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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Terry Elliott


Tweedy Impertinence - 1 views

  • Even if, today, all they want to grow into is someone whose Moodle gradebook works right.)
    • Terry Elliott
      I propose that the words "even if" be a catch phrase every time we enter into a service act.  
  • I wonder how we set expectations for this kind of service. I suspect one answer is that we change from talking about tools we support, to talking about tasks we support within tools.
    • Terry Elliott
      This is so wise.  Move from nouns to verbs. Valorize the act of serving--the tools will get their due as a matter of course.
  • I think there will also be a new kind of community growing up. My neighbor once told me that he couldn’t fix my riding mower’s starter, but he could show me how to hotwire it with a screwdriver. I think some part of our job will get more “neighborly” like that.
    • Terry Elliott
      In a vibrant community we all have important roles.  Most of us, however, won't get into the history books.  The privileging of the big man or woman in history is one of the most profound blindspots we have in American culture.  We just gotta start casting our eyes around to work with those at arm's length, virtually or actually.  
    • Terry Elliott
      In a vibrant community we all have important roles.  Most of us, however, won't get into the history books.  The privileging of the big man or woman in history is one of the most profound blindspots we have in American culture.  We just gotta start casting our eyes around to work with those at arm's length, virtually or actually.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • You’ve got a friend in me
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
  • “Today my jurisdiction ends here.”
    • Terry Elliott
      Oh the indignity, yet...
  • A world of “reclaimed” pedagogy is necessarily going to involve more interactions like this.
    • Terry Elliott
      This might just have the capacity for levelling that I am looking for in the classroom.  We all are learners and while we may also be a box on the office hiearchy we are also nodes in the wirearchy.
    • Terry Elliott
      This might just have the capacity for levelling that I am looking for in the classroom.  We all are learners and while we may also be a box on the office hiearchy we are also nodes in the wirearchy.

Impedagogy - 1 views

  • A road not taken
    • Terry Elliott

2009-dornyei-mm.pdf - 0 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 01 Feb 15 - No Cached

Quiet Is Not Always Silent - - 2 views

  • (Ack how do you embed?)
    • Terry Elliott
  • Just use the share link, not the embed.
    • Terry Elliott
  • Ack how do you embed?)
    • Terry Elliott

tsheko: Waiting for Freire A play ... - Notegraphy - 0 views


The Shape of a Story | The Learning Coach Today - 1 views

  • ‘inciting incident’
    • Terry Elliott
      I wonder if this is what I call the complication.  His is a more verb-y than mine.  Mine is like the chemical term catalyst.  Drop it in and stuff happens. His is more like a fire heating the pot to a boil.
  • But description is not narration.
    • Terry Elliott
      Not sure I get the distinction.  
  • Then again, I’m not a published author, so following me might lead to misfortune.
    • Terry Elliott
      Well, you published this.  Good on ya and thanks.

How I Read Slow or The Lessons of Participatory Epistemology | TRU Writer - 0 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
  • recursively
    • Terry Elliott
      Recursion like sourdough or yogurt, recursion as depth.

Hiding Emotion behind NumbersReflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 0 views

  • animated gif in a zeega Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Here is the link:
  • but our real need is to feel loved ok, that’s a bit extreme, but you know
    • Terry Elliott
      No, this is not extreme at all. Love has so many forms and all are worthy.
    • Terry Elliott
      "People read about love as one thing"  But it is many things, deep and wide, too.
  • they noticed that my whole article was really about that
    • Terry Elliott
      I have just the book for you: Sentipensante Pedagogy: Sentipensante Pedagogy and Contemplative Practice from Center for Contemplative Mind on Vimeo.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • love could shine through
    • Terry Elliott
      Revealed truth, kind of like discovered check in chess.
  • qualitative vs quantitative research
    • Terry Elliott
      It's all a matter of perspective, yes?

