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Michelle Krill

Digital Literacy Tour - 4 views

    "At Google, we support the education of families on how to stay safe online. That's why we've teamed up with online safety organization iKeepSafe to develop curriculum that educators can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible online citizen. The curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. On this site you'll find a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation. "
Darcy Goshorn

NAACE Primary: Classroom Activities - 4 views

    Interactive manipulatives for students to integrate ICT topics
Michelle Krill

New - Technology literacy whitepaper « Generation YES Blog - 3 views

    "This whitepaper takes a comprehensive look at the research, policies, and practices of technology literacy in K-12 settings in the United States. It builds a research-based case for the central importance of "doing" as part of technology literacy, meaning more than just being able to answer canned questions on a test. It also explores the current approaches to develop meaningful assessment of student technology literacy at a national, state, and local level."
Michelle Krill

Beyond Web 2.0 Hype - 0 views

    Nice slide deck and useful questions.
    The past few years have seen an explosion of disruptive technologies that challenge the way we think, the way we operate, and the status quo of educational practice. Understandably, critical questions have emerged regarding the use of these technologies in education. Do they actually lead to new literacies, or do they simply provide a new context for the development of skills educators have always valued? What impact are they really having on students and schools? How can organizations implement, evaluate, and sustain these technologies in the service of learning?
Darcy Goshorn

Microsoft Digital Literacy Curriculum - 9 views

    The goal of Digital Literacy is to teach and assess the basic concepts and skills needed to use a computer. Computer technology can help you in your everyday life to develop new social and economic opportunities for yourself, your family and your community. Whether you are entirely new to computing or have some experience, this curriculum will help you understand computers better. From using the Internet, to sending e-mail, to creating a CV, the Digital Literacy Curriculum helps you develop the essential skills you need to begin computing with confidence.
Donald Burkins

Connect Safely |Online Safety 3.0: Empowering and Protecting Youth | Commentaries - Staff - 4 views

    It's time for Online Safety 3.0. Why 3.0 and why now? The online-safety messages most Americans are getting are still pretty much one-size-fits-all and focused largely on adult-to-child crime, rather than on what the growing bodies of both Net-safety and social-media research have found. Online Safety 2.0 began to develop messaging around the peer-to-peer part of online safety, mostly harassment and cyberbullying and, increasingly, sexting by cellphones, but it still focuses on technology not behavior as the primary risk and characterizes youth almost without exception as potential victims. Version 2.0 fails to recognize youth agency: young people as participants, stakeholders, and leaders in an increasingly participatory environment online and offline. To be relevant to young people, its intended beneficiaries, Net safety needs to respect youth agency, embrace the technologies they love, use social media in the instruction process, and address the positive reasons for safe use of social technology. It's not safety from bad outcomes but safety for positive ones. ... Safety is essential but only part of what we want for the people who are going to run this world! Online Safety 3.0 enables youth enrichment and empowerment. Its main components - new media literacy and digital citizenship - are both protective and enabling. Ideally from the moment they first use computers and cellphones, children are learning how to function mindfully, safely and effectively as individuals and community members, as consumers, producers, and stakeholders.
    Online Safety 3.0 - safety and good citizenship while using the internet and participating in social networking. A "watershed" moment, says Bonnie Bracey Sutton (at
Darcy Goshorn

NetSmartz - 2 views

    Our Mission NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement. With resources such as videos, games, activity cards, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates. Our Goals     Educate children on how to recognize potential Internet risks     Engage children and adults in a two-way conversation about on- and offline risks     Empower children to help prevent themselves from being exploited and to report victimization to a trusted adult
Darcy Goshorn

Digital Citizenship Education - 2 views

    The Digital Citizenship and Creative Content program was developed to create awareness of intellectual property rights and foster a better understanding of the rights connected with creative content.Four units comprise the curriculum resources. Each unit consists of standalone yet complementary lesson plans that play off a creative rights scenario presented through a case study.
Darcy Goshorn

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum and Textbooks - 2 views

    Common Sense Media offers this FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum to help educators empower their students and their school communities to be safe, responsible, and savvy as they navigate this fast-paced digital world. NO COST to your school. It's all free thanks to generous support from our philanthropic supporters. Research-based learning.
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