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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Terry Elliott

Terry Elliott

touches of sense...: At heart. - 4 views

  • At heart
    • Terry Elliott
      Be at heart Beat heart Be at heart Beat heart
    • Terry Elliott
      Beatitude Beat attitude Be attitude Be at Blessed are those who be and breathe Together To gather Each  other.
  • heart beating
  • space
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • keeps us breathing
  • together
  • How does together
  • express together
  • as of one
  • embryonically aware of being contained
  • precognitively aware of being connected
Terry Elliott

Hyper-connected learning - using Diigo to share reflections on a post reflecting on ano... - 2 views

    • Terry Elliott
      One powerful quake and this brittle system goes down.  Is the same true of all our digital spaces. Access is already limited enough as it is.
Terry Elliott

Teaching Beyond Tropes: Needle in a Haystack - 4 views

  • The massiveness of a MOOC is not just about numbers, but about depth and intricacy.
    • Terry Elliott
      Massively open Massively cooperative Massively complex Massively connected Massively entangled
    • Terry Elliott
      The expression for me is simple:  skin in the game.  I am absolutely enamored of 'packet kid':
  • influence of God or a god
    • Terry Elliott
      I am thinking of Pan here.  You know...the panpipes.  i have such wonderful associations with this word because of The Wind in the Willows. The very title of Grahame's book is a reference to Pan and the gods of otters and water rats and moles and badgers and toads. I read this book over and over to my children growing up.  I want Chapter Seven to be read aloud to me as I die. It is titled "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" --Pan, the source of all inspiration, speaking to use through the wind in the willows at the gates of dawn.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am inspired here to suggest that your blog like every loved thing or space has a genius loci, a Pan of its own living within like the little island in the middle of the weir in The Wind in the Willows.  Your work is to give it room to breathe out that inspiration, to be another's wind in the willows.  There really are undiscovered connections everywhere.  Holy digital spaces that we believe in because others do and because we do.  Inspiring, breathing in, like the zephyr at dawn. Sweet and wild and impossible to word.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • the fact that something bigger than "us" is at play here
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, in teaching I yearn for these moments where the artifice fades away, the planning drops off, the dross of the past is slagged off and a new presence is born.  We become the pipers at the gates of dawn if only for a few moments and the seeming chaos of improvisation, of taking our lead from the pipedreams in the ayre, becomes impossibly logical, a transcendent logic.  And no wonder we are called 'touched' because we damned well are.  And the world in these times makes abject sense, abject in the sense that wonder and awe always cast off sense.
  • (you get the idea).
    • Terry Elliott
      We get the idea because it is a river that passes through this familiar yet undiscovered country.  We all come to it through teaching for whatever reason. Teaching flips the switch that allows us to see the light that "grows and grows" in Wind in the Willows.
  • Mimi's post was added to the Diigo group so we could all jump in and annotate.
    • Terry Elliott
      Mimi's post is just a little rowboat, a place to put the hamper as we search for Old Otter beloved youngest child along the river banks.  (Please read Chapter Seven of Wind in the Willows here:  Not to put too hyperbolic a point on it--we really are here to rescue children at this point from the leg traps and snares of the world.  Instead we should be taking them to meet the pipers at the gates of dawn.
  • resonated with me - and made me laugh
    • Terry Elliott
      If you love words, you'll love 'resonate'--I think it is directly analogous to the word recursion. Where recursion is tied to vision, resonation is tied to the ear.  It is not an old word at all according to the OED.  it is a science word. Many disciplines use it. To re-sound, to be a re-sounding board, to echo back and forth.  It is like the empathy of mirror neurons.  It is memory and the experience of shared discipline and questions and ranging out into the world.  We are all looking for someone's lost child.  We have all found Pan at the Gates of Dawn.  Hence the resonating chord stretched between us and only felt as it vibrates, akin.
  • an amalgamation
  • an amalgamation
    • Terry Elliott
      I think that we skirt around the issue of how we go beyond an "amalgamation" when we lower our gates and release the bloody-minded wards of routine. We really are Kevin and Mimi and Maha and Alan (well, maybe not Alan ;-) ).  I think they are our fractal selves.  Is that nuts? Is that perhaps lowering the prison walls a bit too much?  None of us is free.  We are all tied to each other.  If one goes down, the rest of us will be pulled down the mountain. Do I really believe that as more than a damned abstraction?  Sometimes.  At the best of times.  All the time? I just gotta keep working that garden.
  • "We may not be too big to fail, but [she] would like to believe that we are too diverse to fail and distributed to fail."
Terry Elliott

Mimi Ito - Weblog: Connected Learning = Abundant Opportunity + Terror + Hard Attentiona... - 7 views

