Adding a MOOC layer to a learning program or platform isn’t particularly original these days, as Blackboard and seemingly every player in this space scrambled to become MOOC-capable at about the same time as Instructure
25 Tips to Social Media Success | Joerg Weishaupt - 0 views
Social media is win-win.
Everything you say can be used against you, especially if you offend someone. Be on your best behavior and interact from a professional position, not a personal one.
Interact and maintain dialogue. If someone messages you, reply – take part in open discussions. Take the time to show appreciate for all manner of feedback, whether it is positive or negative.
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Google Sites - Mobile Templates - 4 views
How Not to Steal People's Content on the Web - 0 views
How to Cite Content in Social Media When you're sharing someone else's content in social media, the approach you take to give proper credit changes depending on the social network.
To Cite Someone's Content on Twitter: Simply include a "via @username" somewhere in the tweet. If you're retweeting someone's content but you edit their original tweet, be sure to change "RT" to "MT," which stands for "modified tweet."
To Cite Someone's Content on Facebook: Facebook makes it pretty easy to give credit when you're sharing someone else's content right from their own timeline -- they have a 'Share' button ready and waiting for you! If you're citing content from elsewhere on the web, but want to give attribution to another person or company -- like we did to Marketing Land below for breaking a news story -- you can find that person/company on Facebook and link to their Facebook Timeline in the status update.
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A Teacher's Guide to Twitter | Once a Teacher…. - 0 views
You’ll hear people talking about the Twitter “stream”. This is derived from a beautiful metaphor in which the tweets people send out can be considered drops of water in a stream. You’re standing on the bank, enjoying the stream as it passes, but you can’t worry about enjoyoing every drop of water that’s there.
If you start a tweet with @(username), this will automatically land in that person’s “@replies” folder. You’ll notice that if you reply to something someone said, your message will automatically start with this “address”.
If you want to share what someone else tweeted, it is only polite to give them credit by including “RT @(username)” somewhere in your message.
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