Open or Closed Captioning? | CCAC Blog - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 08 Nov 11"Open captioning is visible to all and cannot be turned off. Closed is when you or someone else must find the control and turns it on, be it for videos online, movies/cinema, theater, other media.. Problems with closed captions (compared to open captioning For all) include the following: a. It's often very difficult to find how to turn on the cc - systems vary so much online. b. Millions do not know it's there at all. c. We have a huge issue of communication access for all across the country (and globally). We suggest continuing education and advocacy for inclusion of much more captioning universally (e.g. on all videos online). d. An argument for closed captioning reminds us of the folks who complain loudly (we are told) in the cinema when captioning is showing - we say, get used to it. Focus on the communication that works for you - speech, text, whatever. e. Use the language you need and prefer; it's nice to have a choice, so many do not have any choice - they have no cc at all for much online. --"
Claude Almansi on 08 Nov 11Re a and b: on YouTube, closed captioning autostarts with the video. In platforms for making closed captions and subtitles - DotSUB, UniversalSubtitles, Overstream - the player very clearly announces the closed captions / subtitles in other languages. Re e.: isn't there even less open captioning online. And from a volunteer captioner's view point, it's way easier to produce closed captioning than open captioning (Claude)