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Claude Almansi


  • Software programs,
    • Claude Almansi
      Use heading style
    • Claude Almansi
      Move MAGpie and Synchrimedia here: they are desktop software programs. Synchrimedia is shareware for 30 days, and after that the license is not cheap.
  • Online:
    • Claude Almansi
      Use heading style
    • Claude Almansi
      Also move here: it is an online captioning tool.
  • to a Vimeo account
    • Claude Almansi
      Not only: Universal Subtitles works with Ogg, WebM, flv, mp4, Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Upload the video, upload the transcript, and start the timing to synchronize. 
    • Claude Almansi
      You cannot upload a video to UnivSubs, you stream it from its published online address when you create a page for it. And while you can upload a transcript if you have one, UnivSubs is mainly a tool to make a time-coded transcript that produces the subtitles.
  • MAGpieSynchrimedia
    • Claude Almansi
      MAGpie and Synchrimedia should go under Software programs: see note there.
    • Claude Almansi
      This should go under "More helpful sites": it is not an online captioning tool
  • More helpful sites to consult for more detailed information:
    • Claude Almansi
      This should be in heading style.
    • Claude Almansi
      This should be a live link and go under online tools
  • full simplified instruction
    • Claude Almansi
      These instructions concern adding a transcript to a YT video to have it timecoded into subtitles by the YT automatic synchronization. They do not concern Google Caption Tube. So there is no reason to add them as a kind of footnote to it. They could be added as a separate entry in the "Online" section.
  • Click "My Videos" from the top right navigation widget.
    • Claude Almansi
      Do you mean the top-right drop-list? With the new interface, it doesn't include "My Videos" anymore, but either "My Channel" or "Video Manager".
  • Ensure it is set to "Private" until you are finished with the following steps.
    • Claude Almansi
      Why? Setting the video as private might upset users who bookmarked it and wonder why they can't see it. The process works perfectly well if the video is set to Public.
  • Click "Captions" or "Captions and Transcripts"
    • Claude Almansi
      It's called "Edit captions/subtitles" (and has been since YT introduced closed captioning)
  • something like "from a document" instead of the "with timing" one.
    • Claude Almansi
      Rather: "Select the "Transcript file (*beta*) option."
  •  Click
    • Claude Almansi
      Before that, add: "Click the link Add New Captions or Transcript"
  • in Word
    • Claude Almansi
      It's Word that adds a lot of rubbish code to transcripts. Better use a simple text editor like Notepad or a decent word processor like OpenOffice Write, save as .txt and then change the extension to .sbv
  • 8 through 12
    • Claude Almansi
      They have been renumbered 1 to 4 here.
  • Basic workflow for captioning video content on
    • Claude Almansi
      Where exactly? I didn't find it there. Exact URL?
  • "grapple
    • Claude Almansi
      There are many other apps, browser based, that work with all computer systems. E.g. Download Helper (Firefox addon), RealPlayer....
    • Claude Almansi
      This is only very incidentally about captioning DVDs: it's mainly about downloading videos from the Web (just OKish copyrightwise for personal use for the time being, won't be if SOPA passes, unless the video copyright is yours), sharing it with a transcription service (NOT OK copyrightwise if the video is not yours) then republishing the video online (again, NOT OK copyrightwise if the video is not yours).
  • They also have another app that copies a DVD's video and / or audio
    • Claude Almansi
      See : a video or audio file ripped from a DVD should not be shared with others (transcribing agency e.g.) and above all not be published online.
  • ***Quick YouTube Transcription to Captioning Instructions
    • Claude Almansi
      Just before that, I'd add a section title: Short tutorials.
  • Send us more information anytime. Join to support the CCAC. Remind your own networks about the CCAC organization and our website. We are all volunteers, and seek more grass roots energies!
    • Claude Almansi
      It would be more logical to have this at the very end of the page.
    "There are several free or low-cost tools, software, and online, to help anyone who wants to caption their videos and make them accessible to millions around the world. (...)"
Claude Almansi

FAQ about CART (real time captioning) - COLLABORATIVE for COMMUNICATION ACCESS via CAPT... - 0 views

    "CART is an acronym that stands for Communication Access Realtime Translation. It is a speech-to-text interpreting service for anyone who needs communication access. CART benefits people who are late-deafened, hard of hearing, culturally Deaf, who have cochlear implants, and those learning English as a second language. CART is also referred to as realtime captioning. (...) "
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