Snow Day, Jazz Play, Loki's Way | RhetCompNow - 0 views

  • Kevin
    • Terry Elliott
      Dogtrax as the Dude.
  • by me:
    • Terry Elliott
      Tellio as Walter Sobchak
  • was a snow day
    • Terry Elliott
      What's a little snow.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Unfettered time
    • Terry Elliott
  • Loki pops up
    • Terry Elliott
      Release the Kraken!
  • not forbidden is allowed
    • Terry Elliott
  • a jazz story
    • Terry Elliott
  • call and response
    • Terry Elliott
      Call and response: 
    • Terry Elliott
      classic call and response;
  • improv riff
    • Terry Elliott
  • a gift from the gods because they love to see us play
  • Just don’t put yer eye out, kid.
    • Terry Elliott
  • James Carse
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott

      Audio recording >>

The Question of Education: Context, Scale, Binaries & GeneralizationsReflecting Allowed... - 0 views

  • lot of good learning occurs outside formal schooling.
    • Terry Elliott
      Charles Jennings/Harold Jarche/Jay Cross--all great stuff.
  • Dave that the edu systems of today are made from historical remnants that no longer apply for what our edu goals for today should be
    • Terry Elliott
      So much of how I analyze mod. ed problems is informed by the idea the future is not only already here (federatedwiki for example) but a moving target that is always unevenly distributed.  To me much of the prob with education is its uneven distribution.
  • Why can’t we just have more teachers who care to have students care about learning and who care to foster agency?
    • Terry Elliott
      Exactly,  thinking in complexity terms, we need to change the simplest set of initial conditions for learning.  That will reform any system.  We still can't predict where those conditions will emerge,but we sure know where the conditions are leading our students now.  

Don't Abandon the World | Attention Must Be Paid | RhetCompNow - 1 views

  • Attention Must Be Paid
    • Terry Elliott
      Reference here to Death of A Salesman and his fears of abandonment.  

Teaching Beyond Tropes - 0 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 11 Jan 15 - No Cached

How To Pay Attention - re:form - Medium - 1 views

  • started to take on the feel of something between a set of New Year’s resolutions, and a manifesto.
    • Terry Elliott
      See this as a way to be systematic and overt about observation so that we become more mindful and more actively less mindless.
  • Spot something new every day
  • Change Perspective
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Reframe the familiar
  • Walk with an expert
  • Talk to a stranger
  • Let a stranger lead you
  • Take a day-long walk through an unfamiliar part of town
  • Poeticize the irritating
  • Look slowly
  • Look really, really slowly
  • Look repeatedly
  • Repeat your viewpoint
  • Just Listen
  • Soundmap
  • Follow the quiet
  • Look at anything besides your phone
  • Misuse a Tech Tool
  • Care for something

Drop Beats with Patatap - Today Box - 0 views

shared by Terry Elliott on 10 Jan 15 - No Cached

New Clues - 0 views

  • Once were we young in the Garden...
    • Terry Elliott
      Is the internet really a new thing?  isn't it just another iteration of the human need to connect? Isn't it just laying down a new network over the old, but the old tunnels are still there (actually in Paris with pneumatic tubes).

Reflecting on Papert, Palmer and FreireReflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 1 views