  • Most were reluctant
    • Terry Elliott
      Learned behavior, learned mindsets. Unlearning is the devil's own.
    • Terry Elliott
      Reminded of my first attempts with zeegas--unclear, uncertain
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts
    • Terry Elliott
      Ito's listing here is important.  They are all examples of the social craft of connecting which is a subset of the discipline of teaching and learning.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • co-facilitators
    • Terry Elliott
      One of those filters is the folk and all manner of them, expert and otherwise.  The lived experience of the folk is one of the most profound filters we have.  Books are another.  The idea of ideas is another.  Metaphor and figurative language in general are others.  I think the notion of love is one of the most profound filters there is.
  • ruminating on the implications for Connected Courses
    • Terry Elliott
      This would be a very profound filter to read about. Not what Ito found in her research but how she mucks about it, how her ruminations follow and work.  Her discoveries on how she filters the great steaming compost of her research from start to intial finish. 
  • the most awesome staff
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, how have the staff been involved.  How are they filtering and testing and adjusting and doing?  They are deep in the mill, grinding the wheat, keeping out the chaff.  
  • feeling the pull of the fragments of notes
    • Terry Elliott
      If you are feeling the pull of the notes you should succumb to their siren call and gives us those unpolished notes.  Just let us know that they are just that.  Let us filter them if they really are pulling at you. 
  • social stream that I know I’m missing.
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, you are missing something.  I take solace in the disturbing fact that almost every stream of infor mation you might have received was only so much noise.  It is only when you drink it in that it becomes signal.  Your signal and your meaning. The faith we need is that our system of connections is robust enough to be trusted.  So...the system of connections both digital and actual is what is 'holy'.  It is what we do to honor that web and remake that web that is our greatest task.  Connecting is a social craft.  It is time we started honoring it as such.
  • I’ve so appreciated observing and learning from my more experienced online co-facilitators as they surf the rapids;
    • Terry Elliott
      I have spent the better part of the last two summers internalizing and then externalizing your research into connected learning--the values and principles you have so carefully drawn out of your research.  We are surfing the rapids on the kayak that you and your researchers designed especially facilitators from #clmooc.
  • I don’t even know what to say about @cogdog Alan who apparently can comment on blogs and make a GIF while hosting a live event.
    • Terry Elliott
      I think that praise is due here to Alan,  but I would like to remind you that there is a web of unsung and unheralded and unknown that are yet to be uncovered.  it is our work as facilitators and helpers and participants to tease and ease them onto the dance floor.  God knows they can boogie better than I can if we can just get them onto the floor and teach us how to juke.
  • “legitimate peripheral participants,”
    • Terry Elliott
      Actually I prefer descriptions of what people do when they legitimately and peripherally participating.  The abstractification of digital space I think is the occupational hazard of researchers.  it is my job to shout out that the emperor has no clothes.  What is legitimate and what is peripheral and how is that different from marginal and what constitute participant membership?  No...freaking...clue.  
    • Terry Elliott
      cornucopia/distributed network/cop/ cross-network remix/immersive theater/funnel/community/hybrid/constellation/stances. I am confused. Good.
  • or that the delicate social machinery we’ve stitched together is going to fall apart
    • Terry Elliott
      The only way it will fall apart is if you don't trust the users to pick up the slack in the web.
  • Living at the collision of multiple CoPs, funnels of engagement and streams means that we can all find a way to succeed!
    • Terry Elliott
      Reminds me of a pinball.
Terry Elliott

Unconference & Backchannels as Sidorkin's Third DiscourseReflecting Allowed | Reflectin... - 3 views

  • Sidorkin suggests the latter is the best part of a good party.
    • Terry Elliott
      This reminds me of MIT's unhangout software with breakout rooms.
  • But then the best part of a conference
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, I can remember at every conference there is a canceled presentation where folks gather around and just chat about...stuff--ad hoc and improvisational. We need a simple discussion protocol that is quick in and quick out, save for asynchronous discussion.
Terry Elliott

Howard Rheingold Connected Courses - How is #ccourses going? Where should it go? Let's ... - 6 views

    • Terry Elliott
      I see it as a a rich space where I am responsible for my own learning and knowing.  But I am also responsible for those who are with me.  I worry that I don't get more of a sense of who has skin in the game and who doesn't.  I am trying to use these tools in my own connected courses, I am trying to connect with students here and in those classes.  How do I make connecting as routine as a syllabus AND how do I make it as valued as a syllabus.  I want to know more about how I can navigate the existing sharky waters of hied. How have others used aikido moves to enable connected values and principles in what amount to mostly unconvivial sharing tools.  
  • a better sense of how the course is being perceived and how participants would like to see it go in the future
    • Terry Elliott
      You guys are the greatest.  Really proud to be working with you.
Terry Elliott

