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Claude Almansi

Why CART in Clubs/Religious (Community) - COLLABORATIVE for COMMUNICATION ACCESS via CA... - 0 views

    "CCAC Letter for distribution. If you copy and use this, please credit this website and the CCAC. Below the letter is more information about why captioning is needed in this "category of life." For immediate distribution (March 2011) (...) Due to the importance of this assistive technology, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) recognizes CART as an auxiliary aid that is considered an effective communication access for those who depend on it. Not only is it an effective assistive technology for those with hearing loss, but also, captioning is useful for people who are learning "English as a second language, children learning how to read and visual learners". (...)"
Claude Almansi

Theater Talkback: The Writing's on the Wall - - 0 views

    November 10, 2011, 12:00 pm Theater Talkback: The Writing's on the Wall By BEN BRANTLEY. " ... my greatest exposure to supertitles comes from seeing plays that were performed entirely in languages other than English. One of the privileges of having my job and being in New York City is that so many productions from all over the world visit here. (...) without supertitles I would have missed what was being said altogether in productions that were performed in Russian, Belarussian, German, Japanese, Greek, Arabic and Zulu, among others. Though they serve the same function, supertitles in the theater are different in their effect from subtitles in film. A movie (or television or computer) screen is a self-contained space, and the subtitles generally appear within that frame. Even if I haven't seen a foreign film in a while, I find that when I do, it's only a matter of minutes before I make the adjustment that allows me to feel I'm "listening" directly as I read. Supertitles for plays are usually projected on separate screens, above or to the side of the stage. And if the stage is large, your eyes are forced to leave the live action to read the words. (...) You are forced, in these cases, to make a choice between word and image, which isn't really fair to a work of theater that is ideally a melding of both. (I don't have that problem with opera, partly because a single sentence - like "I love you" - may be stretched out and repeated to cover acres of music.) And of course when certain infelicities of translation occur, you can be jerked abruptly from the internal reality of the play. ..."
    Mentioned by Lauren Storck in a Google group discussion.
Claude Almansi

FAQ about CART (real time captioning) - COLLABORATIVE for COMMUNICATION ACCESS via CAPT... - 0 views

    "CART is an acronym that stands for Communication Access Realtime Translation. It is a speech-to-text interpreting service for anyone who needs communication access. CART benefits people who are late-deafened, hard of hearing, culturally Deaf, who have cochlear implants, and those learning English as a second language. CART is also referred to as realtime captioning. (...) "
Claude Almansi

Things to Know About Broadcast Captioning - COLLABORATIVE for COMMUNICATION ACCESS via ... - 1 views

    "BROADCAST CLOSED CAPTIONING Closed captioning can be extremely helpful in at least three different situations: It has been a great boon to hearing-impaired television viewers. It can also be helpful in noisy environments. For example, a TV in a noisy airport terminal can display closed captioning and still be usable Some people use captions to learn English or learn to read. For one good video on this, see: Closed captioning is embedded in the television signal and becomes visible when you use a special decoder, either as a separate appliance or built into a television set. The decoder lets viewers see captions, usually at the bottom of the screen, that will tell them what is being said or heard on their favorite TV shows. Since 1993, television sets with screens of 13 inches or more that are sold in the United States must have built-in decoders, under the Television Decoder Circuitry Act. Set-top decoders are available, too, for older TV sets. (...)"
CCAC Captioning

Using Topics Only For CCAC CAPS - 8 views

a. Hope it's clear to all that we do not quote anyone's message from the ccac googlegroup to anyone/to anyplace, ever. Even when they are sharing one of their own posts elsewhere in the CCAC membe...

CCAC caps

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