  • There’s Papert’s Mindstorms, Freire’s Pedagogy of Hope, and Palmer’s The Courage to Teach.
    • Terry Elliott
      These three book along withDeschooling Society, any John Holt book, Whitehead's The Aims of Education, and Fukuoka's One Straw Revolution (an outlier here I admit) were my guides on the road to unschooling all three of our kids.  Oh yeah, and Neil Postman and the Whole Earth Catalog,
  • distances students from their inner reality
    • Terry Elliott
      as if we don't do this enough already in our own lives as a really bad coping mechanism.
  • devaluing inner reality
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • opportunities of engaging with students’ souls
    • Terry Elliott
      Sometimes it seems like an active avoidance of students' souls.
  • with Freire’s ideas
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, reading as a social activity--have you read any Frank Smith
  • creating space for learners to make meaning from what matters to them, rather than having teachers or policy-makers make those decisions for them.
    • Terry Elliott
      I have been experimenting with the word 'substrate' as the bare minimum structure upon which a bare minimum of content (there can be many growing media).  I am thinking just enough, vetted for bias as much as possible, and willing to be remixed as needed.  
  • how fiction can be a person’s (inner) reality, that it’s not a lie to a child.
    • Terry Elliott
      Our kids used to have a big box of legos, blocks, plastic creatures AND they called them their 'guys'.  And they would go play guys.  And we were not allowed to play guys with them. It was their domain.  We could play in other domains, we could read aloud to them, but their guys were their guys, not ours.  They owned their own imaginations and still do.  If imagination be fiction, then let us have more of it.
  • Which brings me back to Palmer
    • Terry Elliott
  • Landfillharmonic video
    • Terry Elliott
  • And his idea is to leave them to build on their own and figure out what the role of teachers/schools would then be, if it is not to impart knowledge/content.
    • Terry Elliott
      Dignity.  They own their own knowledge, deeply.

Personalised learning lets children study at their own pace - tech - 02 January 2015 - ... - 0 views

  • "A world-class education in the palm of your hand."
    • Terry Elliott
      Classic mistake of overgeneralizing--not everybody learns this way.

Teaching Beyond Tropes - 1 views

  • Time.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      time is so relative...if you're a freaking time lord!
  • it's been a long.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      I was born by the river In a little tent And just like the river I've been running ever since It's been a long, long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh, yes it will It's been too hard living But I'm afraid to die I don't know what's up there beyond the sky It's been a long, long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh yes it will Then I go to my brother I say brother help me please But he winds up knocking me Back down on my knees There's been times that I thought I couldn't last for long But now I think I'm able to carry on It's been a long, long time coming But I know a change is gonna come Oh, yes it will Sam Cooke - It's Been A Long Time Coming Lyrics | 
  • That's all relative
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Passing through your personal event horizon.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • maintain
    • Terry Elliott
      maintain, v. (meɪnˈteɪn, mənˈteɪn)  L. phrase manū tenēre, lit. 'to hold in one's hand' (manū abl. of manus hand; tenēre to hold). 
    • Terry Elliott
  • after which I got lost in VA someplace as my phone died and darkness fell and the Famous Virginia Traffic Overtook).
    • Terry Elliott
  • The pain levels in my body have not.
  • Today was a good day. And...tomorrow will be another good one.
  • Today was a good day. And...tomorrow will be another good one.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
  • I have been yearning to connect
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  • So. Connections.  
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Scroll down in this annotation.
  • Capture Moments
    • Terry Elliott
      Me, too.  Here is a post on Medium on how to pay attention:  Remember the word maintain comes from the French: main+tenir=to hold in one's hand.
  • the times when less pain has reared its head.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      and short moments of...?  Not pain.  Joy.  Chronic Pain is so hard.  You need to visit a friend of mine and her blog:
    • Terry Elliott
      And here is a zeega I made back then in response to one of her posts. One of my bests I think.  Hope you get something from it.
  • pileated woodpecker
    • Terry Elliott
      'round here they are called 'peckerwoods' with some other connotations when used to describe a particularly bullying backwoods igmo (ignorant moron).
  • chess board and challenging him to a few games as we both learn to play chess.
    • Terry Elliott
      So kind.   Why is  chess such an affinity drug? Because We  war together  against the  game.
  • (You wanna?)
    • Terry Elliott
      I lost your invite to play. Please send it again.  
  • meditation-doodling
    • Terry Elliott
  • Zentangle
    • Terry Elliott
  • I need a cMOOC.
    • Terry Elliott

No Hiding Your Talents and No Bad Dogs: Happy New Year | Impedagogy - 1 views

    feel free to help annotation this piece about annotation
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