Kevin's Meandering Mind | Three Comics for #CCourses - 2 views

    • Terry Elliott
      Reminds me of the Miranda warning,  Love how these are custom made comics with a very specific audience that still strive for a wider one
    • Terry Elliott
      Very powerful point here. thinking also about European Union making  Google acknowledge our right to be forgotten.  One of the reasons why I like duckduckgo as a search engine.
    • Terry Elliott
      Love the reference here to Susan's posts?
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • Terry Elliott
      Is this really Starship CLMOOC?  Is #ccourses too locked down like a course? 
    • Terry Elliott
       Are these really opposed? System A and System B? Reconcileable? Balanceable?
    • Terry Elliott
      Thanks for the Posner reference. It has some real relevance in #ccourses and hied. So practical.
Terry Elliott

The "learner's why" vs the "teacher's why"Reflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 4 views

  • but this post is long enough as it is…
    • Terry Elliott
      Just for the sake of crazy recursion here is the comment I mad about commenting here: I have begun adding group annotations to this blog post.  Here is the group page for those who might want to join our Diigo group and comment along with us: I think annotating this way is superior to commenting.  I suppose it is commenting, but carefully targeted to responding to a specific sentence or as fine-grained as the choice of a word.  Downside? While it is a public group it does call for an investment in learning how to annotate with Diigo.  My experience is that that investment pays back royally. Positive and negative?  It is messy, especially when you get tons of annotstors in the group. I love the annotated link tool that allows you to send a cached link to anyone to view even if they are not a Diigo user: I love how you can scrape all the comments and highlights out and then repurpose them.  It would be so much fun to try a project where each of us would do group annotations, turn them into a blog post and then create a zine or storify or use WP Anthologize to create an epub with all the posts and then commentary at the end. Ok, sorry Maha.  This has become some sort of recursive monster of a comment about comments within a comment. With no real comments about what you wrote in your comments box.  Technically, I think this might be a Klein bottle or s moebius comment.  
  • this topic was Mia Zamora’s “guilt-free” zone piece.
    • Terry Elliott
      I never bought into this guilt free deal.  Shame free, but I think guilt might also be a byproduct of not reciprocating.  It is one's conscience at work.  I feel guilty that my papers are not marking themselves.  I feel guilty that my markings are si imperfect and often futile.  I feel that guilty is like friction: you had better have some if you want navigate a twisty track with others. 
    • Terry Elliott
      Remember that when you unhighlight what someone says, you also dump their comment off the page (although it is still in the Diigo group page).
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the “why” of the #ccourses facilitators (wonderful people as they are) is likely not only different for each one of them
Terry Elliott

The "learner's why" vs the "teacher's why"Reflecting Allowed | Reflecting Allowed - 2 views

  • focusing a whole lot on the teacher’s “why” during #ccourses, and by doing that, we might be losing focus of the learner’s “why”
    • Terry Elliott
      One of the most glaringly wrong assumptions a teacher can make is to think that just because he or she taught it that the students learned it--even with good assessments and feedback.
  • At least, it should.
    • Terry Elliott
      This is the "put the food down where the beasts can get to it" school of learning--free range learning.  But I do think there is and perhaps should be a political agenda in #ccourses, I mean, something's gotta change in hied, right?  Everyone so far seems to be taking a bit out of that bit of pie.
  • video of Mike Wesch
    • Terry Elliott
      Randy Bass does in this video:  at 18:23  His reason why> shared difficulty.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • (this is funny because i LOVE audiobooks and podcasts
    • Terry Elliott
      This is exactly why I use Vialogues:  asychronous, allows serial tasking, allows for quick focus and return.
  • That it seemed quite structured and with lots of instructor-centered stuff…
    • Terry Elliott
      Alan is very aware of this and has bought into the enter/exit anywhere/anytime.
  • People need different degrees of structure
    • Terry Elliott
      This is a very fluid undertaking and requires that learners know when they need one or the other or somewhere in between.  I have had to do a lot of this for my students and I was always ready to do it in #clmooc.  Personally, I need to learn to ask for help/scaffolding. 
Terry Elliott

The Disruption Machine - The New Yorker - 1 views

    A kick in the teeth to the concept of disruption.  Tired idea + bad research +ed echo chamber +crisis capitalism =  corporate higher education.
Terry Elliott

e844reader6.pdf - 1 views

    And another on literacy studies.  thinking Doug Belshaw's work, too.
Terry Elliott

Science of the Invisible: Academic Literacies - 3 views

    Picked up this link from Karen Labonte and am trying to work my way through the 1998 article a few pages at a time.
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