Peer Instruction Network is a community for current and potential users of Peer Instruction, an interactive teaching method developed by Eric Mazur at Harvard University.
In the on-going quest for improved learning in large-class settings, an active-learning approach for an introductory physics course yielded mixed results, according to a new report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modified Peer Instruction in Large Introductory Physics Classes examined the use of collaborative, multiple-choice format question (MCFQ)-writing activities for students as a supplement to standard peer instruction methods.
In general, research has found student evaluations of teaching to be a valid and reliable means to evaluate instruction. However, it is necessarily true that student evaluations reflect the students' perceptions and points-of-view. Therefore, it is important to view course evaluations as just one measure of teaching effectiveness-a set of data that can be used alongside peer evaluation of teaching, instructor self-evaluation, and other measures.
For teams to be successful, the teamwork environment must be managed. The Team-Maker forms teams according to user-specified criteria. The Comprehensive Assessment for Team-Member Effectiveness (CATME) gathers peer evaluation data and self evaluations to assess how effectively each team member contributes to the team and gives feedback to team members and to the person administering the teams.
At the height of Plumb's career through the 1960s and early 1970s, the word "mentor" was used only occasionally in academe or the corporate world.
The era of the mentor began in earnest only in the mid-1970s. The Yale psychologist Daniel J. Levinson, best known for his studies of middle age, had a precise definition quoted in The Christian Science Monitor on February 14, 1977: a person 8 to 15 years older than the "mentee," a "peer or older brother" rather than a "distant father." Levinson continued: "He takes the younger man under his wing, ... imparts his wisdom, cares, sponsors, criticizes, and bestows his blessing."
Corporate mentoring took center stage in 1978 and 1979 with two articles in the Harvard Business Review. The title of the first, an interview with a group of senior executives from the Jewel Companies, echoes to this day: "Everyone Who Makes It Has a Mentor."
Harriet Zuckerman's 1977 book on the scientific elite and American Nobel laureates had shown how crucial the system of graduate supervision had been; more than half of America's Nobel laureates by the year 1972 had been students, postdoctoral fellows, or junior collaborators with older laureates, and many others had worked with major nonlaureates.
For all my gratitude for such support, I remain skeptical about the mentor-protégé bond and see the "Much Ado about Mentors," to quote the title of Roche's late 1970s Harvard Business Review article, as the start of a disturbing trend.
Yet the search for a mentor, for a safe initiation into academic or corporate mysteries, can overshadow the entrepreneurial spirit. Roche himself pointed out that mentored executives "do not consider having a mentor an important ingredient in their own success." They credited their aptitudes, hard work, and even luck ahead of mentoring.
The current trend toward overvaluing mentors is understandable but mistaken.