coursera can guide students toward the activities that will best help them to learn: additional video lectures or a specific discussion-forum thread. I cannot customize each student's education as precisely as Coursera claims it can. But I can personalize it, in the sense that I can help students connect what they learn in my class to who they are as people-their biographies, aspirations, shortcomings. MOOC creators assume that learners' intellects are detachable from their broader life circumstances. You take the MOOC, but you're on your own in figuring out how your learning fits into the rest of your life-or how it might require changing your life. That's fine if you just need to know about analog circuits to work on a specific project. But people come to universities at all ages, with unsettled identities and life plans, or with plans that education itself will unsettle."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Every Second on the Internet - 0 views

    Jane Hart referenced this presentation in one of her posts this summer. It shows what is published in the course of one second on the Internet. What bearing does this have on learners' skills?
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

using-emergence.pdf - 0 views

    Amazing paper by the Berkana Institute on how networks serve as incubators for CoPs, leaders, new ideas and ways of doing to emerge. It makes me think about leadership training programs vs. networks/forums for growing leadership in the collective. This aspect of emergence has profound implications for social entrepreneurs. Instead of developing them individually as leaders and skillful practitioners, we would do better to connect them to like-minded others and create the conditions for emergence. The skills and capacities needed by them will be found in the system that emerges, not in better training programs.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

P2PU | Designing Collaborative Workshops - 0 views

    Very interesting course offered at P2PU on designing collaborative workshops. Looks like this one is three weeks long with 3 synchronous sessions in Google Hangout. Under the About tab: Seems like learning bubbles? "Increasingly informal and temporary learning spaces are being set up in many spheres. These include technology and open education conferences, counter-summits, BarCamps, hackathons and many other events."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Master's Degree Is New Frontier of Study Online - - 0 views

    Master's degree using MOOCs at Georgia Tech in computer science--interesting comments in the discussion
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

From learning gatekeeper to learning concierge | Learning Concierge Society - 0 views

    Very very interesting--a year ago we talked about a learning concierge service in the studio. And look at Jane Hart's post published in July 2013 about how we need to provide such a service for people to take charge of their learning. She mentions towards the end of her post that this could be an outsourced function and then shares how she does it. Look at the link to her page describing the service here-- She is offering a workshop, too, and one may join her free learning concierge practice group now. Will also share with Change MOOC for Brenda to see.
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